Friday, April 21, 2017

Why we call, text and snap you so much

To all three of my children...

The other day, I sent C1 a text message reminding him to use sunscreen.  He's in Florida right now with a couple of buddies for a convention. He's 19. 

I quickly received a phone call from him asking me, in a very polite manner, to back off and stop texting him so much.

He was a bit short with me on the phone but I wasn't upset about it.  I totally understood.  First, it was in the mid 50's here and there it was 86 and humid.  They were all a bit cranky as they weather was sucking the life out of them.  Second...he's not a little boy anymore.  He knows to use sunscreen, he won't actually use it and get fried, but he knows.  He knows to behave himself, to be polite to others, to share his toys, to clean up after himself(HA).  All of the things we have all taught our children since they were little ones.  I know that he knows these things.  I know all of my children know these things and they all roll their eyes at me when I remind them.

I know he knows, and he knows that I know.

However, there is something he doesn't know, that C2 and C3 doesn't know.  That none of our children know or can possibly understand.  And of course, it's more prevalent with the first child who 'leaves the nest'.    

For most of your 18 years of life, I have been there.  When you were little, I held you up, held your hand.  As you got older, I held it a little less tightly,  even let you wander, just a little.  You entered school, I was forced to let go....for a few hours.   As you got older, not only did I have to let go, but now I had to step back, into the shadows.  I could no longer hold your hand or heck even walk next to you out in public.  Don't get me wrong...I was still there, but now lurking in the shadows.  The problem is, and my mom can attest to this, I can never actually let go of your hand.  I actually never have.  You are just a lot older and forget that I'm still there, holding your hand.  You are wrapped up in your world of growing up, and no, 19 is not grown up yet!.  You are exploring your world, making your own mistakes, living your own life.  And for the most part, I am no longer a part of that.

I am not complaining about it.  Our job is to raise you all to be viable members of society and to never move back home. 

For your entire life, for a few more years of C2's life and even more for C3's life, I have been there, in the shadows, holding your hand.  Trust me, if you fall, I will be the first one at your side picking you up, dusting you off and sending you back out into the world to try again.

I guess I am just saying, I will ask questions, be interested, remind you to be good, be jealous of your carefree adventures.   Its what I do and will always do.  I am you mom.  Be understanding, be kind.  If you must roll you eyes at me, do it when I'm not looking.  Be gentle in your tone.

  I have held your hand for 18 years.  Been involved in almost everything you have done for 18 years.  Stood on the sidelines, sat in concert halls, driven you to work, helped you things you didn't yet know how to handle.  I have held you through stitches, broken bones, broken hearts.  I have learned to step back, to loosen my grip, to hide in the shadows, but understand this....

When I text you a million times, ask for a picture with you in the frame, send you goofy snap chats, its not because I am pestering you, or stalking you....

Its because I am your mom.  

Thursday, September 1, 2016

New School year, let the stupidity begin

This morning I signed a permission slip for my 12 yo to participate in a science lab.  I of course skim the paper and sign it...then go back and read it clearly.  (i learned after signing a permission slip with out reading it....wound up adopting a stupid hermit crab)

I figure they must be working with fire? acid? Plutonium?

Nope...Oranges, white frosting, graham crackers, Oreo cookies and marshmallows. 

Yup..I had to sign a permission slip for my son to work with these items in science class...the same items he probably packed in his lunch yesterday.

Sigh....seriously District 26??  Its only the, what, second week of school?  Its bad enough you make me sign papers saying that my kid read the handbook and knows to behave.  Or is it that I am supposed to read the handbook and understand that he is to behave?  

I have to sign a permission slip to allow him to use the internet.  Yes, I know, some families may not have the internet.  I doubt it, but ok...But seriously!!  In today's society, the internet is yesterdays ball point pen.  Do you think that years and years ago, schools sent home permission slips asking parents if its ok if their kids use a pen?  Yes, I know,  a pen cannot lead them to porn, unless its that one where you turn it upside down and the persons clothes came off (shock)  I swear MOM!  I never saw that one,  let alone owned one!!

Now I am signing a permission slip saying its ok for him to use the same foods he eats for lunch, as science.  Its food people! 

and before someone says, but a child may be allergic...yes, a kid may be allergic, but at the age of 12/13 they know they are allergic and will address it with the teacher.  The teacher already knows who has fatal white frosting or marshmallow allergies(yes I jest).

Now, I felt bad after the boy left.  I'm sure it wasn't the teachers idea to waste time, effort and money on sending out such a stupid permission slip.  I'm sure district lawyers had something to do with it. 

So, I drafted my first and probably not last apology to his teacher. 

In my email, I did apologize for scrawling the words, "this is ridiculous"   at the bottom of the page.
I also offered my email as a blanket, cover everything permission slip. 

I only placed restriction on items that could cause him to glow in the dark, or cause him to grow another head.  I actually typed, 'third head' at first, then realized that might not be appropriate!
If he does use any of these type of items, please have him wear his new safety goggles first.

Other than that....

Sigh...two more years till we are out of this stupid district.  

Friday, June 3, 2016

Is there someing wrong with my kid?

I dont get it..I just dont get it at all.   There must be something missing that no one is telling me.

 I'm his mother....I am blind to his faults.  Except when he leaves stuff out or doesn't pick up after himself.  I think he's perfect, funny, quirky, generous, kind, helpful, etc etc....

Am I wrong?  Is he actually a shit?  Is he a bully and no one has told me?  Is he robbing blind nuns at knife point?

Why am I asking these questions?  He was so super excited to get a new bike yesterday...He was going to ride his bike after school with is friends to go get lunch and go to timber town. 

He came home early.  Granted, I have no idea what time early is as I had no idea what time they actually got out of school.  But he was home sooner than I expected. 

After a bit of goofing around and bugging his sister and her friend...he came over and said, the reason I came home early is because my friends ditched me.   Apparently, they broke off and were to meet at timbertown.  He waited there, alone for 30 min.  Finally, he called them and they said they were doing something else.  He asked if he could join them and they said no.  So he came home.

Guess how much this breaks my heart.  I simply said, gee bud, that does suck.  Deep down...never mind....

So what is it?  Is he an asshole? 

Wow...I was almost feeling better as his phone just rang...gave the phone to the child and the boy on the other end asked him if wants to be his girlfriend...Well..that has just bade a crappy afternoon worse.  Yes I know...Kids make prank calls...whatever...I busted mine for doing it...he was asking bowling allies if they had blue balls. 

back to my my kid an asshole and no one is telling me? 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

I just cant take it anymore!!

Belonging to a FB group that is just a chat group of things around town seemed like a good idea at the so much.

I think I'm going to have to get off of this train wreck.

Rubberneckers.  For those who don't know, that is the term used for cars that drive by an accident really slowly to get a look at the carnage.  I don't do that.  Never have, never will.  Yes, I do slow down for heavens sake, but I don't gawk at what has become someones terrible day.

Friends have told me that they can't help but read the chat drive slowly by the car wreck hoping to see a body.  I actually dread seeing it in my news feed now.

Why you ask?

--  who keeps shooting off fireworks after/before the 4th. poor dogs...they are waking up my precious children....WONT SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN.  Give me a break.  You live in a small town...that is, not on a farm miles away from a neighbor.  People shoot fireworks...all the time...get over it and quit bitching about it.

--  Laziness.  What times does this open, what time does this close, where is this at, do they allow this?  PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE AND CALL THE PLACE.    Oh, don't get me wrong.  I have posted many times on my own FB wall asking what time half day gets out, etc etc.  But that's my own wall and I am fully willing to admit I'm lazy as hell!  (hell is not a swear mom, I'm not apologizing)

--  Is the cable out? the cable company?  Call your friend?  Why are you asking on chat?  We've had the power out on our side of the street, but not across the street.  You are asking an entire town if their cable is out???

--  The post office did or did not do something..  I have seen this one several times.   CALL THE POST OFFICE AND BITCH TO THEM!  (ok, sorry mom)  If you have lived in this town for more than a week, you know our post office is horrible. Get over it!  Don't like it, CALL THEM!

--   Who should I call because I was wronged...No...see here you are not asking who to call because you know the (oh man, almost really cussed there) answer!!!!!   YOU JUST WANT TO BITCH AND HAVE PEOPLE FEEL SORRY FOR YOU!

--  Mcdonalds ....worms in drinks, food dropped on floor, slow service, long drive through lines...OMFG.  ITS FAST FOOD!!  What do you expect!!!!  Do you really think that every single restaurant you have ever gone to hasn't ever dropped something on the floor and still served it.  You've never had slow service before?  Never seen someone argue before?  You are so offended by this behavior that you have to post it to all of chat!  GET A LIFE

--  Problem at the high school.  If you have  a student at the HS, you already know about it, its already been dealt with.  If you don't then its none of your business is it?  Why is it being posted on Chat...Oh wait...I know...some some *^#^* can post a horrible comment about faggots....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!.  I'm leaving this one alone.

NO!  I'm not.  This is the one that has pushed me over the edge.  NO CRIMINAL CHARGES HAVE BEEN FILED.  It is being investigated.  Photos were not shared, no photos were pornographic.
Some stupid kids, dump as posts because all teenagers are dumb as posts, took pictures.  PERIOD.  Nothing more than that.  Yet, people are going insane.  Making assumptions, accusations, lynching these poor stupid kids.  Wait, I am making assumptions here.  Shame on me.  I am assuming that these kids did not do it with malicious intent.  Maybe they didn't...I have no idea....but here is the kicker....ITS NOT MY PLACE TO JUDGE.  I am also assuming that most of the comments on that post are for adults who have children.  Of course, your child would never be stupid and do something like that.  YEAH RIGHT.   Please note my earlier statement....KIDS ARE STUPID.   They do things without thoughts of consequences.  Have you ever asked you child, 'why did you do that' and they shrug and say 'i don't know'

I feel so bad for these kids and their families and friends.  They did something stupid.  oh...and by the way...if you have teenagers, especially they even go 5 seconds without taking a picture??? Hell, some of my adult friends can't go five seconds without taking a know who you are!! They do it so often so many hundreds, yes hundreds of times a day, that I'm hoping they didn't even think about taking pictures in the locker room.

Wait.....wait just a minute....didn't someone just recently post pictures of a local pool center...I will not stoop so low as to say way...and posted these pictures on a PUBLIC WEBSITE with thousands of members.  Oh...never couldn't identify their of their swim suits!!!  Isn't this the same concept...Yes, locker room vrs actual public place, but same concept. (yes illegal in locker room, not in public places)  Pictures were taken, without the subjects knowledge...subjects could not be identified, subjects were dressed.  Wait...I know the difference.  Someone posted those pictures on a public website.  No, not the locker room pictures, those were never shared, BUT THE POOL PICTURES.  You can block out a face but I can tell you that I would still be able to tell that it was my child and boy would I be mad!

 I think the biggest irony here, and those that know me, is how much I like to bitch and complain.  After all, my profile pic does say "BiteMe".   But there's a difference.  If I want to bitch about something, someone who has wronged me, some unfortunate circumstance, etc etc...I call a GF...I don't go on a public forum and whine!  And yes, I am bitching about bitching...I get it!

For the record...feel free to agree or disagree with me..I don't care...Tell me I'm wrong, Tell me I'm right.  Say nothing.  You wont hurt my feelings.  I am an adult, a big girl.  I can handle a discussion, I can handle someone not agreeing with my opinions.  But, I only request that you keep it adult.  Don't call me names.  Don't make it personal.  I haven't.

One more thing...Yes, I am an adult...and yes, I did apologize to my mother for swearing.  Um...she's my MOM!   You may get away with swearing in front of your mom, but I still don't!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Can we just grow up please

Self entitlement just plain ole pisses me off.

C3 is playing baseball again.  He is not the best player on the team, not the worst.  He is just a player.  He has fun, is supportive of his team and a general goof ball on the bench.

Now our team has players that are awesome, and ones that I am not sure that they have ever seen a baseball before.  Such is life.

One player in general....Call him Bob, can't hit, cant catch, cant throw.  My son has him one one level, he can throw. 

Now there are three positions that must be good players...First, Catcher and Pitcher.  They must be good players.  That leaves 6 positions open...for 10 kids. Its kinda hard to get everyone equal playing time.  Kids coming late, not able to attend, leaving early, etc etc.

Now Bob's parents had an ever loving fit tonight, during the game, that Bob had sat three innings.  OH THE HUMANITY.  The proceeded to storm to the dugout and yell at the coach, in front of the kids, bitching about how unfair it was that Bob was sitting again. 

Seriously!!  WTF people.  With that, them bitching, C3 comes over to me, near tears because he is sitting for his third inning.  He had a good day in the infield but lousy at bat.  I proceeded to read him the riot act.  Started with the whole, 'who do you think you are' line. I explained to him that the Coach is the boss and he makes the rules.  If you disagree, you address it at a later time, not during the game! and in front of other people!

These parents are doing their child a great disservice.  Life is not always fair...sometimes if just plain sucks.  I told the boy on the way home that he is not a good player.  He tries hard, he works hard, but he is not consistent.  I was not criticizing and I told him that.  It was a fact.  If you are a good/great player, you get played.  If you are inconsistent or suck, you get played the minimum.  Yes everyone deserves the right to play, but for gods sake, us parents dont want to sit there forever!  Its painful to watch balls missed, overthrow, kicked etc.

I informed the boy that sometimes life is not fair.  Sometimes, life will kick you in the teeth and when you down, kick you again.

You have two choices when this happens.  You can stand up, stand tall and carry on, work through the personal pain, put a smile on your face and keep being the cheerleader or you can curl up in a corner and sob about how life is so unfair.   How far do you think you will get in life if you curl up in a corner and pout. 

Oh, I guess there is a third can whine about how unfair life is and have mommy and daddy start yelling at people for you.  Hey Mom and bout playing catch with your boy?

Sometimes you strike out and are benched, sometimes you hit the ball.  How you deal with both situations shows the kind of spirit you have, the kind of person you are.

As a kid who is benched three innings and doesn't say anything to the coach but the parents do...loudly...what are you telling your kid.  Being benched for 3 innings shows the kid that they suck...the kid knows it, the parents know it...but if you suck and yell loudly about it you will get results...

So don't practice with the boy, dont play catch, chase grounders, throw hundreds of pop ups...just bitch and have a temper tantrum cause your son sucks and its easier to blame someone else than yourself.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Accused, Tried and Convicted....


For some of you who live under a rock and dont know what is going is the backstory

Attended the Village board meeting last night to show support for DB for Autism Awareness month.  Sat through the rest of the meeting...chatted it up with a couple of people...met someone new..talked about DQ(big surprise), left.

This morning KLP ruined my day by informing me of comments made by trustee, KML on Facebook.

"Several of the Mayors female friends decided to attend along with his wife sitting next to a candidate running against the people I support. During the meeting there were giggles and side bar discussions by these women. When I would look up they would stare at me and smile. It became apparent to me they were taunting me....As I walked toward the door to begin my ascent upstairs I hear the Mayors group of women to include his wife and EM say, "Nice ponytail. Hey ponytail". Well my hair was pulled back in a ponytail. I have never been so humiliated and hurt... I am sorry for all that he and his "women" have intimidated. I felt alone but realized that he soon will not be in control. To be honest I have never encountered such mean women."

 For the record, KLP and I sat on the opposite side of the room from the "Mayors Female Friends".  I have no idea what they were discussing or giggling about.  I will not speculate.  KLP and I giggled a little bit because she kept showing me pictures from her phone, you know, the ones from the meme wars etc.  I would have rather knit, but being in the first row, I thought it would have been rude.   Actually, no offense Mayor, I would have left after the proclamation, but that would have been rude also.  Listening to budget stuff is kinda boring :)

Now, what got my goat was the following post by her husband and Police Chief , RL. 
"The group was the Mayors wife, KLP, Sharon Miller, EM and a couple others. Some classy ladies there but I've met the Mayor and know the type of women he hangs out with."

Please note, in the original post, L did not know my first name and referred to me as "C3's Mom"  ( I never refer to my children by name on my blog.  He used my youngest sons name)

I was incensed!  He used my sons name in his son is 11!  Seriously, if you are going to complain about someone, use their name and not their child's!  In his defense...I did request that he remove my sons name and use mine, which he did. 

For the record, I did join KLP with three other women after the meeting...They were discussing election results, lighting a candle for one womans mother in law that just passed away and I said I wanted to go to DQ.  (no surprise there)  No one ever mentioned this woman or made any comments towards her, negative or any other type.

To be honest, I wouldn't recognize her if she was standing in front of me.  I asked KLP who she was and where did she sit in relation to us.  We were sitting right behind the Police Chief and a Finance person.  We couldn't see her from our seat and she couldn't see us.  I still don't know what she looks like. 

Now since I have been called out by name as one of the hecklers/ are some of the things being said about me.

DA #1
...They are immature and threatened by you that's why they wanted to try to bully you.

 DA #2
...these women don't have any self value. They've always been mean girls and they flock to each other because they feel safe and powerful with one another. It's sad, but deep down, their own insecurities and issues with self worth go way deeper than anything that they tried to make you feel this evening. It's not a secret... Everyone knows that mean girls suck.

DA #3
... they are LOSERS

 DA #4
...Mean girls never win and just remember Karen that God is watching all of this.... They are just jealous and immature, keep your head up, 

DA #6
...Apples don't fall far from the tree...I hope these ladies are not mothers that have children who watch how they act and do the same.

DA #7
...I'm truly disgusted to hear something like this and these women should be ashamed of themselves. I mean really, grow up.

So...I have been accused by the Police Chief , who wasn't at the meeting, of heckling and bullying and calling his wife names.  People who do not even know me have convicted me.  

To those that say I am a Loser..."Judge not...."

To those who say I am Immature....Damn right and proud of it...but only in the sense that I love to waste my days playing video games with my boys, going kayaking with my daughter and going fishing.  I eat junk food, stay up to late and love to laugh and have fun.   Do I call people names?  Never...Well I have been known to call hubby a Dumb Ass, but always to his face.  

To those who call me a Bully....Your welcome...see during C1's time in grade school he was picked on so one point his teacher found a note in his desk written to the bullies parents begging them to make their son stop picking on him.  Because of this, I met with the Superintendent and we re-wrote the bullying policy, making it stricter etc.  Again, I say, Your welcome.

To those that say I have no Self Value...I really dont know what that means?  Do I value my self?  Ummm..yes I do...I think I rock!

To those that say I am a Mean Girl....BWAHAHAHAHAH!  I haven't a mean bone in my body!  Unless you put the ice cream back in the freezer with only a teaspoon left in it...then I will get mean.  

To those that say I'm Jealous...I envy no man/woman or child.  I love my life, with all of its ups and downs.  I love my children, will all of their faults, I love my husband with his many many faults.  No one has anything that I could ever want.  I have friends and family that love me.  That would come running in the middle of the night if my house was on fire (hahahahahahhaha)   

To those that say I should be Ashamed...Only when I eat an entire pint of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream...

To those that ay I'm Insecure...probably in some way...aren't we all...would be nice if my butt was a little smaller...but I would and have never put someone else down in order to make myself feel better.  I feel pretty darn good overall.

To those that say I have a Sad Life...Yes, there have been a lot of sad times in my life.  Who hasn't had sad times.  2012 we lost everything we own in a house fire.  It was the middle of the night...we almost lost C2.  Every day someone in the house says, "Mom, where is whatever", and I have to remind them its gone.  Actually happened today from my oldest!  It reminds all of us how sad things can be.  But is my life sad?  No!  Circumstances are sad...fires are sad...unemployment is sad...death of loved ones is sad...we can get through those times with the love and help of family and friends.  Life is what you make it...I don't make mine sad

To the woman who hoped I didn't have children...I have three children.  My oldest is 17.  He is working on his Eagle Project.  He has been a Boy Scout since he was 6.  He is gifted and incredibly talented.  He wanted to learn to play the guitar, so he saved up his money, bought one and is incredible!  My daughter, 15,  is beautiful! Inside and out!  She is an incredibly gifted artist!  She has been a Girl Scout and Now Venturing crew since she was 6.   My youngest, my mini me, is a comedian!  He has a comedic timing that is brilliant.  He excels at sports and loves people.  

All three of my children have been bullied.  My youngest seems to be a bully magnet.  When the older ones came to me crying and upset...I would tell them the same thing I now tell my 11 yr old.  Its not fair, it sucks and it hurts...but remember, always remember the feeling in your painful it is to have someone pick on you and call you names...and NEVER make someone else feel that way.  

Mrs. L.  I am sorry that you felt that the women at the meeting were talking about you.  I was not one of them...I was on the other side of the room.   I couldn't not make eye contact with you as I could not see you.  When I left the room I walked with another woman whom I had just met.  There was another Village Board trustee behind us...the one that left with a coughing fit.  If you were behind her, I have no idea...I don't know what you look like.  You did not hear me make any disparaging comments because I don't do that.  However, your husband has made me a target and now I am being bullied and called names.  

I went to the meeting to support DB and his family.  Now because I stood with a group of women and talked about lighting candles at the church and getting DQ, I am a target...I am insecure, a bully, sad, etc etc.

I don't know you.  You don't know me.  I don't know your husband and visa versa.  The people on Fb who have commented on your post don't know me....I don't know them, yet they have passed judgement on me.  I have been accused, tried and convicted....and punished.

Would be nice if someone asked me about it.  Hell, if I were arrested and accused of murder, someone wold ask for my side of the story...but go to a board meeting and stand with friends and get accused, tried and convicted..

For the record...I DIDN'T HEAR ANYONE SAY ANYTHING NEGATIVE ABOUT ANYONE AND I MOST CERTAINLY DID NOT SAY ANYTHING!  (my daughter wears her hair in a ponytail all the time, what do I care how you wear your hair...half the time I have a hat on cause I am to lazy to brush it)

Rant over....

 One side note.

Trustee L
You obviously  have no idea what I look like either as you have stated that I was sitting next to the Mayors wife, giggling and staring at you.   I was not!  I was on the opposite side of the room and couldn't even see you as my view was blocked, as stated above.  I do not know why you are continuing to spread lies about me, but I do not appreciate it one bit.  I respectfully request that you stop spreading these lies.  

If anyone doubts me, simply ask the police chief and the gentlemen who stood up and spoke about some budget stuff.  I had a conversation with both of them.  ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROOM FROM YOU, TRUSTEE L!   I have not said one negative thing about you, Trustee L, however, you continue to speak lies about me.  

Can anyone sense my extreme frustration here. I attended the meeting to show support for a friend and now have spent all day defending myself against actions that I did not see or hear happen nor participate in if they did.  I did not bully anyone, yet am being bullied.  Why must I stand down and hide, hoping the bullies go away...why do the bullies always win??

Thursday, July 3, 2014


WTF People!

Since when to the rules of society only apply if you feel like it?  Or let me rephrase that.  The rules of society apply to everyone, unless you are really passionate about it...then SCREW THE RULES DO WHAT YOU WANT!

If you read my last blog post about the village meeting, you know what I'm talking about.  Basic rules are set for village meetings.  Sign in or raise your hand, wait your turn and you will be called on to be heard.  UNLESS YOUR REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT IT, THEN FEEL FREE TO YELL AND SCREAM AND STOP YOUR FEET!

People around you having a private conversation...wait you dont like that....then START SCREAMING AT COMPLETE STRANGERS, CALLING THEM NAMES, MAKING ACCUSATIONS!

Ask someone a question and they dont know the answer....PUBLICLY RIDICULE THEM, LAUGH OUT LOUD, LAUGH IN THEIR FACE!

I belong to a yard sale FB page.  Basic rules apply and the admin stays on top of things that shouldn't be posted there.  Hows it work?  You have to much stuff, You simply post a picture, where you located and price.  UNLESS YOUR REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT SOMETHING, THEN FEEL FREE TO SAY SCREW THE RULES AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS!

And you can probably get away with it if you simply say,but this is important information that needs to get out.  Oh....I'm sorry, I didn't realize that this was important information that had to get out...please by all means tell us all.   UMMMMMM....

There are a lot of topics out there that are important.  A lot of issues that people are passionate about.  Global Warming, Teen pregnancy, Sales at Target, child prostitution.  Just because you feel your issue is important doesn't mean that the rules no longer apply to you and you can do whatever the hell you want!

Grow the fuck (sorry mom, I'm really passionate about this) up!  We all learned the basic rules of communication, if not in the home, in grade school.  We all sat in a circle on the alphabet carpet and were taught how to wait our turns to speak.  How its not polite to shout over someone.  If Susie is talking and you found out its pudding day at snack, and your really really passionate about it, it doesn't give you the right to start shouting over her.  Course back in those day, you would be sent to sit in the corner!

We were all taught the same basic rules of communication...what to do and what not to do.  And for the most part, we probably applied them and still do apply them.  I mean, if you're out to eat in a restaurant and  a waiter trips and drops a tray of food, do you heckle and start laughing at them?

The rules apply all day and every day...They apply to you, and to me, and to the stranger sitting behind you, two seats over. 

There is a time and a place to speak passionately.  Find it, choose it and use it. 
Its not nice to shout over people, or at people, and its never polite to laugh at people. 

Look at it this way,  your at the bank, apply for a loan, bank dude asks you a question, you respond, I'm not sure, I have to check.  ( you dont want to give the bank dude the wrong information!) and he laughs in your face!  Would you be appalled????  Embarrassed?  Outraged????  I would...but guess what....people did this at a public forum!!!

In hindsight....I would have loved to jump up to my feet, careful not to drop a stitch, turn to those people and chastise them!  Be the teacher back in grade school,  remind them the rules, have them write 100 times, I will not laugh at people! 

Stand up to the bully who laughs at people, who yells at others from the back of the room, hiding...who threatens people.  Remind people of the basic rules, the rules we were all taught while sitting on the alphabet carpet many many many years ago.....