I know big surprise. Let me start by saying I am not anti teacher, anti board, or anti admin. I see all sides of it. And I'm going to rant and rave about all of it.
First the board. I am going to defend them. A petition is going around for a vote of no confidence against the board. why? Because they have said their piece and they are sticking to their guns. NO matter how many times C3 asks for ice cream before bed, I am going to say no and I am not going to relent. So, C3 goes to bed mad at me and hates me. Oh well. I have to do what is right, regardless of how he FEELS about it. Guess what...the dist is broke. NO matter how big a tantrum we throw, it doesn't change the facts. I feel bad for the board members. Especially the ones who said 10 years ago not to give the teacher a new contract that was padded with gold because in the long run we couldn't afford it and not to build new schools because there was no money and we might not win the lottery. Oh wait..I'm going to go out and buy a 100K car because I just bought a lotto ticket. Damn, didn't win. Have to sell the car or something else to make up for it!
Admin...whatever...There are always to many cooks in the kitchen wherever you go. That is why big companies clean house once in a while. To many VP's. So they come through and fire them all and rebuild. Such is life
Teacher...oh I am annoyed at teachers. NOT ALL OF THEM AND I AM NOT ANTI TEACHER, SO BACK OFF!. The real world sucks people. Welcome to it. You have a difficult job. I totally agree to that. Lots of hours, kids who are a pain, parents who are worse. But...this has been the job description for teachers since teaching existed! This IS NOT A SURPRISE!. You have to work long hours, work at home, sometimes on the weekends, work through your lunch hour...sometimes not have time to get up from your desk to use the bathroom. Wait, this sounds just like my husbands job...probably a lot of our husbands jobs, or not to be sexists, our job. ITS CALLED WORK! How bout trying it someday.
oh I bet that last sentence ticked off some people!
Here is why I am mad a teachers. We have a gym teacher making 108K a year. Yes, its teaching, but its GYM! I'm sorry, but honestly, its only GYM! There are no new ways to learn how to hit a volleyball is there? Did you have to get your masters to teach kickball? When they came out with new textbooks, did you have to re do your plans...oh wait, gym doesn't have text books cause its GYM! I know, I am making light of the gym teachers out there, buts its GYM!
Last year, C3 had his math homework graded and sent home once a month. Yes, that's right, once a month! That's one teacher who only worked 5 hours a day!
This year, C2 brought home spelling paper with 100% and EXCELLENT written across the top. She had to write sentences that contained a word that started with the letter A. And guess what, She know hows to spell across and are! We are so proud! C3's spelling words are harder than that. C3 is in 2nd grade and C2 is in 6TH!!! But the kicker is, she got 100% but there were 7 spelling and grammatical errors! Lazy Lazy Lazy teacher!!!!
Hey board members, remember at the meeting that was overflowing and people were yelling at you. You had a presentation up and most of it was right but a few things were wrong. And you were yelled at for it. It was thrown in your face! However, some of our teachers are teaching my child that its ok to get most of it right. What do you think board members...
Pay cuts...hey teachers...life sucks. NO one should have to take a pay cut! Its is horrible. And Ms. Whiny teacher who keeps complaining that she will lose her house if she takes a pay cut...and her students wont be able to stop by and say hi anymore TOUGH SHIT!
Wow...I am angry..Wish my fingers could type as fast as my thoughts are flying...I am angry..Friday, my husband will be unemployed. We have no severance. We have no unemployment pay. We are just dead in the water. My husband would have gladly taken a pay cut!!! So, Ms. Whiny teacher...welcome to life. If you are going to lose your house because of a pay cut, perhaps you overextended yourself in the first place! Turn off your cable! Shut down your cell phone, shop second hand...IN OTHER WORDS, WELCOME TO LIFE!
Whew...that should have made me feel better, ranting that is, but it just made me sad....
Not sure why you think people would be mad...I thought it was a great piece...I do not agree with everything you wrote but I often do not agree with everything I myself write...but it was well written and well thought out...and I respect that...