Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why life is never easy...

Today...clean kitchen in anticipation of two weeks worth of groceries.  Gym bag packed..list written

Walgreens first to pick up new script from doctor.  Window is frozen shut....doh!  so I have to pull forward and open my door like a dorkus. 

No insurance...expensive script...oh well..  pay, go to leave..close door, door wont close.  correction. Door closes, but latch wont latch to keep it closed.  Sigh.

This has happened before.  I used to keep a rope in the car so I could loop it around and hold the rope.  Much easier to drive that way. 

So I head to the mechanics..first turn out of walgreens is a right turn...ouch!  I almost took out a car full of nuns.  Centrifugal force and all. 

Get to mechanic..ask him to work his magic and fix it again.  He sends out jr to do it.  jr says its broken..I go in and ask if jr knows what he's talking about cause he's kinda young. Jr does....sigh....

Ok...Mechanic says he will give me his loaner car.  An eight hundred year old van with bald tires and a so so exhaust system.  I'll take it....

Part costs 70 bucks. ok not so bad...labor will probably me 400...sigh...I was saving to get the wheel bearings replaced on the dumb thing...  At least I got the grocery shopping done.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Watching Tv

As some of you know, we got rid of TV in our house.  Well, let me clarify, we got rid of cable, or dish, or whatever else there is to pay for.

We are no longer a slave to 8 million channels with nothing on, or  worse yet, crap on that the kids were watching.  So, we killed it.  Yes it is very painful when the Bears are playing, but we cope, we go to the G's house or hubby goes and visits his dad in Ass't living and takes the kids and they watch it there. 

Well, in order for us to watch the bears game, my hubby hooked up the equivalent of rabbit ears to our tv.  We now get a couple of channels.  So last night, I wanted to watch the local news to catch the weather.  I am a big weather Fanatic! 

Now I remember why I hate TV and the news, if you can call what they are reporting, news.  19 minutes into the 'news' and they had not reported one bit of news.  Unless you count someone at some high school getting suspended for posting something on FB they shouldn't have.  HOW IS THAT NEWS????  And I am horribly horribly sorry that a child was killed, but why is that news.  Shouldn't news be something more tangible? 

How bout this, rather than reporting on all of the hell going on every day, how about reporting on the good things that happen.  The good things the people do? 

Could one of the problems be the amount and length of news broadcasts?

  1 hour in the evening.  A lot of stations do a noon news hour and 2 hours in the morning.  Back when we had tv, I would watch the news at bed, then watch it again in the morning, and it would be word for word.  I could almost tell you what story was going to be talked about next. 

Perhaps the problem isn't the news itself, but the amount of time devoted to it.  There simply isn't that much news to report on, so the begin reporting on items that are not news.

So after 30 minutes of 'news' I reported to my husband that the Country of Tunisia was in shambles as the people had revolted against their govt and that 'Baby Doc' had returned to Haiti..A possibly scare move.  None of this was reported on the 'news'.

But we do know that a man accused of killing off his wives is being fully supported by his son and that the city is up in arms because a mayoral candidate left one event to go to another.

I guess one persons news is anothers??  not sure?

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today I am cleaning my house

and I thought I would blog about it as I do it.  why...cause it breaks up the monotony of doing it?

My room...bed made, yes I do that every washed, my dresser cleaned off and dusted.  Pictures I dont know what to do with, shoved under the bed.  Vacuumed.  Hubbys dresser consists of one slightly cat eaten remote control tarantula, lost of loose change, oops...change what change.  Important papers that If i move he will die but he will never touch and various shades of crap.  Not touching with a 10 foot pole...oh cept the change.

C2's room.  Only cause its easier than C1,3.  Nice, C2.  I know how difficult it can be to open the closet to put your clothes inthe laundry basket but really!  An entire weeks worth of dirty laundry thrown at the foot of your bed.  Didn't notice it before because the bedroom door was hiding it.  UGH!  Underware hanging from the closed closet door handle!  OMG!  Just gross woman!  And did you know the garbage can is not for stoing stuff, but for garbage,.  So please pick up your crap and put it in the garbage can.  Then when it is full, take it downstairs, the bathroom garbage is not big enough as they are they same size, and dump it in the garbage can in the garage!

Just got C3 out of bed..little late...threw clothes at him and yelled, hurry child hurry!  He wants cereal!  Make my breakfast two eggs scrambled.  Kick C2 out the door, C3's friend comes in the door.  Clean kitchen while waiting for eggs (yes, I'm that fast) .  Kick C3 and Friend out door, wolf down breakfast and read paper, call KLP about article on the front of the paper, cut her off so I can eat my eggs warm (hopefully not offending in the process *hugs*), wash pans, put all dishes in dishwasher,wipe down countertops.

Back upstairs in the bathro.... son of a ....  turned to find cat had emptied C2's garbage can for me and was shredding kleenex.  Pick up and re vacuum. 

Bathroom.  Odd things found..Legos, calculator that has been missing for three years, 4 caps to toothpaste, one tube of toothpaste ?????  pair of shorts not worn since summer, 8 million crushed dixie cups stuffed into drawer.  ( I dont even bother asking...Wish me luck on the tub!)
tub and toilet done.  Hint on toilets if you have hard water calcium build up.  Pumice stone...mine disappeared after I had one of the kids scrub a toilet...hmmm..connection?  Another hit...vacuum the bathroom floor first!
I am not mopping them.  The mop is way downstairs.  Ok.. I lied..I did by the toilet cause boys dont aim and why is there purple gum on the floor...??  and why does my cat love to watch the toilet flush???
Scraping the toothpaste off of the wall, molding and cabinet...why is it there?

C3 just called..have to run gym shoes up to school.  Shoes delivered.  Ok...I'm going to call bathroom done just cause I am tired of being in here.  (did my mom just shudder?) 

The boys room..let me paint  you a mental picture if I may.  Giant fire truck outside the door.  I DONT KNOW WHY?  and pile of socks also outside the door. clue. 
Laundry basket that I asked boys to put away,sitting full on the floor now riffled through rather than folded.  4 nerf guns, two smaller lego bins in middle of floor. 8 million legos on floor.  Empty lego boxes on floor. 
Signal flags from scouts, on floor. Instructions for legos on floor.  Top sheet to C1's bed, on floor. (he's on the top bunk).  Bunny, on floor. more sock and underware than I can count, on floor.  Kitty's house on floor. Pile of Lincoln Logs.  Aldi bag?? webkinz, books, lego fortresses? top to a xmas cookie container.  Head to a pasta maker??  empty box of zip locs, magnetics, broken pencils,unbroken pencils, robe, blankets, and general garbage.  HOLY SHIT!  how do they even live in is now 9:19.  Lets ee how fast I can tackle this..oh and I only do the floor, I never look on the top of I truley dont know if there are fish in the 10 gallon tank.  Why are there beads all over the floor?  what the heck is that too??  Ladies and gentlemen!  The greatest invention know to man!!  THE HANGER .  Found...two night lights...(C3 sleeps with them, for the record)    omg!  I made the mistake of looking in the fishtank!  EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.  I wonder how many legos I have vacuumed in .my time?  They make a great noise when they go into my vacuum.  Sounds like a jet taking off.. course all of those beads dont help.  Had one of those...oh crap what was that, as it went up into the vacuum. . I only rescue money.  and I keep it cause afterall, they are pigs! 

Upstairs DONE!  Started at 740 am and baring a few detours..done with upstairs by 9:41.  Phew..I of the house is easy compared to this!  Oh..linen closet.  The floor is now taller than C3.  Hmm....I think it can wait another day or so? I FEEL THE NEED TO GO SHOPPING!  Oh wait..Istill have stuff from xmas and my bday I haven't put away because I have to get rid and organize stuff do put stuff where stuff belongs.  I really shouldn't bring more stuff in.   but KLP did she she needed to go shopping today....hmmmmmm

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I told myself

new ideas..
I told myself I would not post anything unless it was nice. No more bitching about kids, or kids, or kids, or anything else. 
Notice how QUIET its been around here!


My life is my kids, who drive me crazy.  If you have kid and they are around the same age and you say they dont drive you crazy, BULLSHIT!  (yes mom, I know) 
What pushed me over the edge...what made me write this note when its the middle of the day and there are no kids to drive me crazy..

An extended service warranty company called about the range that I purchased from Sears in 07.  Well, from just that sentence, it does not seem like its a big deal.  But, see, two days ago when they called, I told them I bought a range from sears, returned it and bought one from Home depot the next day. I DONT HAVE A RANGE FROM SEARS.  They argued with me two days ago..(like I dont know where i bought my stupid stove).  Today, I inform the guy that two days ago when I talked to them, he says, interrupting me, we didn't call you two days ago.  YES YOU DID!  and dont interrupt me.  I was trying to be polite but they you had to interrupt me.  My kids interrupt me, so does TICKS me off.  Dont do late.  He says, we didn't call you two days ago, I say well who did and how more times are people going to call me asking me about a stove I dont own.  He hung up on me.

Why is it that when I call places, they tell me that my call will be monitored for quality control, but when places call me they are rude and hang up on me.

See...this is why I dont answer my house phone and why I dont have an answering machine.  (mom, stop calling my house phone would you)  I have a cell phone.  all of the people who try to call me know it and they can call that if they want to talk to me.  I hereby swear, I will not answer my house phone every again (unless its my neighbor across the street)  (crap, how will I know...I dont have caller id)  (crap)

1 hour till hell comes home.  Do I make cookies for hell or play call of Duty.