Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strange Things afoot....

Things my c1 has learned at Boy Scout Camp.

How to be in a police lineup. wait What??!?!

So my c1 calls me on his way home, they pass a cell phone around the car to give us an update on when to pick them up. So, he calls when they are supposed to be arriving, and says that they will be home in two hours. I say, my, you must have gotten a late start. He says, no, it was because of the police lineup.

Imagine my response!

But, mom in background tells him to pass the phone so another child can make the call and that we will be updated when they get home.

So, I had had to take c2 to a girl scout event and had to wait for an update from my hubby.

Apparently, one of the boys in his troop woke up in the middle of the night and thought it a go0d idea to break a window on the troop store, break in, and steal candy and pocket knives and stuff like that.


This is one of those 'WHAT IN GODS NAME WAS HE THINKING'! moments.

Like someone was not going to notice that when he brought his stuff to be loaded in a car, that he had extra bags filled with candy and such?

I feel horrible for the boys parents. Can you just imagine what they must be feeling. Lets just say that I was THRILLED that it wasn't my son! It could have been. not that my son has EVER done anything like that, but in reality, couldn't that be any of our kids. We know that their brains are not fully developed until they are in their mid 20's. They just dont think about the consequences of their actions. If they did, they would have a better response than 'I dont Know' when we ask why they did something stupid.

So, now I am torn between wanting that boy as far away from my son as humanly possible and wanting to give him another chance.

(why is my daughter humming taps behind me at the kitchen table)

I want to be, as I assume we all do, protective of my kids. Keep them in a bubble until they are married! Keep the bad people away from them, keep them from being bad people. But if and when, because we know they will, they do something, what do we do with them. What should their friends do with them? Toss them away? Run from them? hide from them?

I do my best to teach my kids right from wrong, teach them how to be good people, but they will make mistakes. I just hope its not a huge one, (using my mom ruler to measure big mistakes from small ones).

I'm sure most of us did something stupid as a kid. Stole a candy bar, or something else, (not going to say much more for fear of giving my mom a heart attack. The less she knows the better. Lets just say I am lucky to be alive/not in jail) but that is my point. We all survived and most of us were lucky not to get busted or killed. But some kids to get busted. What do we do with them? How do we help guide yet protect at the same time.

Why doesn't life come with a manual???

and for the son was terrified when the police were questioning the boys because he, along with most of them boys, had eaten some of the candy. They didn't know it was stolen!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey Teachers.....Grow up and welcome to the real world.

Please dont get me wrong and send me hate mail or threaten my dog. I think teachers are wonderful people who do a great job(most of them) and dont get recognized enough and some dont get paid enough. Its not easy to deal with children all day everyday lord knows this is why we parents send them out of our house at the tender age of 5.

This is not a personal attack against any or all teachers. This is reality!

Our dist is in trouble. Just like many across the country. The current board did not cause this problem. The board of about 10 years ago did. This board is trying to fix the mess during a time when the economy has tanked. Period!

Now teachers are being asked to make sacrifices to save the jobs of their fellow teachers and they are saying no. Wait? What? Teachers are being offered several options to save the jobs of their fellow teachers and keep a higher level of learning in the classrooms and they are saying no! WTF Are you kidding me?

Why does it feel like they are stamping their feet whining NO! Hey guys, welcome to the real world. You negotiate pay raises over time. My husband didnt get a raise for almost two years while working for a huge insurance company. TWO Years people. He never had the option to go to his boss or his bosses boss and threaten to strike if he didn't get a raise. he would have been FIRED people!

Welcome to the real world teachers. I dont know why teachers feel that they are above the crappy economy. They can't be touched. The world if falling down around them, schools are falling apart, money is no where to be seen, but 'DONT TOUCH THE TEACHERS, THEY ARE SPECIAL'.

My hubby left crappy job, got another job, left there quickly after threats of layoffs, went to huge credit card company, got laid off. He was never given an option. Was never offered anything. He was handed a box with his personal items form his desk in it and escorted off the property. With about 500 other employees that day!

Welcome to the real world. I dont wish a layoff on anyone. Its scary, very very scary, (see earlier blogs). But in today's world, its part of life. How dare you sit there and throw a hissy fit in the middle of a meeting at the board, or get all teary eyed because you are on the list.

Did anyone hand you your box of stuff and escort you out the door? Are you still getting paid? Do you currently still have a job? Are you heading to unemployment feeling like a low life scum, standing in line with scary looking people and heads of former companies? NO?? Then shut the hell up and grow up. There are three options on the table. Pick one!

If you truely wont vote for a pay freeze or a rollback on your last raise to save you fellow teacher, but will in turn cry and sob when they leave, shame on you!

Life is about making sacrifices, not standing up on your pretty little pedestal looking down at those suffering while singing 'you cant touch me, i'm a teacher, i'm special'.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,

I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children.

This is my mantra of late. I have discovered that now that they are growing up and dont need me, I have become their 'help'. Or should I say, 'The Help'. Of course, if they are throwing up, I am mom, but other than that, I am 'The Help'.

They come home from school, 'The Help', has a snack ready for them, in an effort to reduce the climbing like monkeys through each and every cabinet and then complaining that 'The Help' never buys anything good to eat.

'The Help' forgets to sign paperwork and is duly informed of this when they tumble in the door arguing over who got out of the van first, or who should open the door first, or last.

'The Help' is blamed for forgetting that it was ice cream day and didn't provide the appropriate quarters.

'The Help' was blamed yesterday for not including snow pants in a backpack.

'The Help' was blamed for a missing DSI Pen. Honestly, I did not play it today. I did not lose the pen!

'The Help' was blamed for c1 not liking pillowcases. Apparently, 'The Help' buys the scratchy kind????

'The Help' was yelled at this morning for waking c1 up late? have 1.5 hours till school? Really??

'The Help' was scolded by C2 for signing her up for Piano even though she begged and begged for it and screamed with delight when I found her a FREE Beautiful Piano!

'The Help' was admonished for purchasing C1 drums that have crappy symbols. *sigh*

'The Help' was chastised by c3, C3! even, for not allowing him to sleep naked! UMMM NO!

'The Help' was ordered to sign something while driving kids to school this morning, because C2 was finishing work in the car? Um...if I cannot talk on my cell phone, in a school zone, I'm pretty sure I cannot sign paperwork!

'The Help' doesn't care if other kids parents let them play hooky, You will not!

'The Help' just bought herself a new ITouch and loaded all of her Harry Potter books on it. 'The Help' also purchased noise canceling earphones.

Guess what guys! 'The Help' is so done!

'The Help' was just blamed for her cell phone ringing long? I have no idea what that means!

Hey Honey, 'The Help' wants you to buy dinner tonight..and if you complain I swear , as God as my witness, I will....Heck, I dont know what I will do...I think I will run away from home? Can 'The Help' do that?