For some reason, now is the time we think about, write down, report on and generally reflect on our life gone wrong up to this point. Personally, I dont do this. At least I dont think I do. I would have to check last years posts to see if I did.
If I loved alone, a solitary life, it would be easier to tell myself what to do to make myself happy, to make my life better.
Obviously I dont. My happiness is not in my hands, well not solely in my hands anyway. My happiness rests in the hands of others and I am not alone. Unless you live in a cave and have no contact with people or any elements at all, your happiness rests in the hands of others. new years resolutions are as follows:
Dear Hubby,
(mom skip this part) They are mine, they are not yours. They may be fun, but they are mine, so please leave them alone when I am in the kitchen trying to clean up after dinner, exhausted and annoyed. You will only get a negative reaction if you do say hi in this manner. Want to turn me on, grab a mop and mop something, but only if you can do it quietly. Do not clean the basement and talk loudly about what is down there and why. Just pick it up. Do that and I'm libel to....oops... mom probably reading this even though I said not to.
And please do NOT after having cleaned or picked up a section of this house, come and announce it like you just single handley clead up a toxic waste dump. Let me be surprised. Announcing it makes me want to smack you. I clean up all day long, several times a day. Should I call you and say 'hubby, I just cleaned the bathroom'!
C1. Shower. Just take a shower. Do not argue with me, just shower. Change your underwear once in a while. You are to old for me to ask if you did. How bout this...Dont argue at all. If I ask you do to something, just do it. I am a much nicer mom if you just say sure mom and do it. Its not like I'm asking you to build a shed or walk two miles up hill both ways through snow this deep to buy a stick of butter.
C2. Stop yelling at C3. You are going to give him a complex. C2. Go play. Please stop wandering around the house bored. You have toys, go play with them.
C3. Stop bugging C2 and C1. I know what you are doing. I know you are simply there to bug them. I get it, they dont. So cut it out. You are giving me a permanent headache.
C1, C2, C3. Please stop arguing with each other or me. If I say stop, then stop. If I say go, then go. Please note the permanent headache thing.
Thats it. Simple, sweet and to the point. I know what to do on a daily basis to keep myself happy. It varies from day to day, as it does for most people. One day it may be Ben and Jerry's and a spoon. Another day it may be knitting with friends, or playing a board game with the kids. It is actually very simple. It is very easy for me to be happy. Just ask the girls after we have done a monster workout. They hate that I am bubbly and happy and dying at the same time !
But, it is 95% out of my hands. So rather than resolving to make myself happy, I am asking the people who have the most influence over my life, to behave, to be nice, to allow me to be on my happy road with no detours.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A little scary
So, I did something a little scary today...I signed up C1 for Baseball. Now to most people this would not be me it is. It is his first time playing ball. He's 12. I am scared for him, not about him getting hurt..but for the pain he will probably feel being the first time he has ever played organized ball. The pain of realizing he sucks. No gasping here folks. all of our kids suck at one thing or another. The pain of knowing that all of these boys know what the heck they are doing and he doesn't. The pain of knowing that they will probably make fun of him and it will hurt. He will feel the pain, and I will feel his pain, only tenfold.
We were all teased as kids, picked on, ridiculed for our clothes or shoes or what our parents did or if we only had one tv or still had a rotary phone. And we may or may not remember how it felt. I know I dont fully remember. I do remember that I didn't give a damn what people thought about me. Still dont to this day. I am who I am, love me or leave me, its your loss or gain. >:)
It pains me so much to hear him complain about kids at school picking on him, teasing him, calling him names. As much as it hurts him, it makes me want to cry. How could someone pick on my baby. The boy who helps strangers and neighbors alike. He once got $20 for cutting someones grass. He had to bank half and gave the other half to the lions club. He is an amazing artist, can play any instrument he picks up, has a huge heart, can build the most amazing lego creations. he is an awesome kid. Yes, I know, I am biased. Yes, he's amazing, but this morning I had to bite my tongue to not call him stupid to his face! No gasping here either...we've all wanted to do it in the heat of the moment when they do something so STUPID!
I dont want him to feel pain, but by not protecting him from it am I making him a better person?
For the record, I did sign up for for a camp so he can learn to catch the ball :)
We were all teased as kids, picked on, ridiculed for our clothes or shoes or what our parents did or if we only had one tv or still had a rotary phone. And we may or may not remember how it felt. I know I dont fully remember. I do remember that I didn't give a damn what people thought about me. Still dont to this day. I am who I am, love me or leave me, its your loss or gain. >:)
It pains me so much to hear him complain about kids at school picking on him, teasing him, calling him names. As much as it hurts him, it makes me want to cry. How could someone pick on my baby. The boy who helps strangers and neighbors alike. He once got $20 for cutting someones grass. He had to bank half and gave the other half to the lions club. He is an amazing artist, can play any instrument he picks up, has a huge heart, can build the most amazing lego creations. he is an awesome kid. Yes, I know, I am biased. Yes, he's amazing, but this morning I had to bite my tongue to not call him stupid to his face! No gasping here either...we've all wanted to do it in the heat of the moment when they do something so STUPID!
I dont want him to feel pain, but by not protecting him from it am I making him a better person?
For the record, I did sign up for for a camp so he can learn to catch the ball :)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Time...a fleeting and fickle thing
we never have enough of it, some days have to much of it, are always looking for more of it, find ourselves trying to kill it.
Time in my life is difficult to manage. Not that I dont get everything done. If I want to get it done, i will. Most often, I just dont want to fold that last load of laundry, so it will sit in the dryer.
My problem with time is not having enough or to much, its what to do with what I have. I have free time, *gasp*.
Dont give me that, we all have free time, we just feel guilty for admitting it. Why? I have no idea?
Yes, our husbands go to the 'office', the sit in rush hour traffic, endure annoying, long, boring, pointless meetings. Return hundreds of emails/phone calls etc etc. They work hard. They come home tired. They are entitled to sit on the couch and relax....ummm....ummmm......
I will not even go though my day, made a touch harder by c3's broken leg. Am up by 7, c2 takes care of herself in the morning, and am not done with my day until 9:30pm. Well, that is not done with kids until 9:30pm. Then, I have to clean up, make lunches if they forget, etc etc etc....
So..hubbies day goes from 5:30am till 4:00pm. When he gets up to when he leaves work, ok fine, we'll say 5pm, when he gets home.
My day: 7pm until 11pm. I WIN.. topic yet again.. during my long long day, when all three kids are in school, I do get time to myself. Time I get to choose with what to do. There are so many things I want to do during my down time, I do none of them and watch tv, cause I dont know what to do.
Is that odd. I hate tv. There is nothing good on. Do I knit, work, write a letter (yes I still do that) read a book, go to the library, play the wii(I love playing the wii), run errands etc etc...UGH!.
Ok..dont be mad cause I have free time! I put in my years of chasing toddlers etc around. I am now entitled.
but...what do I do with it? When I'm knitting, I'm thinking it would be fun to play the wii. when I'm playing the wii...knitting comes to mind. Isn't this stupid.
I guess I have spent so many years, not having free time, now that I do, what do I do.
and MOM and all of the rest of you smart alecs...dont even ask me to come over and clean or do your crap...i'm typing this right now while ignoring my own crap while I wonder what to do next.....knit, wii, read, work, errands..
we never have enough of it, some days have to much of it, are always looking for more of it, find ourselves trying to kill it.
Time in my life is difficult to manage. Not that I dont get everything done. If I want to get it done, i will. Most often, I just dont want to fold that last load of laundry, so it will sit in the dryer.
My problem with time is not having enough or to much, its what to do with what I have. I have free time, *gasp*.
Dont give me that, we all have free time, we just feel guilty for admitting it. Why? I have no idea?
Yes, our husbands go to the 'office', the sit in rush hour traffic, endure annoying, long, boring, pointless meetings. Return hundreds of emails/phone calls etc etc. They work hard. They come home tired. They are entitled to sit on the couch and relax....ummm....ummmm......
I will not even go though my day, made a touch harder by c3's broken leg. Am up by 7, c2 takes care of herself in the morning, and am not done with my day until 9:30pm. Well, that is not done with kids until 9:30pm. Then, I have to clean up, make lunches if they forget, etc etc etc....
So..hubbies day goes from 5:30am till 4:00pm. When he gets up to when he leaves work, ok fine, we'll say 5pm, when he gets home.
My day: 7pm until 11pm. I WIN.. topic yet again.. during my long long day, when all three kids are in school, I do get time to myself. Time I get to choose with what to do. There are so many things I want to do during my down time, I do none of them and watch tv, cause I dont know what to do.
Is that odd. I hate tv. There is nothing good on. Do I knit, work, write a letter (yes I still do that) read a book, go to the library, play the wii(I love playing the wii), run errands etc etc...UGH!.
Ok..dont be mad cause I have free time! I put in my years of chasing toddlers etc around. I am now entitled.
but...what do I do with it? When I'm knitting, I'm thinking it would be fun to play the wii. when I'm playing the wii...knitting comes to mind. Isn't this stupid.
I guess I have spent so many years, not having free time, now that I do, what do I do.
and MOM and all of the rest of you smart alecs...dont even ask me to come over and clean or do your crap...i'm typing this right now while ignoring my own crap while I wonder what to do next.....knit, wii, read, work, errands..
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Odd thing happened at the store today....
So C3 and I were at Hobby Lobby today. I was on the phone with my mom when C3 accidently dropped and broke a Christmas ornament. yes, mom that is why I said bye so quickly.
He broke into tears and I surprised myself by not getting angry. I told him that he would have to pay for the damages and say he was sorry.
So, we picked up the piece that had the tag on it, and started towards the register. We ran into our good friend Lynn who we became friends with because she works there and we are there a lot. So..I explained that c3 accidentally broke this and he had to pay for it now. He was crying softly and said he was sorry that he broke it.
She gave me a look and was about to say, that is ok, because I know they simply write these things off, but my look beat her to it. Mine said, dont argue with me. He has to fix this. I am glad that she is our friends, because a stranger might have given him a hug and said that it was ok!
So, we walked over to a register and I paid for it and we were on our way to puchase what we originally paid for.
C3 and I had a talk after we paid for it and I explained to him that eveyone makes mistakes and accidents happen, but it takes a big man to admit his mistake and fix it.
So, on our way out of the store, my purhcases costing less than the silly ornament, C3 wanted to find Lynn again, so we did and he gave her a big hug and said he was sorry again. As C3 wandered out of earshot after this, but still withing eyesight, mom, Lynn congradulates me. Tells me that she has never seen a parent do that before!
If you have ever been in Hobby Lobby, you know how dangerous it is for any parent with kids, young or older. Everything is made of glass, and everything is in the way! Scares the heck out of me, I'm always afraid I'll be the one to brush the giant platter with a fat white chef on it and it WONT be on sale.
Once, when we were grocery shopping C3 ate a piece of candy out of the bulk bin. I make him pay for it. So He gave the woman a quarter and said he was sorry. SHE GAVE HIM CHANGE. He was thrilled. Totally defeated my point!
So, even though I know that they dont make people pay for accidents, thank you Lynn. Thank you for allowing me to parent my child in your store. For understanding what I was trying to do and playing along with me.
And for the record, C3 had to bring in all the garbage cans from out front. There are 5 of them and they are taller and heavier than he is!
He broke into tears and I surprised myself by not getting angry. I told him that he would have to pay for the damages and say he was sorry.
So, we picked up the piece that had the tag on it, and started towards the register. We ran into our good friend Lynn who we became friends with because she works there and we are there a lot. So..I explained that c3 accidentally broke this and he had to pay for it now. He was crying softly and said he was sorry that he broke it.
She gave me a look and was about to say, that is ok, because I know they simply write these things off, but my look beat her to it. Mine said, dont argue with me. He has to fix this. I am glad that she is our friends, because a stranger might have given him a hug and said that it was ok!
So, we walked over to a register and I paid for it and we were on our way to puchase what we originally paid for.
C3 and I had a talk after we paid for it and I explained to him that eveyone makes mistakes and accidents happen, but it takes a big man to admit his mistake and fix it.
So, on our way out of the store, my purhcases costing less than the silly ornament, C3 wanted to find Lynn again, so we did and he gave her a big hug and said he was sorry again. As C3 wandered out of earshot after this, but still withing eyesight, mom, Lynn congradulates me. Tells me that she has never seen a parent do that before!
If you have ever been in Hobby Lobby, you know how dangerous it is for any parent with kids, young or older. Everything is made of glass, and everything is in the way! Scares the heck out of me, I'm always afraid I'll be the one to brush the giant platter with a fat white chef on it and it WONT be on sale.
Once, when we were grocery shopping C3 ate a piece of candy out of the bulk bin. I make him pay for it. So He gave the woman a quarter and said he was sorry. SHE GAVE HIM CHANGE. He was thrilled. Totally defeated my point!
So, even though I know that they dont make people pay for accidents, thank you Lynn. Thank you for allowing me to parent my child in your store. For understanding what I was trying to do and playing along with me.
And for the record, C3 had to bring in all the garbage cans from out front. There are 5 of them and they are taller and heavier than he is!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Dear Mr. Superintendent
Letter 2 we keep reading in the paper, Dist # is looking to close a school or converge grades or something like that in order to balance or fix the budget.
Ok...Heres a good idea. Stop wasting paper! MY GOD!
Today K1 brings home a piece of paper that has the month of October on it. Listed are a couple of test dates, days off of school and stuff like that. Oh..and I have to sign it and he has to return it or he cannot participate in freaky friday, whatever that is. are you freaking kidding me!
Its a lousy piece of paper with a calendar printed on it. Why do I have to sign this? I already know when they have off this month, the test listed on there are school wide map tests and you will send home tons and tons of paperwork on picture day. Why are you wasting my money.
Oh...did I mention, that at the beginning of the year we are forced to buy an assignment notebook. The kind with days of the weeks and months in it. Wait, in other words a CALENDAR!
Hey know that big slate looking thing behind all of the colorful laminated posterboards of stuff. Its called a chalkboard. You write things on it and students copy it into the assignment notebooks/CALENDARS!
So, I wrote on this stupid waste of my money and time piece of paper, WHY DO I HAVE TO SIGN THIS. sending my son into hysterics because he has to have that taped to his desk for the entire month of October? WHY?
So, Mr Superintendent, tell the teachers to stop photocopying and start writing, and having the students copy. I'll be glad to buy you some chalk. we keep reading in the paper, Dist # is looking to close a school or converge grades or something like that in order to balance or fix the budget.
Ok...Heres a good idea. Stop wasting paper! MY GOD!
Today K1 brings home a piece of paper that has the month of October on it. Listed are a couple of test dates, days off of school and stuff like that. Oh..and I have to sign it and he has to return it or he cannot participate in freaky friday, whatever that is. are you freaking kidding me!
Its a lousy piece of paper with a calendar printed on it. Why do I have to sign this? I already know when they have off this month, the test listed on there are school wide map tests and you will send home tons and tons of paperwork on picture day. Why are you wasting my money.
Oh...did I mention, that at the beginning of the year we are forced to buy an assignment notebook. The kind with days of the weeks and months in it. Wait, in other words a CALENDAR!
Hey know that big slate looking thing behind all of the colorful laminated posterboards of stuff. Its called a chalkboard. You write things on it and students copy it into the assignment notebooks/CALENDARS!
So, I wrote on this stupid waste of my money and time piece of paper, WHY DO I HAVE TO SIGN THIS. sending my son into hysterics because he has to have that taped to his desk for the entire month of October? WHY?
So, Mr Superintendent, tell the teachers to stop photocopying and start writing, and having the students copy. I'll be glad to buy you some chalk.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What is that smell.....
Ok...I was going to write about that odd smell coming from the first floor. That was ten minutes ago..
So, I went to my blog page and when to login where I couldn't remember my login and pw. I know, hush..So I was sure I knew my login, my email address, even though I have like a dozen of them, I use basically one for all of my crap. So, i enter that in and then the most logical pw. wrong.
I have a bunch of pw's that I use over and over again with different sites. Gasp..I know..the experts tell us not to do that. to use a unique pw for every site. These are the same experts that also tell us to NEVER write down our logins and pws. WTF! Like, I can remember all of the places I have a login and pw to
Lets look at the list
kids school
half a dozen shopping sites that I bought one thing on
email (dozen different accounts)
Dashbord Analytical crap
httH pool website
at least a dozen forums for both work and personal
all of my bills and each of their websites.
so lets say about 50 average website...oh wait...with bills, probably 75. So...I am supposed to create unique logins and id's for each and everyone one of them cause if I dont and i get stolen, its my own fault. Please shoot me now. I walk upstairs intending to get something and by the time I have gone up 9 steps, I have forgotten what it was I was after. The pool website, like why do I need to have a login and pw to that?????, I only use each summer. So I'm supposed to remember that after 6 months or so of down time?
So...I have some of them written down...ok no, typed up in a file on my computer. And...if you are thief, there are more computes than people in this house, so good luck finding which one...oh well, ok, its this I would put it on a computer I would have to get up and go to!
I only have some of them written down. And...I was smart...I wrote them down but didn't write next to them what they were for! HA. which of course has its own problems.
Click here to reset my password, yet again.
I still dont know where the smell is coming from?
So, I went to my blog page and when to login where I couldn't remember my login and pw. I know, hush..So I was sure I knew my login, my email address, even though I have like a dozen of them, I use basically one for all of my crap. So, i enter that in and then the most logical pw. wrong.
I have a bunch of pw's that I use over and over again with different sites. Gasp..I know..the experts tell us not to do that. to use a unique pw for every site. These are the same experts that also tell us to NEVER write down our logins and pws. WTF! Like, I can remember all of the places I have a login and pw to
Lets look at the list
kids school
half a dozen shopping sites that I bought one thing on
email (dozen different accounts)
Dashbord Analytical crap
httH pool website
at least a dozen forums for both work and personal
all of my bills and each of their websites.
so lets say about 50 average website...oh wait...with bills, probably 75. So...I am supposed to create unique logins and id's for each and everyone one of them cause if I dont and i get stolen, its my own fault. Please shoot me now. I walk upstairs intending to get something and by the time I have gone up 9 steps, I have forgotten what it was I was after. The pool website, like why do I need to have a login and pw to that?????, I only use each summer. So I'm supposed to remember that after 6 months or so of down time?
So...I have some of them written down...ok no, typed up in a file on my computer. And...if you are thief, there are more computes than people in this house, so good luck finding which one...oh well, ok, its this I would put it on a computer I would have to get up and go to!
I only have some of them written down. And...I was smart...I wrote them down but didn't write next to them what they were for! HA. which of course has its own problems.
Click here to reset my password, yet again.
I still dont know where the smell is coming from?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I try to be a good mom, but.....
Lordy! What a night..
I figure myself to be a good mother. Not perfect, but good. I dont coddle, ok fine, maybe I coddle K3 a little, but he is my youngest, and I have backed off of that cause he is ticking me off lately. But, I dont coddle to much, I give my kids their freedom, to a degree. I dont entertain them, I force them to play and do things for themselves. (I just stared a new pair of socks afterall) I dont buy them everything they want no matter how much the beg and plead.
When they get hurt, I take care of them, but still force them to take care of themselves to a degree. Yes, when K2 had a broken leg, I made her get her own drink when she was able. But I see that along the lines of good parenting. When they get sick, I show the appropriate amount of concern and sympathy depending on the illness. High fevers, get hugs and tylenol, blankets, cool washcloths on their foreheads. (my mom used to do that...the washcloth...still remember how good it felt)
But, oh but, I cannot handle the wailing. K2 was sick all afternoon and all evening last night. Both end kind of sick. Serious stomach cramps kinda sick. Dry heaving kinda sick. So, I put my good mom hat on, got her a small garbage can, a heating pad for the stomach cramps, put a book on cd on her computer and tucked her into bed, cooing the words of caring and sympathy. And then...annoyed mom walked into the picture.
Ok, I get you are sick. I get it! We all get it. but really, every time you go into the bathroom, please stop whining my name, getting louder and louder. I go in there, you say your stomach hurts, I say I'm sorry..and then two minutes later you are yelling my name. This went on starting at about 3:30pm until well past 3am. and I do mean every 5 minutes. I was ready to strangle you, not literally please. I mean come on! I get it! I know you feel like crap. I KNOW. But please, please stop screaming my name every five minutes to tell me you dont feel good. Its not what you want. You dont want annoyed mom standing there, you want good mom, but you decided that you need annoyed mom to stand there and say, I know you are sick, what do you want me to do, I cannot be sick for you(althought I could do it alot quieter)I cannot do anything for you, go back to bed.
So...sigh...K2 was able to take good caring mom and turn me into annoyed please shut up and dont say my name again mom. I actually told K2, after I got her a warm blanket and set her up on the couch with the tv on her favorite show and a garbage can in front of her this morning , to please not say my name for a while.
How quick they are able to turn us from loving and caring and feeling oh so bad for them, to dear god just shut up moms.
I figure myself to be a good mother. Not perfect, but good. I dont coddle, ok fine, maybe I coddle K3 a little, but he is my youngest, and I have backed off of that cause he is ticking me off lately. But, I dont coddle to much, I give my kids their freedom, to a degree. I dont entertain them, I force them to play and do things for themselves. (I just stared a new pair of socks afterall) I dont buy them everything they want no matter how much the beg and plead.
When they get hurt, I take care of them, but still force them to take care of themselves to a degree. Yes, when K2 had a broken leg, I made her get her own drink when she was able. But I see that along the lines of good parenting. When they get sick, I show the appropriate amount of concern and sympathy depending on the illness. High fevers, get hugs and tylenol, blankets, cool washcloths on their foreheads. (my mom used to do that...the washcloth...still remember how good it felt)
But, oh but, I cannot handle the wailing. K2 was sick all afternoon and all evening last night. Both end kind of sick. Serious stomach cramps kinda sick. Dry heaving kinda sick. So, I put my good mom hat on, got her a small garbage can, a heating pad for the stomach cramps, put a book on cd on her computer and tucked her into bed, cooing the words of caring and sympathy. And then...annoyed mom walked into the picture.
Ok, I get you are sick. I get it! We all get it. but really, every time you go into the bathroom, please stop whining my name, getting louder and louder. I go in there, you say your stomach hurts, I say I'm sorry..and then two minutes later you are yelling my name. This went on starting at about 3:30pm until well past 3am. and I do mean every 5 minutes. I was ready to strangle you, not literally please. I mean come on! I get it! I know you feel like crap. I KNOW. But please, please stop screaming my name every five minutes to tell me you dont feel good. Its not what you want. You dont want annoyed mom standing there, you want good mom, but you decided that you need annoyed mom to stand there and say, I know you are sick, what do you want me to do, I cannot be sick for you(althought I could do it alot quieter)I cannot do anything for you, go back to bed.
So...sigh...K2 was able to take good caring mom and turn me into annoyed please shut up and dont say my name again mom. I actually told K2, after I got her a warm blanket and set her up on the couch with the tv on her favorite show and a garbage can in front of her this morning , to please not say my name for a while.
How quick they are able to turn us from loving and caring and feeling oh so bad for them, to dear god just shut up moms.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
A note to my husband....
Dear Honey,
It has been a long tough rode. But we have traveled through it together, hand in hand, standing with our faces towards the wind, daring it to push us back. We refused to back down, refused to feel sorry for ourselves. We worked together, and stood firm. You worked hard, achieved the near impossible, and I am very proud of you for that.
So....perhaps you are thinking that you are back in the office already? See, in the office, they have people to do things for you. They have things to take in and out the, I am thinking you are daydreaming you have walked past our 6 garbage cans three times today and not brought them back from the curb. We do not have a janitoral staff to do this, and I dont do garbage.
So, my darling, get off your lazy ass and quit walking past the damn garbage cans! They will not make it back into the house by themselves!
It has been a long tough rode. But we have traveled through it together, hand in hand, standing with our faces towards the wind, daring it to push us back. We refused to back down, refused to feel sorry for ourselves. We worked together, and stood firm. You worked hard, achieved the near impossible, and I am very proud of you for that.
So....perhaps you are thinking that you are back in the office already? See, in the office, they have people to do things for you. They have things to take in and out the, I am thinking you are daydreaming you have walked past our 6 garbage cans three times today and not brought them back from the curb. We do not have a janitoral staff to do this, and I dont do garbage.
So, my darling, get off your lazy ass and quit walking past the damn garbage cans! They will not make it back into the house by themselves!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Dear Mr. Superintendent
Dear Mr. Superintendent
(wow...that is a tough word to spell)
our district is all out of money. You are grasping at straws.
There is talk about closing yet another school. You have canceled most fun after school activities.
You are now charging the groups that function for the school and around the school for use of the school. I guess you think that cub and girl scouts are just rolling in the dough?
Well...I have a couple of ideas for saving money.
First, crap...forgot my train of thought....
Ok...wait., I got it...
Why do the kids use throw away textbooks? Every year the district has to spend money on textbooks. Why? When we were kids we received TEXT books. That is hard cover books. The night before school, we would, ok our parents would be cussing late into the night trying to read the instructions on how to take a brown grocery bag and turn it into a book cover. Who in the world came up with those instructions anyway. So we had hard cover books..and lined paper and pencils. Someone tell me why my sixth grader needs crayons? REALLY????
We copied problems down out of the book, or off the board, wrote our names on them and turned them in. And if we destroyed or damaged a book in any way, our parents had to then pay for it and we caught hell for it. Why is this no longer sufficient? (OMG, K3 just mooned K1)...
So...get rid of the damn throw away workbooks that you have to buy every year! To me this seems like a no brainer.
Second...I now have all three of my kids in school. Why do they send home the same paperwork with each kid. Why do I have to sign three different pieces of paper telling me and them the classroom rules? Why do I have to sign three different pieces of paper first explaining about the computer lab and then giving my kids permission to use said computer lab.
Classroom rules. Why? Why in gods name must I sign a piece of paper agreeing that my kid will not be a shit, and if they are a shit they will get in trouble. Isn't that a given. Do we not know what the rules are in school by now. Do we have to be reminded each and every year. Like, what, they have changed from year to year? Why do we need a piece of paper that none of us really reads, to talk bout positive attitude and and good character. WOW...wait a minute...maybe this is what society as a whole needs. The Dist is actually ahead of the game here.....our little town is perfect because I have signed three different pieces of paper reminding me and my children how to be of good moral character. Phew...crisis avoided. So wait a minute..if one of my kids should *gasp* forget they they signed this little piece of paper promising to be a *good noodle* and gets in they bring this little piece of paper out and wave it in our faces screaming.....BUT YOU SIGNED THIS PAPER...YOU SIGNED YOU SIGNED! Oddly enough, I know they dont do this as my perfect little children have gotten in trouble in school and I never ever saw this paper again.
I wonder if I can have the teachers sign a piece of paper promising to be of good moral character, to be nice to my kids, to teach them tons, make them all get along and be friends with everyone, to not have clicks, to not be mean, or to steal or to bully, or to name call... and if one of my kids comes home with a problem, I can go to them and scream....BUT YOU SIGNED THIS PAPER, YOU SIGNED YOU SIGNED!
I wonder if I would get a phone call from a teacher if instead of signing them, I just wrote MAKE ME!
ROFLMAO! Damn....I already signed them and turned them in. That would have been funny!!!!!
(wow...that is a tough word to spell)
our district is all out of money. You are grasping at straws.
There is talk about closing yet another school. You have canceled most fun after school activities.
You are now charging the groups that function for the school and around the school for use of the school. I guess you think that cub and girl scouts are just rolling in the dough?
Well...I have a couple of ideas for saving money.
First, crap...forgot my train of thought....
Ok...wait., I got it...
Why do the kids use throw away textbooks? Every year the district has to spend money on textbooks. Why? When we were kids we received TEXT books. That is hard cover books. The night before school, we would, ok our parents would be cussing late into the night trying to read the instructions on how to take a brown grocery bag and turn it into a book cover. Who in the world came up with those instructions anyway. So we had hard cover books..and lined paper and pencils. Someone tell me why my sixth grader needs crayons? REALLY????
We copied problems down out of the book, or off the board, wrote our names on them and turned them in. And if we destroyed or damaged a book in any way, our parents had to then pay for it and we caught hell for it. Why is this no longer sufficient? (OMG, K3 just mooned K1)...
So...get rid of the damn throw away workbooks that you have to buy every year! To me this seems like a no brainer.
Second...I now have all three of my kids in school. Why do they send home the same paperwork with each kid. Why do I have to sign three different pieces of paper telling me and them the classroom rules? Why do I have to sign three different pieces of paper first explaining about the computer lab and then giving my kids permission to use said computer lab.
Classroom rules. Why? Why in gods name must I sign a piece of paper agreeing that my kid will not be a shit, and if they are a shit they will get in trouble. Isn't that a given. Do we not know what the rules are in school by now. Do we have to be reminded each and every year. Like, what, they have changed from year to year? Why do we need a piece of paper that none of us really reads, to talk bout positive attitude and and good character. WOW...wait a minute...maybe this is what society as a whole needs. The Dist is actually ahead of the game here.....our little town is perfect because I have signed three different pieces of paper reminding me and my children how to be of good moral character. Phew...crisis avoided. So wait a minute..if one of my kids should *gasp* forget they they signed this little piece of paper promising to be a *good noodle* and gets in they bring this little piece of paper out and wave it in our faces screaming.....BUT YOU SIGNED THIS PAPER...YOU SIGNED YOU SIGNED! Oddly enough, I know they dont do this as my perfect little children have gotten in trouble in school and I never ever saw this paper again.
I wonder if I can have the teachers sign a piece of paper promising to be of good moral character, to be nice to my kids, to teach them tons, make them all get along and be friends with everyone, to not have clicks, to not be mean, or to steal or to bully, or to name call... and if one of my kids comes home with a problem, I can go to them and scream....BUT YOU SIGNED THIS PAPER, YOU SIGNED YOU SIGNED!
I wonder if I would get a phone call from a teacher if instead of signing them, I just wrote MAKE ME!
ROFLMAO! Damn....I already signed them and turned them in. That would have been funny!!!!!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Dear Honey....
It has been a rough couple of months for us that is for sure. I am not sure that most couples would have been able to make it through. You have learned from your mistakes, listened to advice and taken some of it to heart.
I know that you figured 13 years of marriage was enough for you to be able to be home 24x7 and know what was going on and what to do with the children etc etc. Weren't you surprised.
I have another piece of advice for you, My Darling....
Once every 4-6 months, that lovely time of the month is really really bad. Well...more of, I am really really really really cranky the first day. Now, you haven't seen this before because you are usually at work and by the time you come home, I have hit the end of cranky stage called EXHAUSTION and am on the couch telling you to go get dinner. You were fortunate enough not to have been home all day to witness the carnage that was abound.
Our children, be it young, have learned what to do when I suddenly explode because they have once again assumed that Mom is a synonym for Maid and left their crap all over the kitchen. They quickly and very very Quietly clean it up and run for cover.
Oh...I dont even want to hear from could you yell at the kids when its your problem kinda crap. Welcome to life, baby. I can so remember, and I can say this because my mom just left for vacation for two weeks and will not read this and call me horrified that I posted this where other people, people who know her can read this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and my brother and sister can testify to mom would come out of her room with a bubshka on her head (bandana) white t-shirt and black shorts.....this meant trouble with a capital T. Course back then, we just knew when she came out dressed like this it was day of hell and cleaning! As we got older, we understood that if we just shut up and cleaned we would be able to escape, or run and hide later in the day. Now of course, we understand that it was that time of the month, and we tease her about it on occassion!
where was i....oh yes
My Darling.....if you suddenly see me explode and start yelling like a mad woman and the kids start scrambling around and over furniture with sponges in hand or dustbusters or vacuums, do not and I repeat do NOT say,
I know that you figured 13 years of marriage was enough for you to be able to be home 24x7 and know what was going on and what to do with the children etc etc. Weren't you surprised.
I have another piece of advice for you, My Darling....
Once every 4-6 months, that lovely time of the month is really really bad. Well...more of, I am really really really really cranky the first day. Now, you haven't seen this before because you are usually at work and by the time you come home, I have hit the end of cranky stage called EXHAUSTION and am on the couch telling you to go get dinner. You were fortunate enough not to have been home all day to witness the carnage that was abound.
Our children, be it young, have learned what to do when I suddenly explode because they have once again assumed that Mom is a synonym for Maid and left their crap all over the kitchen. They quickly and very very Quietly clean it up and run for cover.
Oh...I dont even want to hear from could you yell at the kids when its your problem kinda crap. Welcome to life, baby. I can so remember, and I can say this because my mom just left for vacation for two weeks and will not read this and call me horrified that I posted this where other people, people who know her can read this. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and my brother and sister can testify to mom would come out of her room with a bubshka on her head (bandana) white t-shirt and black shorts.....this meant trouble with a capital T. Course back then, we just knew when she came out dressed like this it was day of hell and cleaning! As we got older, we understood that if we just shut up and cleaned we would be able to escape, or run and hide later in the day. Now of course, we understand that it was that time of the month, and we tease her about it on occassion!
where was i....oh yes
My Darling.....if you suddenly see me explode and start yelling like a mad woman and the kids start scrambling around and over furniture with sponges in hand or dustbusters or vacuums, do not and I repeat do NOT say,
- what is your problem
- why are you yelling
- why are you so cranky
- why dont you go somewhere
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Would prison be easier?
I wonder...ok yes, I wonder about odd things...but I think that prison would be easier than life right now..No, not my life....relax mom!
Think of it.. Here we are struggling like millions of Americans that have lost their jobs for one reason or another.
We would be fed, and since from what I hear, working in the kitchen is a coveted job, and me being a fresh fish, I wouldn't have to cook or server or clean up after it! Them meals would not be the best of course, but hey, I didn't have to do anything! AND...if I was in solitary, they would bring to food to me! I wouldn't even have to get up!
If I needed clothes, they would provide them for me. I dont have to pay for them! Granted they are not the best looking clothes in the world, but this saves having to decide what t-shirt to wear that day. Granted I cannot stand flip flops, but I think gym shoes are allowed aren't they? Maybe with no shoe laces.
Housing...well that is a given. The courts proclaim that I would have to be housed humanley. My basic needs must be met. I must have a roof over my head, electricity etc. I dont have to fix anything. If the sink backs up, they come and fix and I dont have to sit there watching the clock seeing $82 flying out the window with each tick of the clock. That is more than some people. I have a neighbor who has had no electricty for most of the summer.. Convicts are currently living better than her family right now.
Should I or my husband decide to learna new trade to get back into the job market, we would have to come up with thousands of dollars. We dont have that. However, If I was in jail, I would have access to free education. I could learn a trade! And I wouldn't have to pay for it.
If I got sick, or hurt, I would be taken to the Dr. or even the Hospital and not have to worry about the bill. Right now, one quarter of our unemployment each month goes to insurance. If we were in jail, it would be free! Hell, I could even get cosmetic surgery in jail for free. Not that I think I need any work mind you...I am perfect as I am thank you very much! Its just the idea of it.
Granted, I could not come and go as I pleased...but wait...I cannot afford to do that now. I could not wear what I wanted...oh...cannot afford that either..
I would get to do a job...a small, minor job, maybe a librarian, you need a degree to do that in the outside..that costs money. On the inside, I think you just have to pay someone off, or maybe be someones bitch??!? Granted you only make change a day, but, I dont think they have to pay taxes on that do they? Would fica take a percentage out of .42 cents an hour?
so, lets recap
Food: Outside-watching the budget, skimping when possible, skipped buying bacon this week
Inside: They server me, clean up, no worries about cost..
Shelter: Outside- hope we are able to keep our house if we are unemployed for longer than 1 year
Inside: No worries there. All taken care of, Maintenance included!
Medial: Outside...lordy...where do I start
inside: Keep me healthy to continue to punish me! AWESOME
Work: Outside....Jobs...where...does someone have a job somewhere?
Inside.... May not pay much...but at least its work right? No experience requried.
is it just me, or is there something just wrong here?
Think of it.. Here we are struggling like millions of Americans that have lost their jobs for one reason or another.
We would be fed, and since from what I hear, working in the kitchen is a coveted job, and me being a fresh fish, I wouldn't have to cook or server or clean up after it! Them meals would not be the best of course, but hey, I didn't have to do anything! AND...if I was in solitary, they would bring to food to me! I wouldn't even have to get up!
If I needed clothes, they would provide them for me. I dont have to pay for them! Granted they are not the best looking clothes in the world, but this saves having to decide what t-shirt to wear that day. Granted I cannot stand flip flops, but I think gym shoes are allowed aren't they? Maybe with no shoe laces.
Housing...well that is a given. The courts proclaim that I would have to be housed humanley. My basic needs must be met. I must have a roof over my head, electricity etc. I dont have to fix anything. If the sink backs up, they come and fix and I dont have to sit there watching the clock seeing $82 flying out the window with each tick of the clock. That is more than some people. I have a neighbor who has had no electricty for most of the summer.. Convicts are currently living better than her family right now.
Should I or my husband decide to learna new trade to get back into the job market, we would have to come up with thousands of dollars. We dont have that. However, If I was in jail, I would have access to free education. I could learn a trade! And I wouldn't have to pay for it.
If I got sick, or hurt, I would be taken to the Dr. or even the Hospital and not have to worry about the bill. Right now, one quarter of our unemployment each month goes to insurance. If we were in jail, it would be free! Hell, I could even get cosmetic surgery in jail for free. Not that I think I need any work mind you...I am perfect as I am thank you very much! Its just the idea of it.
Granted, I could not come and go as I pleased...but wait...I cannot afford to do that now. I could not wear what I wanted...oh...cannot afford that either..
I would get to do a job...a small, minor job, maybe a librarian, you need a degree to do that in the outside..that costs money. On the inside, I think you just have to pay someone off, or maybe be someones bitch??!? Granted you only make change a day, but, I dont think they have to pay taxes on that do they? Would fica take a percentage out of .42 cents an hour?
so, lets recap
Food: Outside-watching the budget, skimping when possible, skipped buying bacon this week
Inside: They server me, clean up, no worries about cost..
Shelter: Outside- hope we are able to keep our house if we are unemployed for longer than 1 year
Inside: No worries there. All taken care of, Maintenance included!
Medial: Outside...lordy...where do I start
inside: Keep me healthy to continue to punish me! AWESOME
Work: Outside....Jobs...where...does someone have a job somewhere?
Inside.... May not pay much...but at least its work right? No experience requried.
is it just me, or is there something just wrong here?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Heart felt note to .....
my underwear...
Dear Underwear,
You are an afterthought in my world. I acknowledge that. I dont take care in purchasing you, I dont take care in washing you. You get thrown in the was the rest, not on a delicate cycle or with special soap.
Maybe you are resentful of this. Millions of women spend millions of dollars on underwear. They spend just as much in the care of the underwear. There are more colors of underwear than in the rainbow. There are more styles than I can even imagine or understand.
I am boring underwear person. I get that, you should know that by now. I buy you at walmart, try to give you a good home. Ok..I will take a little more care of you if that is what you want..
I'm not into colors cause if I wear white pants or shorts, I dont want to think about you. I just want to go! Same reason all of my bras are boring and white. I dont want to think..I dont have time to think.
But, I will try. I wills till buy you at walmart, but maybe I will buy some light pastel colors? Maybe I'll wash you on delicate..I'll try to give you some more thought...but you have to give me something in return. I am not asking for much....
Please, oh please, stop giving me super wedgies in public!
Dear Underwear,
You are an afterthought in my world. I acknowledge that. I dont take care in purchasing you, I dont take care in washing you. You get thrown in the was the rest, not on a delicate cycle or with special soap.
Maybe you are resentful of this. Millions of women spend millions of dollars on underwear. They spend just as much in the care of the underwear. There are more colors of underwear than in the rainbow. There are more styles than I can even imagine or understand.
I am boring underwear person. I get that, you should know that by now. I buy you at walmart, try to give you a good home. Ok..I will take a little more care of you if that is what you want..
I'm not into colors cause if I wear white pants or shorts, I dont want to think about you. I just want to go! Same reason all of my bras are boring and white. I dont want to think..I dont have time to think.
But, I will try. I wills till buy you at walmart, but maybe I will buy some light pastel colors? Maybe I'll wash you on delicate..I'll try to give you some more thought...but you have to give me something in return. I am not asking for much....
Please, oh please, stop giving me super wedgies in public!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A note to my darling Children
Stop asking me questions
Stop asking me the same questions
Stop asking me dumb question
stop asking me if you can have a popsicle
stop asking me if you can eat jelly with a spoon
Stop asking if you can have pretzels
Stop asking if you can call so and so
stop asking if you can go to a friends house
stop asking if you can eat
stop asking if you can watch tv
stop asking if you can ride your bike to the store
stop asking if you friends can come over
stop asking if you can have pretzels (he just asked for a third time)
Stop asking for money
stop asking for things you can find yourself.
stop asking if I have so and so 's phone number (i said no the first time you asked)
stop asking where your shoes are(like my mother when I was a child, I dont wear them and if you put them back where they belong you would be wearing them now, wouldn't you)
Stop asking when is dinner, you just ate lunch!
Stop asking if you can feed the dogs
stop asking if you can feed the bird
stop asking each other questions
Stop asking to be entertained by me
When we were kids, we were never entertained by our parents. We were kicked out of the house in the summer as soon as we were potty trained and told to go play. Come home for lunch, dinner and when the street lights come on.
We have a backyard, we have a fort, we have a sandbox. Find some sticks and rocks and string and build something. Play with something, invent something, but please, oh please, leave me out of it because I dont know where the string is and I didn't use the scissors last, so please dont ask me!
Stop asking me questions
Stop asking me the same questions
Stop asking me dumb question
stop asking me if you can have a popsicle
stop asking me if you can eat jelly with a spoon
Stop asking if you can have pretzels
Stop asking if you can call so and so
stop asking if you can go to a friends house
stop asking if you can eat
stop asking if you can watch tv
stop asking if you can ride your bike to the store
stop asking if you friends can come over
stop asking if you can have pretzels (he just asked for a third time)
Stop asking for money
stop asking for things you can find yourself.
stop asking if I have so and so 's phone number (i said no the first time you asked)
stop asking where your shoes are(like my mother when I was a child, I dont wear them and if you put them back where they belong you would be wearing them now, wouldn't you)
Stop asking when is dinner, you just ate lunch!
Stop asking if you can feed the dogs
stop asking if you can feed the bird
stop asking each other questions
Stop asking to be entertained by me
When we were kids, we were never entertained by our parents. We were kicked out of the house in the summer as soon as we were potty trained and told to go play. Come home for lunch, dinner and when the street lights come on.
We have a backyard, we have a fort, we have a sandbox. Find some sticks and rocks and string and build something. Play with something, invent something, but please, oh please, leave me out of it because I dont know where the string is and I didn't use the scissors last, so please dont ask me!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
How are we supposed to smile
it is just getting worse and worse. How am I, how is anyone, supposed to put on a happy face and continue to function day to day? The world is falling apart around our ears and we are supposed to ignore it and continue on our merry way.
I cannot do this. I try, I try to not read the news...I try not not listen to the news, to not look up the news, but it keeps finding me.
Obama's healthcare. Ok...A good thing? I'm not sure. Being in the boat of possibly not having health care soon and needing it, maybe a good thing. But, reports out of Britian show a 6 month waiting list to see a dr for arthritis. Or the incredible day long waiting in hosptial ers in Canada. Is this what we are to expect? I have no idea and it scares the hell out of me. So, my daughter breaks her leg but there are 12 guys having heartattacks in front of us, so we wait two days in the waiting room?
Our economy is falling apart, but, the University of Illinois/Chicago has won a $3Million dollar grant to study the drinking habits of Lesbians. WHO THE HELL CARES! Three million dollars. It makes me want to call the woman who is the head of this study and say, REALLY????
The news people are upset that some study was not released six years ago stating the dangers of driving while talking. OMG! If only they had released that study, there would be more people alive today! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!
Woman in GB, looses a lawsuit against her cleaning company. Claims they did an inadequate job clearing out spiders of her garage, and one startled her causing her to fall and break her wrist.
46 yr old woman sentenced to prison for having sex with 13yr old. Sigh
Cops show up to deal with domestic dispute, man throws 18month old into the bushes to hide him. Sigh..
Its July and the high this weekend will not even make it out of the 70's.
I am cancelling my newspaper and deleting my news tab from firefox. I am swearing off news. I just dont think I can take it anymore. Even Ben & Jerry are not helping.
Is this hiding my head in the sand....why yes, yes it is, but for my own mental sanity....OMG OMG
Fox is on the in the background....commercial for news program...lady says to man, so you came face to face with your sons killer, what was his demenior like!
Why? Why? Is this so we can feel better about ourselves, that we are not in their shoes. That our lives are not as horrible as theirs? Is this why we watch the jerry springers? To make ourselves feel better? Oh...that poor child got shot while washinger her glad its not my kid. So glad we dont live in that neighborhood.
Why is this on the evening news? Is it news? or is it simply to say, oh how horrible. or, so glad its not me, we dont live there...or is it simply to depress the hell out of us.
They dont report the one does anymore...they report what they want us to feel.
Well...thanks guys..I feel like shit....and I done!
I cannot do this. I try, I try to not read the news...I try not not listen to the news, to not look up the news, but it keeps finding me.
Obama's healthcare. Ok...A good thing? I'm not sure. Being in the boat of possibly not having health care soon and needing it, maybe a good thing. But, reports out of Britian show a 6 month waiting list to see a dr for arthritis. Or the incredible day long waiting in hosptial ers in Canada. Is this what we are to expect? I have no idea and it scares the hell out of me. So, my daughter breaks her leg but there are 12 guys having heartattacks in front of us, so we wait two days in the waiting room?
Our economy is falling apart, but, the University of Illinois/Chicago has won a $3Million dollar grant to study the drinking habits of Lesbians. WHO THE HELL CARES! Three million dollars. It makes me want to call the woman who is the head of this study and say, REALLY????
The news people are upset that some study was not released six years ago stating the dangers of driving while talking. OMG! If only they had released that study, there would be more people alive today! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!
Woman in GB, looses a lawsuit against her cleaning company. Claims they did an inadequate job clearing out spiders of her garage, and one startled her causing her to fall and break her wrist.
46 yr old woman sentenced to prison for having sex with 13yr old. Sigh
Cops show up to deal with domestic dispute, man throws 18month old into the bushes to hide him. Sigh..
Its July and the high this weekend will not even make it out of the 70's.
I am cancelling my newspaper and deleting my news tab from firefox. I am swearing off news. I just dont think I can take it anymore. Even Ben & Jerry are not helping.
Is this hiding my head in the sand....why yes, yes it is, but for my own mental sanity....OMG OMG
Fox is on the in the background....commercial for news program...lady says to man, so you came face to face with your sons killer, what was his demenior like!
Why? Why? Is this so we can feel better about ourselves, that we are not in their shoes. That our lives are not as horrible as theirs? Is this why we watch the jerry springers? To make ourselves feel better? Oh...that poor child got shot while washinger her glad its not my kid. So glad we dont live in that neighborhood.
Why is this on the evening news? Is it news? or is it simply to say, oh how horrible. or, so glad its not me, we dont live there...or is it simply to depress the hell out of us.
They dont report the one does anymore...they report what they want us to feel.
Well...thanks guys..I feel like shit....and I done!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Why are we forced to flaunt it?
My GF went to Country Thunder last night, its a big country concert with a bunch of drunks and good music, in case you were wondering. Well, Taylor Swift was playing. I had wanted to bring my daughter to see her as she things she is wonderful, but in light of my hubbys recent layoff, that became impossible. And I am not glad that I didn't take her.
According to my GF, Taylor Swift, who I believe is barely legal, was thrashing, writhing, arching, crawling, etc, all over the stage.
This leaves me to wonder...just what the hell is going on here. She is barely legal, acting like a sex kitten, on a stage, while thousands of drunk and thanks to her, horny men, are lusting over her.
REALLY???? She's what? 18? Maybe 19? Are you kidding me! If my daughter was 18 and I caught her acting that way, I would knock her brains back into her head. I would imagine that most Dads would have a heartattack if they caught their little girls acting like this.
If you are driving in the 'wrong' part of town and see an obvioulsy very young girl walking a street corner, acting like a sex kitten, dont you feel bad for her, sorry that her life has turned out this way.
But at a concert, you pay over $100 dollars a ticket to watch it?
If a crowd of guys gathered around the young girl and started yelling and lusting and offering her 100$ to watch, wouldn't they all be arrested?
Woudln't the girl be offered help?
So, why is this young lady, crawling around a stage and grown adults are paying $100 a ticket to cheer her on and its accepted?
Not to mention all of the young girls that were brought there by their parents to see this show. Why? Why is this what they are being taught? Why is this the way to be successful? To get men to like you, you have to crawl around on the stage? To be popular you have to wear next to nothing and act like a sex kitten?
Male performers dont do this. They dont crawl around on the stage, arching their backs, throwing their hair around, (cept maybe the 80's hair bands). Male performs strut around in tight clothing, tons of bling, grab their packages, and tell what they will do to their bitches etc.
yes, I know, not all male performs and not all female performs. Leave me alone, I'm ranting!
Tell you what. Men seem to want sex kittens..What do women want...
I'll pay $1000 dollars a ticket to see any guy on stage wearing an apron, pushing a vacuum and singing about how hard it is to bath one child, while one is throwing up from the stomach flu, and dinner is burning, and spouse will be home any minute, and the hot water heater is on the fritz, the air conditioner broke, you haven't showered in days, etc etc etc
That's what I want to see. Not some idiot who doesn't even know how to balance a checkbook, grab his crotch and scream about his ho.
Or some barely legal child crawling around on the stage because she has been rasied, like the rest of us girls, ladies, that you have to be perfect and flaunt it to get anywhere.
Would anyone go to her concert, if she showed up in a nice outfit and simply played her songs?
According to my GF, Taylor Swift, who I believe is barely legal, was thrashing, writhing, arching, crawling, etc, all over the stage.
This leaves me to wonder...just what the hell is going on here. She is barely legal, acting like a sex kitten, on a stage, while thousands of drunk and thanks to her, horny men, are lusting over her.
REALLY???? She's what? 18? Maybe 19? Are you kidding me! If my daughter was 18 and I caught her acting that way, I would knock her brains back into her head. I would imagine that most Dads would have a heartattack if they caught their little girls acting like this.
If you are driving in the 'wrong' part of town and see an obvioulsy very young girl walking a street corner, acting like a sex kitten, dont you feel bad for her, sorry that her life has turned out this way.
But at a concert, you pay over $100 dollars a ticket to watch it?
If a crowd of guys gathered around the young girl and started yelling and lusting and offering her 100$ to watch, wouldn't they all be arrested?
Woudln't the girl be offered help?
So, why is this young lady, crawling around a stage and grown adults are paying $100 a ticket to cheer her on and its accepted?
Not to mention all of the young girls that were brought there by their parents to see this show. Why? Why is this what they are being taught? Why is this the way to be successful? To get men to like you, you have to crawl around on the stage? To be popular you have to wear next to nothing and act like a sex kitten?
Male performers dont do this. They dont crawl around on the stage, arching their backs, throwing their hair around, (cept maybe the 80's hair bands). Male performs strut around in tight clothing, tons of bling, grab their packages, and tell what they will do to their bitches etc.
yes, I know, not all male performs and not all female performs. Leave me alone, I'm ranting!
Tell you what. Men seem to want sex kittens..What do women want...
I'll pay $1000 dollars a ticket to see any guy on stage wearing an apron, pushing a vacuum and singing about how hard it is to bath one child, while one is throwing up from the stomach flu, and dinner is burning, and spouse will be home any minute, and the hot water heater is on the fritz, the air conditioner broke, you haven't showered in days, etc etc etc
That's what I want to see. Not some idiot who doesn't even know how to balance a checkbook, grab his crotch and scream about his ho.
Or some barely legal child crawling around on the stage because she has been rasied, like the rest of us girls, ladies, that you have to be perfect and flaunt it to get anywhere.
Would anyone go to her concert, if she showed up in a nice outfit and simply played her songs?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Just wondering....
Today I dropped c2 off at a friends house. it is one of the bigger houses in town. Actually, when you cross the street by us, the houses jump in size and tax bracket. We live on the older side of town. The old houses, with the full grown trees! the beautiful streets lined with Full Grown Trees. My house was built in 1972. It has a one car garage. It is a tri level. it is not big enough for my family...but is it? Growing up didn't we all share a room with a sibling? Didn't we all have to fight over the bathroom, or the one tv. My boys share a room. They will share a room until one of them moves out. My grandparents shared beds with their siblings. BEDS! We always said that my grandmother had such wonderful skin because she slept on her back her entire life. Mainly, because growing up and sharing a bed with two yes TWO other sisters, she learned not to move. My dad and his brother shared a bed until my dad went to college. boys share a room. We all share one full bathroom. I know it will get crazy when they are older and need face time with themselves :) We dont have a basement. We have creative storage. We dont have a formal dining room. We have a kitchen table. Granted it seats 10 which I love, but no formal dining room. Hell, who uses it anyway! I dont even have a living room...oh wait..maybe I do. The downstairs is the family room, where the family never gathers..the upstairs has a couch and two chairs almost on top of the giant kitchen table. I would say, the three separate areas of my first floor, kitchen, eating area, living room are smaller than the local gas station convience store. My house is small by todays standards. But, its cozy? Comfy? well loved, and lived.
I keep it clean, as much as I care to :) (sorry mom), I keep it updated as much as I can afford to. you would be amazed at the things you can find at second hand stores! I love my house. yes, its loud..crowded at times, to small most of the time, and there are things I might do to it if I could, but I love my house.
I do feel overshadowed by some of my children's friends. The ones that live in the 350K homes, the ones that live in the million dollar plus homes. You know the ones, The brick homes that are to big. That have the valuted ceilings.
Do I even have a point here? I dont know. Why do I feel intimidated by someone elses good fortune? Wait, intimidated is not the word. Jealous? I dont think so? Inadequate? Maybe? Not sure.
What is a home vrs what is a house? My brother has moved from house to house, but does he have a home? Is his current house home? My sister has finally found a home. Do people who live in, vaulted ceilings, triple the tax bill, complaining about the cost of heating and cooling, sparsley decorated, have a home or a house? Why have the beautiful outside if you cannot afford to have an inside?
Why is having huge houses with so many rooms that you dont know where your kids are or what they are doing, better than having your kids sleeping in the same room, learning to get along, to deal with the daily intrusion into their lives?
Why do the kids have tv's in their bedrooms, next to their computes. Why dont we want to be around them. We seem to be creating ways to get rid of them, to keep them out of the family part of the house?
What happened to going on drives and making up games. Now we drive to walmart and put a movie in for the five minute drive. Why dont we want to hear them. Why dont we want them interacting with eachother. dont get me wrong...C2 complained the other day that c3 was breathing his air in the car. But...isn't that part of growing up and learning to deal.
They no longer have to live with eacother. They co exist. Pass each other on the way to the fridge. We are building giant houses so that we cannot find each other. We dont konw what is going on in our own houses. We give our kids unlimited access to tv with a zillion channels and never check what they are watching. We put comptuers in their rooms with unlimited access to the most horrible, scary, abusive, dangerous things/people out there.
Why do we want them to go be quiet, to not fight, to not learn to live, to get along, to compromise?
So, I do sometimes feel intimidated by someone elses house, by the quiet because the kids are all in their own worlds not communicating with the rest of the their family. Jealous even, of the quiet....cause as a mom, isn't that all we really want, is quiet...but Isn't it just as important for us to be quiet and listen to our kids.
Stop hiding them from eachother, let them fight, argue, and learn.
I wonder, some of the greatest minds are our generation or our parents generation. Computers, cell phones, technology in general. Did Jobs or Gates share a room with a sibling, or a bathroom with the family. My did they survive with only one tv in the house.
What are we taking away from our kids by giving them so much? Stop hiding and start dealing, teaching, guiding. Just keep the advil handy :) boys share a room. We all share one full bathroom. I know it will get crazy when they are older and need face time with themselves :) We dont have a basement. We have creative storage. We dont have a formal dining room. We have a kitchen table. Granted it seats 10 which I love, but no formal dining room. Hell, who uses it anyway! I dont even have a living room...oh wait..maybe I do. The downstairs is the family room, where the family never gathers..the upstairs has a couch and two chairs almost on top of the giant kitchen table. I would say, the three separate areas of my first floor, kitchen, eating area, living room are smaller than the local gas station convience store. My house is small by todays standards. But, its cozy? Comfy? well loved, and lived.
I keep it clean, as much as I care to :) (sorry mom), I keep it updated as much as I can afford to. you would be amazed at the things you can find at second hand stores! I love my house. yes, its loud..crowded at times, to small most of the time, and there are things I might do to it if I could, but I love my house.
I do feel overshadowed by some of my children's friends. The ones that live in the 350K homes, the ones that live in the million dollar plus homes. You know the ones, The brick homes that are to big. That have the valuted ceilings.
Do I even have a point here? I dont know. Why do I feel intimidated by someone elses good fortune? Wait, intimidated is not the word. Jealous? I dont think so? Inadequate? Maybe? Not sure.
What is a home vrs what is a house? My brother has moved from house to house, but does he have a home? Is his current house home? My sister has finally found a home. Do people who live in, vaulted ceilings, triple the tax bill, complaining about the cost of heating and cooling, sparsley decorated, have a home or a house? Why have the beautiful outside if you cannot afford to have an inside?
Why is having huge houses with so many rooms that you dont know where your kids are or what they are doing, better than having your kids sleeping in the same room, learning to get along, to deal with the daily intrusion into their lives?
Why do the kids have tv's in their bedrooms, next to their computes. Why dont we want to be around them. We seem to be creating ways to get rid of them, to keep them out of the family part of the house?
What happened to going on drives and making up games. Now we drive to walmart and put a movie in for the five minute drive. Why dont we want to hear them. Why dont we want them interacting with eachother. dont get me wrong...C2 complained the other day that c3 was breathing his air in the car. But...isn't that part of growing up and learning to deal.
They no longer have to live with eacother. They co exist. Pass each other on the way to the fridge. We are building giant houses so that we cannot find each other. We dont konw what is going on in our own houses. We give our kids unlimited access to tv with a zillion channels and never check what they are watching. We put comptuers in their rooms with unlimited access to the most horrible, scary, abusive, dangerous things/people out there.
Why do we want them to go be quiet, to not fight, to not learn to live, to get along, to compromise?
So, I do sometimes feel intimidated by someone elses house, by the quiet because the kids are all in their own worlds not communicating with the rest of the their family. Jealous even, of the quiet....cause as a mom, isn't that all we really want, is quiet...but Isn't it just as important for us to be quiet and listen to our kids.
Stop hiding them from eachother, let them fight, argue, and learn.
I wonder, some of the greatest minds are our generation or our parents generation. Computers, cell phones, technology in general. Did Jobs or Gates share a room with a sibling, or a bathroom with the family. My did they survive with only one tv in the house.
What are we taking away from our kids by giving them so much? Stop hiding and start dealing, teaching, guiding. Just keep the advil handy :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I received a letter
Today...I received a letter from a financial group...Here is my response. I x'd out their name cause in todays day and never know who might sue you :) And...being on a fixed income...we couldn't afford to be sued.
Thank you for your letter dated June 26, 2009.
We continue to face difficult times as Americans. Our country is suffering from a severe economic crisis, millions unemployed, my family being one of them. Our soldiers are fighting thousands of miles from home. We are under the threat of a missile launch on that sacred day, July 4th. Businesses are failing, houses are being foreclosed upon, families face uncertain futures.
And then, I receive you letter titled, What Constitutes an American?
Really? So tell me. How much did xxxxx Financial Group spend to send out letters telling me to remember our fallen and to be proud of our country?
I am glad to say that we do not invest through your company. I would hate to think of my hard earned money being spent by xxxxx Financial Group in sending out letters telling people to be proud of their country. Isn't there a better way to invest the money that your customers entrust to you?
I would understand a letter offering your services...that is simple marketing. This? I have no idea what this is? Is this supposed to be a back door marketing tactic? Am I supposed to read this letter, feel the pride swell in my chest and say, I should invest with xxxxx Financial Group.
Sharon Miller
A proud American even before your letter told me I should be.
Thank you for your letter dated June 26, 2009.
We continue to face difficult times as Americans. Our country is suffering from a severe economic crisis, millions unemployed, my family being one of them. Our soldiers are fighting thousands of miles from home. We are under the threat of a missile launch on that sacred day, July 4th. Businesses are failing, houses are being foreclosed upon, families face uncertain futures.
And then, I receive you letter titled, What Constitutes an American?
Really? So tell me. How much did xxxxx Financial Group spend to send out letters telling me to remember our fallen and to be proud of our country?
I am glad to say that we do not invest through your company. I would hate to think of my hard earned money being spent by xxxxx Financial Group in sending out letters telling people to be proud of their country. Isn't there a better way to invest the money that your customers entrust to you?
I would understand a letter offering your services...that is simple marketing. This? I have no idea what this is? Is this supposed to be a back door marketing tactic? Am I supposed to read this letter, feel the pride swell in my chest and say, I should invest with xxxxx Financial Group.
Sharon Miller
A proud American even before your letter told me I should be.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
How do I plan my day???? its been a month since hubby lost his job. Tomorrow is the last day of school for the kids. I am feeling a sense of dread coming over me. You know how when you are watching a scary movie, the music gets really low and spooky like...that music is playing in my head.....over and over again.
I finally got him to go downstairs and leave us alone. But how do I get him to just plain shut up? No, I am not being mean...well...maybe a little, but its in his best interest to leave us alone.
Does it sound horrible if I say, this is my house...and leave it be? I mean, if I went into his work, back when he worked, and told him he had to do it my way from now on, and I was always there, talking and asking questions, and being a general pain in the butt...he would want to kill me. he is generally here. Not his fault, I get that. But, he's in my kitchen in the morning, leaves toast crumbs on the counter, leaves the toaster out, never puts his dishes in the sink. But is the first one to point of if c1 or c2 does the same thing. He's in the kitchen in the morning saying dont talk to me, I haven't had my first cup of coffee. OK...move the damn coffee pot in your dungeon and stay out of the kitchen. Dont come up and talk or ask questions until you have drank the whole damn pot.
I firmly believe that children should only have one full time parent. My kids heads are spinning with the new rule changes. HELLO!!!. This is my house man. If c3 wants to eat a fruit bar downstairs, go for it. In my opinion, hubby should not speak until 4pm. He should hide in the dungeon until he comes home from work. Period. I love him more than life itself, but damn...get out of my house!
Could you imagine, those of you with hubbies and or not kids, suddenly having your hubby home. Not retirement, not something planned...but just there. I never realized how much his voice can actually annoy the hell out of me. If c3 is downstairs or upstairs, and I am quietly doing what ever it is I am doing, dont come in and start talking to me. I need my quiet time too.
Oh...oh oh
and...people are allowed to speak in the house to eachother when we are talking. Dont get frustrated and say, I cannot talk to you with all of this chatter going on. WHAT??? Really? When you worked in the office, did you tell your co workers to be quiet, cause you were trying to talk to someone?? hehe I like that, I am going to use that one on him next time he says that.
I think the music is getting louder? Now we have to agree on new bedtimes and summer rules. Normally that would be my job, but since he is here, I have to include him. Sigh..and of course he will so not agree with anything I say. My rule is, as long as you are not bugging me you can stay up. You tick me off, its bed time. Max is 10pm. See, he does not yet get how wonderful it is to be awake before the kids!
And another odd thing...I have no idea when to start dinner. It used to be hubby was leaving work, time to start dinner. Now he is always here....when do I start dinner? Sure, its easy to say, at the same time...but its like a continuious weekend now.
Honey, I love you, but this is my house. Leave my rules alone. Speak only when spoken to (heheh) and smile all the time. Dont ask questions, just do, and you are forbidden to install any rules upon the children or the house unless you submit it in writing three days in advance. Allow up to 7 days for processing and final rejection!
(music is definately getting louder)
I finally got him to go downstairs and leave us alone. But how do I get him to just plain shut up? No, I am not being mean...well...maybe a little, but its in his best interest to leave us alone.
Does it sound horrible if I say, this is my house...and leave it be? I mean, if I went into his work, back when he worked, and told him he had to do it my way from now on, and I was always there, talking and asking questions, and being a general pain in the butt...he would want to kill me. he is generally here. Not his fault, I get that. But, he's in my kitchen in the morning, leaves toast crumbs on the counter, leaves the toaster out, never puts his dishes in the sink. But is the first one to point of if c1 or c2 does the same thing. He's in the kitchen in the morning saying dont talk to me, I haven't had my first cup of coffee. OK...move the damn coffee pot in your dungeon and stay out of the kitchen. Dont come up and talk or ask questions until you have drank the whole damn pot.
I firmly believe that children should only have one full time parent. My kids heads are spinning with the new rule changes. HELLO!!!. This is my house man. If c3 wants to eat a fruit bar downstairs, go for it. In my opinion, hubby should not speak until 4pm. He should hide in the dungeon until he comes home from work. Period. I love him more than life itself, but damn...get out of my house!
Could you imagine, those of you with hubbies and or not kids, suddenly having your hubby home. Not retirement, not something planned...but just there. I never realized how much his voice can actually annoy the hell out of me. If c3 is downstairs or upstairs, and I am quietly doing what ever it is I am doing, dont come in and start talking to me. I need my quiet time too.
Oh...oh oh
and...people are allowed to speak in the house to eachother when we are talking. Dont get frustrated and say, I cannot talk to you with all of this chatter going on. WHAT??? Really? When you worked in the office, did you tell your co workers to be quiet, cause you were trying to talk to someone?? hehe I like that, I am going to use that one on him next time he says that.
I think the music is getting louder? Now we have to agree on new bedtimes and summer rules. Normally that would be my job, but since he is here, I have to include him. Sigh..and of course he will so not agree with anything I say. My rule is, as long as you are not bugging me you can stay up. You tick me off, its bed time. Max is 10pm. See, he does not yet get how wonderful it is to be awake before the kids!
And another odd thing...I have no idea when to start dinner. It used to be hubby was leaving work, time to start dinner. Now he is always here....when do I start dinner? Sure, its easy to say, at the same time...but its like a continuious weekend now.
Honey, I love you, but this is my house. Leave my rules alone. Speak only when spoken to (heheh) and smile all the time. Dont ask questions, just do, and you are forbidden to install any rules upon the children or the house unless you submit it in writing three days in advance. Allow up to 7 days for processing and final rejection!
(music is definately getting louder)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
No reason what so ever....
I have no reason what so ever to be mad at eveyone in my house. Ok..I might have one or two reasons...Like they never leave me alone. I know, I am a mom...they are not supposed to leave me alone. I am supposed to be there for them and love them and cherish them and dote upon them, teach them to grow with love and support.....bullshit. Today I am just mad, and annoyed at everyone.
Which means...stay out of my way! And for any one who says......oh what a horrible mom...give me a break. You have never yelled at your kid for no reason whatsoever?? I highly doubt it.
I am just tired. My routine is shot to hell...I feel lost in my own house. We are working around eachother, working with eachother etc etc..Its just hard. I now understand my moms statement that she cannot clean when my dad is home. I so get it mom!!!
I yelled at my hubby, he yelled at me...I then informed him that it was against the rules of marriage for us both to be pissed off at the same time for no reason and that it was my turn! He's had two weeks to be annoyed at everyone, I get one day and I am gonig to use it to my fullest.
Do not say one moment when I call your name. Get up off your ass and see what I want immediately. (this is how c3 got grounded off of his computer today)
Do not stand there poking me calling my name when I am yelling at another child. Good rule of not poke me ever!!!
do not ask a child the same question 100 times over. THIS ANNOYS ME MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.
When I go out back to the alcove for peace and quiet, do not ask me if we can ride bikes, go to the park, go fishing, go to the store, call a friend, play catch, or set up the pool. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME FOR ANYTHING! Today I am playing selfish mom.
And today is my day......
Which means...stay out of my way! And for any one who says......oh what a horrible mom...give me a break. You have never yelled at your kid for no reason whatsoever?? I highly doubt it.
I am just tired. My routine is shot to hell...I feel lost in my own house. We are working around eachother, working with eachother etc etc..Its just hard. I now understand my moms statement that she cannot clean when my dad is home. I so get it mom!!!
I yelled at my hubby, he yelled at me...I then informed him that it was against the rules of marriage for us both to be pissed off at the same time for no reason and that it was my turn! He's had two weeks to be annoyed at everyone, I get one day and I am gonig to use it to my fullest.
Do not say one moment when I call your name. Get up off your ass and see what I want immediately. (this is how c3 got grounded off of his computer today)
Do not stand there poking me calling my name when I am yelling at another child. Good rule of not poke me ever!!!
do not ask a child the same question 100 times over. THIS ANNOYS ME MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF.
When I go out back to the alcove for peace and quiet, do not ask me if we can ride bikes, go to the park, go fishing, go to the store, call a friend, play catch, or set up the pool. PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME FOR ANYTHING! Today I am playing selfish mom.
And today is my day......
Friday, May 15, 2009
I love him tso much, but......
I think I might just kill him.
He had better get a job fast!!!
Yes I am talking about hubby. If I am standing behind you with a drink and a sandwich and ask if I can get to my computer for a few minutes, dont say, sure i'll be off in a second when you dont mean it!!!
Sandwich finished and a laundry basket folded later, he gets up! AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I know, I must be
I can do that if he would go away! :) dont come downstairs in the morning and argue with C1 about his lunch. A zip loc with only lunch meat in it is his lunch. Sure, I could put it between bread, but then he would only throw the bread away.
You are on my domain buddy. Shut up and ask me. ok...yes that wont work. Like when we were kids and our parents told us to keep our mouths closed but then asked us and question and yelled asnwer me! ROFL
Patience..Yes, the man is on my computer. Yes, I could hook up the other computer in the dungeon, yes, I would never see him, yes it would be quieter because he would not be yelling at all of us to be quiet when he is on the computer. my computer is on the first floor right by the kitchen where everything happens!!
OMG. I sent him to pick up C2 and NC2, NC3 and told him to park on the side street and not to go into the parking lot. he just calls and says he's in the parking lot, now what!!!???!??
I would so let out a stream of cuss words, but since my mom reads this I cannot!
Patience, deep breath..slow deep breath...I swear that man is going to drive me to drink!
He had better get a job fast!!!
Yes I am talking about hubby. If I am standing behind you with a drink and a sandwich and ask if I can get to my computer for a few minutes, dont say, sure i'll be off in a second when you dont mean it!!!
Sandwich finished and a laundry basket folded later, he gets up! AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I know, I must be
I can do that if he would go away! :) dont come downstairs in the morning and argue with C1 about his lunch. A zip loc with only lunch meat in it is his lunch. Sure, I could put it between bread, but then he would only throw the bread away.
You are on my domain buddy. Shut up and ask me. ok...yes that wont work. Like when we were kids and our parents told us to keep our mouths closed but then asked us and question and yelled asnwer me! ROFL
Patience..Yes, the man is on my computer. Yes, I could hook up the other computer in the dungeon, yes, I would never see him, yes it would be quieter because he would not be yelling at all of us to be quiet when he is on the computer. my computer is on the first floor right by the kitchen where everything happens!!
OMG. I sent him to pick up C2 and NC2, NC3 and told him to park on the side street and not to go into the parking lot. he just calls and says he's in the parking lot, now what!!!???!??
I would so let out a stream of cuss words, but since my mom reads this I cannot!
Patience, deep breath..slow deep breath...I swear that man is going to drive me to drink!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Scariest thing I have done in a while.....
Today I did something very scary...I went grocery shopping.
Let me clarify...on Friday, my hubby was laid off of his job. SCARY. I know that 500k people lost their jobs in the month of April alone. DAMN!
So...Here I am grocery shopping...3.29 for a box of triscuits...nope, to expensive.. I felt like crying right there in the middle of the grocery store. I shouldn't have to worry about the cost of a box of crackers!
How is a person supposed to go from security to total and complete insecurity yet still function?
C3 needs socks and shorts. Do I buy them now, or wait? I need a hair I do it now or wait. My gym shoes have holes in the, do I wait?
My hubby did get a severance..thank god..I know there are thousands of people who have not gotten this. I cannot imagine what they are going through. I never thought I could imagine what people go through during a layoff. Now I do. ITS SCARY.
We always used to say that most people are only a missed paycheck away from living out of their car. And now...we are those people. What if, after 4 months, hubby still cannot find a job? What do we do then?
Most of the news reports people losing their homes, most of them are due to their own stupidity. We have lived here for 12 years. We have been very responsible. We only have one credit card. We are not over our heads in debut..we have debt..started with our car being totaled by someone. (insurance paid us blue book..we had to come up with 11k to buy a used car still)
So we have debt, like most americans..we do not live beyond our means.
We are careful, we pay our bills.....but now....what if we can't? What if he cannot find a job for a year? I have been out of work so long that there is no way I could get anything other than retail. I dont think I would be good for retail. Someone would complain....oh boy...that would not be good..
I have total faith in my husband. I know he will find a job..I know we can provide for our families. but
what if we can't?
later in the day, after this was posted KLP stopped by and dropped off a box of triscuits with my daugther swearing her to secrecy. Told her to say she found it on the stoop. To bad she didn't know that C2 couldn't keep a secret to save her life. Thanks KLP...Laughed my ass off!
Let me clarify...on Friday, my hubby was laid off of his job. SCARY. I know that 500k people lost their jobs in the month of April alone. DAMN!
So...Here I am grocery shopping...3.29 for a box of triscuits...nope, to expensive.. I felt like crying right there in the middle of the grocery store. I shouldn't have to worry about the cost of a box of crackers!
How is a person supposed to go from security to total and complete insecurity yet still function?
C3 needs socks and shorts. Do I buy them now, or wait? I need a hair I do it now or wait. My gym shoes have holes in the, do I wait?
My hubby did get a severance..thank god..I know there are thousands of people who have not gotten this. I cannot imagine what they are going through. I never thought I could imagine what people go through during a layoff. Now I do. ITS SCARY.
We always used to say that most people are only a missed paycheck away from living out of their car. And now...we are those people. What if, after 4 months, hubby still cannot find a job? What do we do then?
Most of the news reports people losing their homes, most of them are due to their own stupidity. We have lived here for 12 years. We have been very responsible. We only have one credit card. We are not over our heads in debut..we have debt..started with our car being totaled by someone. (insurance paid us blue book..we had to come up with 11k to buy a used car still)
So we have debt, like most americans..we do not live beyond our means.
We are careful, we pay our bills.....but now....what if we can't? What if he cannot find a job for a year? I have been out of work so long that there is no way I could get anything other than retail. I dont think I would be good for retail. Someone would complain....oh boy...that would not be good..
I have total faith in my husband. I know he will find a job..I know we can provide for our families. but
what if we can't?
later in the day, after this was posted KLP stopped by and dropped off a box of triscuits with my daugther swearing her to secrecy. Told her to say she found it on the stoop. To bad she didn't know that C2 couldn't keep a secret to save her life. Thanks KLP...Laughed my ass off!
Monday, May 11, 2009
True Love is.....
getting excited with c3 when tells about the pony he rode at a preschool field trip
brushing c2's hair to a bright sheen when you would rather cut it short to save time
throwing together last minute healthy sealed with a kiss kids lunches cause you forgot
putting laundry on hold to make pudding for an afterschool snack...(i'm laundry anal..I hate to stop)
reassuring hubby that he will get a new job because he's mega talented, when all I want to do is cry
telling c1 that his hair looks great, when in reality, it would take a miracle to flatten it out
saying with a broad grin, thank you I loved it, to a mothers day breakfast you would feed to the dogs.
telling c3 that he did a great job putting his laundry away, knowing you are going to have to somehow help him shove that one dresser drawer close
Drinking the lemonade that kids made, with extra sugar, and telling them it tastes great.
Squiriting whip cream in their mouths...just cause its really really funny
Holding c1 when his best friend yells at him and hurts his feelings
taking c2 to a mom and me tea party when i'd rather be doing anything else!!!!!
Helping C3 clean up after an accident at church (to much whip cream)
Letting C1 go...just go...ride around the neighborhood with his friends.
Tucking them all in, some with stories..and then getting up and doing it all over again the next day, and the next day, and the next day....
brushing c2's hair to a bright sheen when you would rather cut it short to save time
throwing together last minute healthy sealed with a kiss kids lunches cause you forgot
putting laundry on hold to make pudding for an afterschool snack...(i'm laundry anal..I hate to stop)
reassuring hubby that he will get a new job because he's mega talented, when all I want to do is cry
telling c1 that his hair looks great, when in reality, it would take a miracle to flatten it out
saying with a broad grin, thank you I loved it, to a mothers day breakfast you would feed to the dogs.
telling c3 that he did a great job putting his laundry away, knowing you are going to have to somehow help him shove that one dresser drawer close
Drinking the lemonade that kids made, with extra sugar, and telling them it tastes great.
Squiriting whip cream in their mouths...just cause its really really funny
Holding c1 when his best friend yells at him and hurts his feelings
taking c2 to a mom and me tea party when i'd rather be doing anything else!!!!!
Helping C3 clean up after an accident at church (to much whip cream)
Letting C1 go...just go...ride around the neighborhood with his friends.
Tucking them all in, some with stories..and then getting up and doing it all over again the next day, and the next day, and the next day....
Saturday, May 9, 2009
My Husband Was Laid Off.....
so we thought it might happen...were even possibly happy as his boss was a world class psycho (mom avert your eyes) bitch. Of couse we never even saw it coming..we prayed it wouldn't happen
but in the end..
Hubby was laid off yesterday afternoon. Bastards waiting until after lunch to do it. Which sucks even more. If you think, but pray, its not coming, at least get it over with in the morning. Dont make a person work half a freaking day!!!!
Hubby says we will be ok. We had previous, like yesterday morning, signed up for visa's laid off protection plan. We dont have to make a payment for 2 years. Phew. Its our only credit card.
We dont have a lot of bills...but damnnnnnnnnn
So..I am, now that I am over the initial shock, kinda glad. I know..How the heck can I say that.
I can say that because we WILL NOT LOSE OUR HOUSE. Hubby got good severance and we will watch what we do. (damn...maybe I shouldn't have bought the dyson)
We will still live our lives. but a litte more carefully
Hubby is taking the weekend off. No resume building this weekend. Phew..Cause I suck as sharing my computer!!!!!
See...Hubby has had this job for a year now. He has worked 80 hours a week since he started. Yes, I know...he was grateful for a job. We used to say that all the time. We would bitch about it, then sigh and say, at least he has a job. Grin!!
But, he worked all night, every night, he worked sat and sunday. It was horrible. Yes, at least he had a job...sigh
We told Children last night. C1 cheered! What does that tell you. We all missed him. He was missing us. He had traded in his family for his career. And that is no living! Granted he could had stayed at Job 1, the one he had had since college, but we were going broke cause they were such skinflints!!! I would have had to get *shudder* job by now. :)
So..Now he is home. HUBBY...STAY OUT OF MY LAUNDRY ROOM. I wonder if I can give him a honey do list :)
I know I have to back off a little. Hubbies in general need to feel needed. I know that, I am so used to doing everything that its going to be really really hard to back off. As long as he stays out of my laundry room...I think I'll be ok.
He cut the grass last night. Hasn't dont that in a while :)
(mom dont read)
He says last night to me, so...the kids go to school at day right....and C3 goes to preschool in the afternoon....(sly grin) so like, we can get busy in the afternoons eh??
Honestly, I was not totally appaled by the idea. I haven't really seen him much in mind, body or soul, for the past year......
I think I'm gonna like him home...for a little bit,... Check my next blog to see how he's doing...If i've strangled him yet, or if he's now living on his boat :)
at least none of us are sick
at least we can still afford our house
at least we can afford food
at least we dont have the swine flu
at least he still has a jo..... sigh
so we thought it might happen...were even possibly happy as his boss was a world class psycho (mom avert your eyes) bitch. Of couse we never even saw it coming..we prayed it wouldn't happen
but in the end..
Hubby was laid off yesterday afternoon. Bastards waiting until after lunch to do it. Which sucks even more. If you think, but pray, its not coming, at least get it over with in the morning. Dont make a person work half a freaking day!!!!
Hubby says we will be ok. We had previous, like yesterday morning, signed up for visa's laid off protection plan. We dont have to make a payment for 2 years. Phew. Its our only credit card.
We dont have a lot of bills...but damnnnnnnnnn
So..I am, now that I am over the initial shock, kinda glad. I know..How the heck can I say that.
I can say that because we WILL NOT LOSE OUR HOUSE. Hubby got good severance and we will watch what we do. (damn...maybe I shouldn't have bought the dyson)
We will still live our lives. but a litte more carefully
Hubby is taking the weekend off. No resume building this weekend. Phew..Cause I suck as sharing my computer!!!!!
See...Hubby has had this job for a year now. He has worked 80 hours a week since he started. Yes, I know...he was grateful for a job. We used to say that all the time. We would bitch about it, then sigh and say, at least he has a job. Grin!!
But, he worked all night, every night, he worked sat and sunday. It was horrible. Yes, at least he had a job...sigh
We told Children last night. C1 cheered! What does that tell you. We all missed him. He was missing us. He had traded in his family for his career. And that is no living! Granted he could had stayed at Job 1, the one he had had since college, but we were going broke cause they were such skinflints!!! I would have had to get *shudder* job by now. :)
So..Now he is home. HUBBY...STAY OUT OF MY LAUNDRY ROOM. I wonder if I can give him a honey do list :)
I know I have to back off a little. Hubbies in general need to feel needed. I know that, I am so used to doing everything that its going to be really really hard to back off. As long as he stays out of my laundry room...I think I'll be ok.
He cut the grass last night. Hasn't dont that in a while :)
(mom dont read)
He says last night to me, so...the kids go to school at day right....and C3 goes to preschool in the afternoon....(sly grin) so like, we can get busy in the afternoons eh??
Honestly, I was not totally appaled by the idea. I haven't really seen him much in mind, body or soul, for the past year......
I think I'm gonna like him home...for a little bit,... Check my next blog to see how he's doing...If i've strangled him yet, or if he's now living on his boat :)
at least none of us are sick
at least we can still afford our house
at least we can afford food
at least we dont have the swine flu
at least he still has a jo..... sigh
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Change of pace...
Since my last blog consisted of everything I hate..or at least of the recent events that I hate...I decided to turn things around and make a list of the things that I love..
- I love my husband more than the day I married him
- I love my children more than life itself even when they drive me insane
- I love when they go to school >:)
- I love the smell of fresh cut grass
- I love the small of oncoming rain
- I love empty laundry baskets
- I love a clean sink
- I love vacuum lines
- I love payday
- I love planting flowers
- I love sitting around with my friends
- I love an ice cold nectarine on a hot day
- I love Cherry Jello
- I love a clean computer desk (i've seen it once)
- I love new socks
- I love Spongebob
- I love love clean sheets
- I love the quiet of the house when and if I wake up before the kids
- I love seeing my kids they look like little angels (for a few minutes)
- I love walking out to get the newspaper when the temperature is perfect and the sun is out and the birds are chirping and the kids are still asleep
- I love jogging with Maggie
- I love knitting
- I love the pure innocence in Adams face...usually seen when he is asleep
- I love watching Ryan grow up..and melt down when he still needs me
- I love my parents..they are adorable and generous
- I love and miss my sister sooo much.
- I love bunny
- I love a balanced check book...dont know what one looks like, but love it anyway
- I love an ice cold pepsi any time of the day
- I love new shower curtains
- I love my tulips
- I love a clean unused towel when stepping from the shower (almost never happens)
- I love being the first to use a new tube of toothpaste
- I love pictures of Nature
- I love camping and hiking
- I love quiet
- I love mayhem
- I love the smell of fresh mulch
- I love going out on my boat
- I love a really really good cheese burger
- I love to cook
- I love to make up meals at the last minute ( the only way I know how to cook)
- I love spiders in my downstairs bathroom
- I love making my bed every morning and napping in it every afternoon
- I love when a headache goes away
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Why are we depressed mom keeps pointing out that everything I says is negative. Yes, I talk and listen (sometimes) to my mom almost every day. It has gotten impossible not to with IM and Email and Facebook. I'M KIDDING MOM!!! We call eacother when we are early for an apt and are sitting in the parking lot waiting for an apt or some place to open :)
Anyway...yes, I have been very very negative lately. I hate negativity. Kinda. Negativity can be fun if you put the right spin on it.
So...I decided to try to figure out why I am being so negative lately.
Ok...Lets wander back a bit shall we.. My negativity goes back years, not sure about yours...
Iraq war..
I hate being lied to...I hate that our families are being torn apart...I hate that in our incredible ignorance, we believe that we can take a culture that has lived and died one way, for centuries, and expect them to embrace and accept our way of thinking, democracy, in a couple of years...I hate that our own government has lied to us over and over and over again.
The New Work Place
I hate that there is no loyalty in the workplace anymore....I hate that you can trust no one and must fear everyone...I hate that you can work for a company for 30+ years and be let go...I hate the constant living in fear...will we be employed tomorrow?...I hate that you can be treated like shit and you have no recourse because there are 1000 people unemployed and ready to take your job for half the pay.
The New Administration
I hate that I do not have a the warm and fuzzy feeling I had expected after Obama took office....I hate that I feel uneasy.
The Economy
I hate the fear that I have every single day over the complete and total collapse of the world economy...I hate that I fear that if this does happen, it will happen overnight and how will I feed my children. I hate that I fear it will happen in the winter and then, how will I keep them warm. I hate that I am glad that I am a gun owner...I hate and cry for those who are losing their jobs..I hate that I am glad it is them and not me...I hate seeing the lines at the food pantry..I hate that I have not stopped by and dropped off more food.
Swine Flu
I hate that while walking though a parking lot today, I feared and stared at someone coughing...I hate that I am terrified this could be the new Black Death...I hate that I am afraid I am overreacting...I hate that I am afraid that I am not reacting enough...I hate that the news media cant get it right....
In General
I hate being afraid...I hate wanting to pretend it doesn't exist...I hate knowing it does...I hate the hate, the fear, the uncertaintety, the pain, the saddness, the FEAR!
Am I being negative in my posts, my comments, my own internal thoughts...I am. But I have a few dozen damn good reason to feel this way...
and I hate it!
Anyway...yes, I have been very very negative lately. I hate negativity. Kinda. Negativity can be fun if you put the right spin on it.
So...I decided to try to figure out why I am being so negative lately.
Ok...Lets wander back a bit shall we.. My negativity goes back years, not sure about yours...
Iraq war..
I hate being lied to...I hate that our families are being torn apart...I hate that in our incredible ignorance, we believe that we can take a culture that has lived and died one way, for centuries, and expect them to embrace and accept our way of thinking, democracy, in a couple of years...I hate that our own government has lied to us over and over and over again.
The New Work Place
I hate that there is no loyalty in the workplace anymore....I hate that you can trust no one and must fear everyone...I hate that you can work for a company for 30+ years and be let go...I hate the constant living in fear...will we be employed tomorrow?...I hate that you can be treated like shit and you have no recourse because there are 1000 people unemployed and ready to take your job for half the pay.
The New Administration
I hate that I do not have a the warm and fuzzy feeling I had expected after Obama took office....I hate that I feel uneasy.
The Economy
I hate the fear that I have every single day over the complete and total collapse of the world economy...I hate that I fear that if this does happen, it will happen overnight and how will I feed my children. I hate that I fear it will happen in the winter and then, how will I keep them warm. I hate that I am glad that I am a gun owner...I hate and cry for those who are losing their jobs..I hate that I am glad it is them and not me...I hate seeing the lines at the food pantry..I hate that I have not stopped by and dropped off more food.
Swine Flu
I hate that while walking though a parking lot today, I feared and stared at someone coughing...I hate that I am terrified this could be the new Black Death...I hate that I am afraid I am overreacting...I hate that I am afraid that I am not reacting enough...I hate that the news media cant get it right....
In General
I hate being afraid...I hate wanting to pretend it doesn't exist...I hate knowing it does...I hate the hate, the fear, the uncertaintety, the pain, the saddness, the FEAR!
Am I being negative in my posts, my comments, my own internal thoughts...I am. But I have a few dozen damn good reason to feel this way...
and I hate it!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Just because I dont look the part
does not give you the right to treat me like a nobody!!!
Ok...lets start out with this
I run several small businesses which I created from scratch. They only make me enough money to cover my overhead, but I like it anyway.
So..I set up a checking, regular one, about seven years ago with my bank. Business accounts cost back them. I have been depositing money every month since then with no problem.
Today, I go to deposit three checks. Am told no because I dont have a business account. I say, no problem. Lets set one up. so I take a seat.
Now, as I sit there with my son c3, who is 5 waiting. I am watching two people wander aound and ignore me. We waited for 30 minutes! They ignored me for 30 minutes.
If my husband had been there in a suit and tie, they would have been jumping to help him, probably would have offered him scones and coffee. But, Here I sit, in my ball cap, and sweats and the child in tow and they ignore me. HAS SUSAN BOYLE TAUGHT US NOTHING!!!
So...finally I am helped. well, no not really. Am told that I need assumed name thing. Ok..I remember something about that. I have meant to do it for 7 years but forget :) Well, problem is, it takes time to do this. I have to go to the courthouse, get paperwork, go to the newspaper, have it printed, cut it out, send it to court house etc etc etc...
Needless to say, I blow my stack. For 7 years they have been happily cashing my checks. now they are changing the rules on me. They do not offer to help me out. they do not say, lets do it this last time so you dont have client checks sitting around for 3 months and you go get the certificate. I get NO. And quite rudley I might add.
So, I inform them I will be closing my accounts and storm out! Head to another bank a block away...DO THEY NOT REALIZE THAT THERE ARE BANKS ON EVERY CORNER!...and talk to them. Now I feel better. I was treated very professionally. even though I am dressed like a bum. The VP came over and introduced himself to me and treated me like I was someone. Not a bum.
In this day and age, you would think people would learn. You have no right to treat me as an lesser of a human being for any reason. I EXIST FOR A REASON..I AM IMPORTANT NO MATTER WHAT YOUR OPINIONS ARE! and you just lost 8 accounts! plus my 401K and my husbands IRA thingy. AND YOU THOUGHT I WAS A NOBODY!!!
Ok...lets start out with this
I run several small businesses which I created from scratch. They only make me enough money to cover my overhead, but I like it anyway.
So..I set up a checking, regular one, about seven years ago with my bank. Business accounts cost back them. I have been depositing money every month since then with no problem.
Today, I go to deposit three checks. Am told no because I dont have a business account. I say, no problem. Lets set one up. so I take a seat.
Now, as I sit there with my son c3, who is 5 waiting. I am watching two people wander aound and ignore me. We waited for 30 minutes! They ignored me for 30 minutes.
If my husband had been there in a suit and tie, they would have been jumping to help him, probably would have offered him scones and coffee. But, Here I sit, in my ball cap, and sweats and the child in tow and they ignore me. HAS SUSAN BOYLE TAUGHT US NOTHING!!!
So...finally I am helped. well, no not really. Am told that I need assumed name thing. Ok..I remember something about that. I have meant to do it for 7 years but forget :) Well, problem is, it takes time to do this. I have to go to the courthouse, get paperwork, go to the newspaper, have it printed, cut it out, send it to court house etc etc etc...
Needless to say, I blow my stack. For 7 years they have been happily cashing my checks. now they are changing the rules on me. They do not offer to help me out. they do not say, lets do it this last time so you dont have client checks sitting around for 3 months and you go get the certificate. I get NO. And quite rudley I might add.
So, I inform them I will be closing my accounts and storm out! Head to another bank a block away...DO THEY NOT REALIZE THAT THERE ARE BANKS ON EVERY CORNER!...and talk to them. Now I feel better. I was treated very professionally. even though I am dressed like a bum. The VP came over and introduced himself to me and treated me like I was someone. Not a bum.
In this day and age, you would think people would learn. You have no right to treat me as an lesser of a human being for any reason. I EXIST FOR A REASON..I AM IMPORTANT NO MATTER WHAT YOUR OPINIONS ARE! and you just lost 8 accounts! plus my 401K and my husbands IRA thingy. AND YOU THOUGHT I WAS A NOBODY!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sometimes I HAVE to bend down
Ok...KF, I finally get it. And I sympathize with you 100%
Yesterday while out, I purchased a new pair of pants at Kohls. They have the extra wide elastic but pretty waist band which I find so comfortable. No, I am not a super skinny minny, or even close to that. I get it. So, I get that clothes will not fit me perfectly. I get it.
But COME ON! I purchase these pants. Now let me back up a step and say that I have been watching and hearing my good friend KF complain for years about her pants. Everytime she stood up or, god forbid, bend over...I think you get the picture. (KF, I am sooooo not making fun of you so dont be mad) But, now I get it.
HEY CLOTHING MAKERS. We have hips, we have torsos, some of us have butts, while some don't. Do you think we like bending over to pick up something knowing that our butt cracks are now showing, or in my case, my purple granny underware. Which in my personal opinion, is worse.
Cut us some slack would you. The pants I bought are cute, and they look somewhat ok on me, however, I dont care if my feet are on fire, I WILL NOT bend over in them. Who the hell wants to see my underware...or worse!
Yes, TMZ has made it quite glamourous to see famous peoples butt cracks. 'Can you guess whose thong this is'. I dont want to guess and unless you are a teenage boy or old man, who cares!!!
See, as Moms, we spend 90% of the day bent over (men hush!). For some reason, children, are shorter than us, so all comforting,threatening, bribing, happens down there. We have gravity, everything dropped on the floor, unless you own a dog and its food related, we have to BEND OVER and pick up. Giving a kid a bath, bathtubs are on the floor, children are short, you get the picture. Its bad enough for me to have to stick my giant butt in the air, but then for some poor schmuck to have to see my underware or worse....*shudder*
So, clothing makers, get a grip. Make our pants higher where they should be, for the sake of the public! and cause I think one arm is getting longer than the other from constantly having to pull them back up where they belong! and I'm tired of doing the hip adjust when I pull them back up. You ladies know what I mean..the wiggle the hips back and forth to make them sit where you want...sigh...
Yesterday while out, I purchased a new pair of pants at Kohls. They have the extra wide elastic but pretty waist band which I find so comfortable. No, I am not a super skinny minny, or even close to that. I get it. So, I get that clothes will not fit me perfectly. I get it.
But COME ON! I purchase these pants. Now let me back up a step and say that I have been watching and hearing my good friend KF complain for years about her pants. Everytime she stood up or, god forbid, bend over...I think you get the picture. (KF, I am sooooo not making fun of you so dont be mad) But, now I get it.
HEY CLOTHING MAKERS. We have hips, we have torsos, some of us have butts, while some don't. Do you think we like bending over to pick up something knowing that our butt cracks are now showing, or in my case, my purple granny underware. Which in my personal opinion, is worse.
Cut us some slack would you. The pants I bought are cute, and they look somewhat ok on me, however, I dont care if my feet are on fire, I WILL NOT bend over in them. Who the hell wants to see my underware...or worse!
Yes, TMZ has made it quite glamourous to see famous peoples butt cracks. 'Can you guess whose thong this is'. I dont want to guess and unless you are a teenage boy or old man, who cares!!!
See, as Moms, we spend 90% of the day bent over (men hush!). For some reason, children, are shorter than us, so all comforting,threatening, bribing, happens down there. We have gravity, everything dropped on the floor, unless you own a dog and its food related, we have to BEND OVER and pick up. Giving a kid a bath, bathtubs are on the floor, children are short, you get the picture. Its bad enough for me to have to stick my giant butt in the air, but then for some poor schmuck to have to see my underware or worse....*shudder*
So, clothing makers, get a grip. Make our pants higher where they should be, for the sake of the public! and cause I think one arm is getting longer than the other from constantly having to pull them back up where they belong! and I'm tired of doing the hip adjust when I pull them back up. You ladies know what I mean..the wiggle the hips back and forth to make them sit where you want...sigh...
Turn off the TV...Forever
I know this happens to coincide with turn off the tv week, but it wasn't planned that way.
Last week I turned off the tv. That is, I suspended the dish in my house. For the record, I have a love hate relationship with the tv. Nothing is ever one, commercials are borderline obscene and obnoxious. I hate most of the choices that the kids have. and it costs to much money. I pay almost $800.00 a year for this stupid box that never has anything on that I want.
Ok...cpet in the winter...Sunday afternoons, you can always find Steel Magnolois!!
So, I shut it OFF. I did provide some concelation. I hooked up the kitchen tv to the internet. Now my kids have been introduced to the likes of the Lone Ranger, Sea Hunt, Rocky and Bulwinkle, Astro Boy, etc etc.
I can watch what I want when I want with no commercials!!
And for my very cranky husband, I bought a dvd player for the bedroom and season 4 of the Simpsons. We fall asleep to The Simpsons every night. is it going. GREAT! The kids have actually adjusted better than we have. They still have tv, but its much more limited, I still have tv and its what I want when I want it. My husband never watches tv. Although he's pissed that he cannot watch the cubs game.
so last night I put it on the radio so we can listen. What did he do, go upstairs and watch dvd's of Taxi. Lordy!
The kids are spending more time with eachother, cept c1, he's disappeard into his room forever :). The fighting has not gotten better, but its fun to watch them c2 and c3 aruge over Uno.
I never really watched it in the fist place, so there is no change for me. Yes, it is driving me a little nuts. See c3 wont leave me alone. he's always here. Asking for something, messing with the dogs. D2 is buried in blankets right now and he is saying, mom now look at d2, mom now look at d2. So, I miss it as far as I cannot turn it on and go c3, Maggie the Ferecious Beast is on! Cannot get that on the internet that I have found yet.
So, it has been a week and a half. Kids have adjusted, dont miss it. has Saving Grace a week after the episode has aired. But now..its hubby.
Last night he says to me, that's it..I cannot take it, call and have it turned back on(its on a suspension right now, no fee to turn it back on) I look at him like he has grown eight arms. I ask him if he is serious. he says yes. He tried it, he just cannot do it. Did I mention that this man NEVER WATCHES TV. And I mean never. He never sits still long enough to watch tv, that is until i shut it off. NOW ALL HE DOES IS WANT TO WATCH TV.
Are you kidding me!??!!
He never watched tv in the first place. Outside of Cubs and Bears games. and now, that its off, that is all he wants to do and he's ticked that he cannot!
So, I'm annoyed. Oh yes, I would use stronger words, but I dont want my mom to call me and yell at me for cussing again :)
So, do I turn it back on, or make him suffer and get his ass(sorry mom) up and do something, like he used to do. I've only been asking for two years for him to restring the fishsing pools, and for 11 years to make me a corner table.
mabye if I start pulling fishing line apart, he will do it? Sigh....I need to call him to find out if he was serious serious serious...cause you know we have to double double and triple check, but I dont want to cause I wont call and turn it back on. I'll make him do it...but with my luck he will add stupid things that will have nothing on and we will pay through the nose for.
Lousy tv!
Last week I turned off the tv. That is, I suspended the dish in my house. For the record, I have a love hate relationship with the tv. Nothing is ever one, commercials are borderline obscene and obnoxious. I hate most of the choices that the kids have. and it costs to much money. I pay almost $800.00 a year for this stupid box that never has anything on that I want.
Ok...cpet in the winter...Sunday afternoons, you can always find Steel Magnolois!!
So, I shut it OFF. I did provide some concelation. I hooked up the kitchen tv to the internet. Now my kids have been introduced to the likes of the Lone Ranger, Sea Hunt, Rocky and Bulwinkle, Astro Boy, etc etc.
I can watch what I want when I want with no commercials!!
And for my very cranky husband, I bought a dvd player for the bedroom and season 4 of the Simpsons. We fall asleep to The Simpsons every night. is it going. GREAT! The kids have actually adjusted better than we have. They still have tv, but its much more limited, I still have tv and its what I want when I want it. My husband never watches tv. Although he's pissed that he cannot watch the cubs game.
so last night I put it on the radio so we can listen. What did he do, go upstairs and watch dvd's of Taxi. Lordy!
The kids are spending more time with eachother, cept c1, he's disappeard into his room forever :). The fighting has not gotten better, but its fun to watch them c2 and c3 aruge over Uno.
I never really watched it in the fist place, so there is no change for me. Yes, it is driving me a little nuts. See c3 wont leave me alone. he's always here. Asking for something, messing with the dogs. D2 is buried in blankets right now and he is saying, mom now look at d2, mom now look at d2. So, I miss it as far as I cannot turn it on and go c3, Maggie the Ferecious Beast is on! Cannot get that on the internet that I have found yet.
So, it has been a week and a half. Kids have adjusted, dont miss it. has Saving Grace a week after the episode has aired. But now..its hubby.
Last night he says to me, that's it..I cannot take it, call and have it turned back on(its on a suspension right now, no fee to turn it back on) I look at him like he has grown eight arms. I ask him if he is serious. he says yes. He tried it, he just cannot do it. Did I mention that this man NEVER WATCHES TV. And I mean never. He never sits still long enough to watch tv, that is until i shut it off. NOW ALL HE DOES IS WANT TO WATCH TV.
Are you kidding me!??!!
He never watched tv in the first place. Outside of Cubs and Bears games. and now, that its off, that is all he wants to do and he's ticked that he cannot!
So, I'm annoyed. Oh yes, I would use stronger words, but I dont want my mom to call me and yell at me for cussing again :)
So, do I turn it back on, or make him suffer and get his ass(sorry mom) up and do something, like he used to do. I've only been asking for two years for him to restring the fishsing pools, and for 11 years to make me a corner table.
mabye if I start pulling fishing line apart, he will do it? Sigh....I need to call him to find out if he was serious serious serious...cause you know we have to double double and triple check, but I dont want to cause I wont call and turn it back on. I'll make him do it...but with my luck he will add stupid things that will have nothing on and we will pay through the nose for.
Lousy tv!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Is my kid a looser kid?
I just dont get it. Today...while I am out running around with c3, Hubby calls me saying that c2 is upset because I had promised she could have a sleepover. I informed Hubby that I had talked to c2 and we had agreed that with her bad cold, she would wait until she felt better. Hubby says ok
So, I get home to find two klingons in the house with my daughter. My husband comes and and says he has no idea who they are, but they are friends with c2.
Well..I never expect hubby to know who the kids friends are. He once turned around in the kitchen and found a kid standing there, and asked, who are you. :) In all fairness, I dont expect him to know who any of these kids are. he's at work all day and obviously doesn't listen to the kids telling their days at the dinner table. >:)
So...Hubby proceeds to tell me that the girls are having a sleepover and that their mom said its ok. Ummmmm....I DONT EVEN KNOW THESE KIDS. Let alone their mom. So, their mom said that her two daughters can have a sleep over at a strangers house. Dont think so!
I know all of the parents that my kids hang out with...I know them very very well..Because when they do have a sleepover, I need to know if there are guns in the house, ( we have shotguns, in a gunsafe and any new child coming over I inform the parents of this), do the parents drink heavily with my kids over, what are they allowed to watch...Yes....I cannot know everything about a family. However, I do know the family of c1's friend that drinks and he has been informed what to do should Friend parent start drinking ( call and tell me he doesn't feel good, friends parent is working on recovery) I know that other friend gets to watch movies that my kids wouldn't be allowed to, but friend is the last of the kids, so as those of us with more than two know, the yougest gets away with more :)..
So, I try to get to know friends parents. They have the lives of my children in their hands and visa versa for those dozen or so hours. I want to know that they will be treated with love and care as if they were their own.
So...(stepping off of soapbox...oh wait...never mind) So.. I let them stay and play for a while then shoo them out as C2 has piano lessons(her first lesson) and tell them that C2 will call when we get back.
After lessons, I tell C2 that she has to cancel the sleepover as she is not feeling well, and after some tears and arguing, does that work, she agrees.
So I get home, am informed that C1 is going over to friend (parent drinks but is in recovery) and so, i hop in car and take him over. On the way back, I notice c2 two friends walking down the street in our direction with walmart bags. Nooo...I say to myself..
So I pull over and ask whats up. Well, they were coming over for the sleepover. Ummmmm...Hello??? I said we would call. And I still dont know parent. So, I offer them a ride home, yes they get in the car with a virtual stranger. I pull up and there is mom...she says, oh to early. Ummmmm Hello??? I inform her that its not going to work as C2 is sick. She says ok. Umm hello????? Didn't even introduce herself to me. Does she even know where i live???
So I drive home and now have to figure out how to discourage C2 from hanging with this girl and her sister because it will so NOT ever happen.
I will not allow my children to hang out with looser children. dont take offense to this statement! We all know who we are talking about. Its not the kids fault. its the parents. and we all know these kids.
They are the kids out at all hours with no parental supervision ever! They wander the neighborhoods, are always dirty, (different dirt..C3 is so filthy right now) But the dirt that is days and days old. They are crass, almost no manners...And their parents let them go on sleepovers without ever meeting the parents.
So....I wont let my kids hang out with those kids. but...those seem to be the only kids that c2 keeps wanting to hang out with.
Its not for lack of trying. When she was younger, she would call people all of the time from the school phonebook looking for play dates. No one ever and I mean EVER returned her phone calls. No one ever wanted to play. Why? I have no idea? Is she not socialzed enough? Is it because she doesn't play with dolls? She has never gotten into Barbies. Oh well. I tried..I have a $100 dreamhouse in the attic that was never played with.
Does she not have cool enough toys? Tough. I dont believe in buying my kids whatever they want. I dont buy designer clothes for my kids. I will not spend $50.00 on a pair of shoes that they will outgrow in a week or two and they never tie the damn laces.
her teacher doesn't understand it either. She asked me if c2 has any close friends, I said no, and teacher says but she gets along with everybody. She can talk and hang out with an adult or a 2yr old. Or anywhere in between.
So, what is it? She's not cool enough, doesn't have the coolest toys, doesn't go on exotic vacations, isn't spoiled rotten?? So she has to hang out with the looser kids?
Wanted: Playmate for my daughter,
She is a wonderful person, ready to help anyone, asked or not. She knits, she croches, she cross stitches. She can shoot a great basketball. She can swim like a fish and loves to jump off the boat into the water. She is the best bass fisherman (woman) in our family. She jumped two grades in reading, gets herself up and ready in the morning before I am even out of bed. Loves to go camping, loves to go hiking, loves to ride her bike! She plays a mean game of ice hockey. She can talk to anyone, loves to talk on the phone. Loves to have her nails done. Loves to have her hair done, Loves to dress pretty.
Requirements. Someone who just loves to play and be themselves. Someone with responsible parents.
So...Am I asking to much? Why do I have to ask at all. Why do I have to find a playmate for my daughter. Why does she have to be so lonely?
So, I get home to find two klingons in the house with my daughter. My husband comes and and says he has no idea who they are, but they are friends with c2.
Well..I never expect hubby to know who the kids friends are. He once turned around in the kitchen and found a kid standing there, and asked, who are you. :) In all fairness, I dont expect him to know who any of these kids are. he's at work all day and obviously doesn't listen to the kids telling their days at the dinner table. >:)
So...Hubby proceeds to tell me that the girls are having a sleepover and that their mom said its ok. Ummmmm....I DONT EVEN KNOW THESE KIDS. Let alone their mom. So, their mom said that her two daughters can have a sleep over at a strangers house. Dont think so!
I know all of the parents that my kids hang out with...I know them very very well..Because when they do have a sleepover, I need to know if there are guns in the house, ( we have shotguns, in a gunsafe and any new child coming over I inform the parents of this), do the parents drink heavily with my kids over, what are they allowed to watch...Yes....I cannot know everything about a family. However, I do know the family of c1's friend that drinks and he has been informed what to do should Friend parent start drinking ( call and tell me he doesn't feel good, friends parent is working on recovery) I know that other friend gets to watch movies that my kids wouldn't be allowed to, but friend is the last of the kids, so as those of us with more than two know, the yougest gets away with more :)..
So, I try to get to know friends parents. They have the lives of my children in their hands and visa versa for those dozen or so hours. I want to know that they will be treated with love and care as if they were their own.
So...(stepping off of soapbox...oh wait...never mind) So.. I let them stay and play for a while then shoo them out as C2 has piano lessons(her first lesson) and tell them that C2 will call when we get back.
After lessons, I tell C2 that she has to cancel the sleepover as she is not feeling well, and after some tears and arguing, does that work, she agrees.
So I get home, am informed that C1 is going over to friend (parent drinks but is in recovery) and so, i hop in car and take him over. On the way back, I notice c2 two friends walking down the street in our direction with walmart bags. Nooo...I say to myself..
So I pull over and ask whats up. Well, they were coming over for the sleepover. Ummmmm...Hello??? I said we would call. And I still dont know parent. So, I offer them a ride home, yes they get in the car with a virtual stranger. I pull up and there is mom...she says, oh to early. Ummmmm Hello??? I inform her that its not going to work as C2 is sick. She says ok. Umm hello????? Didn't even introduce herself to me. Does she even know where i live???
So I drive home and now have to figure out how to discourage C2 from hanging with this girl and her sister because it will so NOT ever happen.
I will not allow my children to hang out with looser children. dont take offense to this statement! We all know who we are talking about. Its not the kids fault. its the parents. and we all know these kids.
They are the kids out at all hours with no parental supervision ever! They wander the neighborhoods, are always dirty, (different dirt..C3 is so filthy right now) But the dirt that is days and days old. They are crass, almost no manners...And their parents let them go on sleepovers without ever meeting the parents.
So....I wont let my kids hang out with those kids. but...those seem to be the only kids that c2 keeps wanting to hang out with.
Its not for lack of trying. When she was younger, she would call people all of the time from the school phonebook looking for play dates. No one ever and I mean EVER returned her phone calls. No one ever wanted to play. Why? I have no idea? Is she not socialzed enough? Is it because she doesn't play with dolls? She has never gotten into Barbies. Oh well. I tried..I have a $100 dreamhouse in the attic that was never played with.
Does she not have cool enough toys? Tough. I dont believe in buying my kids whatever they want. I dont buy designer clothes for my kids. I will not spend $50.00 on a pair of shoes that they will outgrow in a week or two and they never tie the damn laces.
her teacher doesn't understand it either. She asked me if c2 has any close friends, I said no, and teacher says but she gets along with everybody. She can talk and hang out with an adult or a 2yr old. Or anywhere in between.
So, what is it? She's not cool enough, doesn't have the coolest toys, doesn't go on exotic vacations, isn't spoiled rotten?? So she has to hang out with the looser kids?
Wanted: Playmate for my daughter,
She is a wonderful person, ready to help anyone, asked or not. She knits, she croches, she cross stitches. She can shoot a great basketball. She can swim like a fish and loves to jump off the boat into the water. She is the best bass fisherman (woman) in our family. She jumped two grades in reading, gets herself up and ready in the morning before I am even out of bed. Loves to go camping, loves to go hiking, loves to ride her bike! She plays a mean game of ice hockey. She can talk to anyone, loves to talk on the phone. Loves to have her nails done. Loves to have her hair done, Loves to dress pretty.
Requirements. Someone who just loves to play and be themselves. Someone with responsible parents.
So...Am I asking to much? Why do I have to ask at all. Why do I have to find a playmate for my daughter. Why does she have to be so lonely?
Monday, March 30, 2009
I have decided to plan for the future
I have decided to have my mid life crisis now. Why wait and be surprised. Why not plan it out.
Honey, I am going to have my mid life crisis now. I am going to buy a Nano..I'm going to work out and i'm going to eat ice cream (hang on a second) (now I have ice cream). I am going to panic over nothing, yell at people for no reason and contemplate life. Wait...
that sounds like PMS. Oh well..
So..that is my plan. See, i'm gonna be 40 next year. In my mind, big freaking deal, but, other people seem to make a big deal over it, so i'm gonig to jump on the band wagon. Aren't there even books written about it? Wait..let me google.
Ok, I googled turning 40 and in .16 seconds returned over 32million hits. So, it must be a big deal.
For me, not so much. It is a milestone...but more like, its another day close to death. Gosh..that does sound morbid doesn't it. Ok...let me try to explain or i'll have my mother calling me yelling at me again.
Aveage lifespan of a woman...who the hell cares. Lets say its 80 years old unless I get hit by a bus tomorrow, then it would have been 39. Up until this point, I have more days to live. After sometime in November, I will have less days to live. Does that make sense.
Dont get me wrong...i am not the type to dwell on stupid stuff like this. I really dont care all that much. I look forward to growing older. I already have the granny glasses for reading...the ones with the cute chain on them. Trust me, they look adorable. I cherish all of my wrinkles (cept butt ones, i mean really!!) I refuse to waste my money on anti wrinkle cream. Let the come and get me! I welcome them with open arms. To me, they say...look at me world..I have lived my life and enjoyed every second of it. I have laughed until my face is permanently etched with lines...I have squinted at the sun so much, I look like Clint Eastwood! ewwww...
My body....well...its wrinkly too :) I limp from to much skiing and digging in the dirt as an archaeologist. My shoulder pains me from living in the fast lane(ok...I was at a stop light when I got hit, fine, crush the image) and knitting. My butt...grows wider from to much ice cream and has wrinkles that dont belong there.. Luckily its on the back of me and I cannot see it. My front...well...gravity sucks, but I hearby pledge to at least keep them from flopping around my bellybutton. I praise the effects of the sports bra. Now instead of flooppy twosome..I have on big squish! ROFLMAO The rest of me, who the hell cares. If you dont like it, dont look! Which is why I haven't seen myself naked since I was three!
Ok...this has gotten way off track and my ice cream is melting!
My pledge as I totter towards middle age and beyond.....
I hearby vow to quit smoking. I will not be a smoker when I turn 40. For those of you who didn't know and just gasped in shock...hush..I dont want to hear about it.
And My second and only other get in shape before I turn 40. LORD NO, THAT DOES NOT MEAN FITNESS MODEL IN SHAPE. I mean, my crappy skiing/archeological knees hurt with a few extra pounds, so I'm gonna shed them. Course, doesn't help that I just ate ice cream, oh and before that a snickers bar. Sigh..i'm going about this all wrong. Oh well.
I'm gonna live it, eat it, listen to it, yell about it, cry about it, curse about it, (yes mom, I curse) and enjoy every second of it. And keep up with my two vows. Lets see what happens after november, shall we >:)
Honey, I am going to have my mid life crisis now. I am going to buy a Nano..I'm going to work out and i'm going to eat ice cream (hang on a second) (now I have ice cream). I am going to panic over nothing, yell at people for no reason and contemplate life. Wait...
that sounds like PMS. Oh well..
So..that is my plan. See, i'm gonna be 40 next year. In my mind, big freaking deal, but, other people seem to make a big deal over it, so i'm gonig to jump on the band wagon. Aren't there even books written about it? Wait..let me google.
Ok, I googled turning 40 and in .16 seconds returned over 32million hits. So, it must be a big deal.
For me, not so much. It is a milestone...but more like, its another day close to death. Gosh..that does sound morbid doesn't it. Ok...let me try to explain or i'll have my mother calling me yelling at me again.
Aveage lifespan of a woman...who the hell cares. Lets say its 80 years old unless I get hit by a bus tomorrow, then it would have been 39. Up until this point, I have more days to live. After sometime in November, I will have less days to live. Does that make sense.
Dont get me wrong...i am not the type to dwell on stupid stuff like this. I really dont care all that much. I look forward to growing older. I already have the granny glasses for reading...the ones with the cute chain on them. Trust me, they look adorable. I cherish all of my wrinkles (cept butt ones, i mean really!!) I refuse to waste my money on anti wrinkle cream. Let the come and get me! I welcome them with open arms. To me, they say...look at me world..I have lived my life and enjoyed every second of it. I have laughed until my face is permanently etched with lines...I have squinted at the sun so much, I look like Clint Eastwood! ewwww...
My body....well...its wrinkly too :) I limp from to much skiing and digging in the dirt as an archaeologist. My shoulder pains me from living in the fast lane(ok...I was at a stop light when I got hit, fine, crush the image) and knitting. My butt...grows wider from to much ice cream and has wrinkles that dont belong there.. Luckily its on the back of me and I cannot see it. My front...well...gravity sucks, but I hearby pledge to at least keep them from flopping around my bellybutton. I praise the effects of the sports bra. Now instead of flooppy twosome..I have on big squish! ROFLMAO The rest of me, who the hell cares. If you dont like it, dont look! Which is why I haven't seen myself naked since I was three!
Ok...this has gotten way off track and my ice cream is melting!
My pledge as I totter towards middle age and beyond.....
I hearby vow to quit smoking. I will not be a smoker when I turn 40. For those of you who didn't know and just gasped in shock...hush..I dont want to hear about it.
And My second and only other get in shape before I turn 40. LORD NO, THAT DOES NOT MEAN FITNESS MODEL IN SHAPE. I mean, my crappy skiing/archeological knees hurt with a few extra pounds, so I'm gonna shed them. Course, doesn't help that I just ate ice cream, oh and before that a snickers bar. Sigh..i'm going about this all wrong. Oh well.
I'm gonna live it, eat it, listen to it, yell about it, cry about it, curse about it, (yes mom, I curse) and enjoy every second of it. And keep up with my two vows. Lets see what happens after november, shall we >:)
Friday, March 13, 2009
I could kill my husband and no jury.....
Reason number 46 of how I could kill my husband and no jury with at least one married mom on it would convict me.
I am on my hands and knees (no not that) cleaning out my fridge with $300 worth of groceries all over the place, dogs sniffing in the bags and c3 eating all of the cheese sticks.
I know, I could have waited to clean out the fridge, but it was so empty and it made it look HORRIBLE!.
So...I grab my hose for my vacuum...yes the new DYSON and start by cleaning up the crumbs...makes it a lot easier right? So...Hubby, who is working from home...comes up behind me and says....Shouldn't you use a sponge?
Now I, I think, like most people have several personalities. Well....the most sarcastic of all of my personalities came climbing out on top for this one..
I turned, still on the floor, wondering what is the world is this very thin jelly like substance I have just scraped with a putty knife out of the bottom of the fridge...and replied...
(if you have ever heard me speak with this personality, image it)
REALLY???? And to think...all of these years, I've been doing it wrong. Thank you so much for being a part of my life and explaining to my simple mind how these complicated things work.
I am on my hands and knees (no not that) cleaning out my fridge with $300 worth of groceries all over the place, dogs sniffing in the bags and c3 eating all of the cheese sticks.
I know, I could have waited to clean out the fridge, but it was so empty and it made it look HORRIBLE!.
So...I grab my hose for my vacuum...yes the new DYSON and start by cleaning up the crumbs...makes it a lot easier right? So...Hubby, who is working from home...comes up behind me and says....Shouldn't you use a sponge?
Now I, I think, like most people have several personalities. Well....the most sarcastic of all of my personalities came climbing out on top for this one..
I turned, still on the floor, wondering what is the world is this very thin jelly like substance I have just scraped with a putty knife out of the bottom of the fridge...and replied...
(if you have ever heard me speak with this personality, image it)
REALLY???? And to think...all of these years, I've been doing it wrong. Thank you so much for being a part of my life and explaining to my simple mind how these complicated things work.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

To hell with you old vacuum that mocked me while I tried to pick up the crud. You are out.
Today I helped the economy and purchased a Dyson. Of course, I did it with some of my tax refund, so I dont know if that counts?
And I got a 75$ target gift card to boot! So I vacuumed and could not believe how much stuff it picked up and I just did the carpet yesterday! What does that say about the old pos. AND...nothing jumped at me and laughed. The little pieces of crud went bye bye. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I wonder what else I can vacuum today?
Friday, February 20, 2009
Top things to do to make mom HAPPY
All we really want is peace and quiet and and happy. Is that really so much to ask. Apparently it is. is my list of things to do to make me happy
DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME THE SECOND YOU WALK IN THE DOOR. (at least take your jacket off first)
NO MEANS NO. Stomping up and down, flailing your arms, does that do anything?, and whining will not make me say yes.
If you are sitting in the chair because I am ready to strangle you, do not repeat, mom can I get up now 100 times.
Yes..the above three just happened about 5 minutes ago, in that order!
If I am on the phone, do not come and ask me stupid questions. I hate doing the damnit i'm on the phone dance. Dont pretend you dont know what I'm talking about. Its where we throw our one free arm up and down while stamping our feet to get them to shut up and go away.
I dont think that needs any explaniation.
He's actually asking me yet again if he can get up and then sighing loudly. WHATEVER DUDE.
if you have had a bad day at school, please do not get in the car and start by saying, I dont want to talk about it, but then yell at everyone in the car. That privilage, of punishing the innocent cause you are in a bad mood, is reserved for parents only!
LAUNDRY BASKETS ARE FOR DIRTY LAUNDRY! my husband is even guilty of this opening the freaking closet door to put the socks in would be so much trouble. You are right, its extra work, leave them outside of the closed door!
Lift to pee, put it down when you are done and THE BATHTUB IS NOT FOR PEEING!
Dont ask, 'why are you not listening to me' I can hear you..I am choosing to ignore you and no you cannot get up yet.
DONT CALL 911. especially if the house is a mess and I have not showered yet!
Ok...its somewhat quiet again. Which means I dont know where any, well I do know where one of child is, sighing heavily behind me still sitting, but the rest of the kids are blissfully quiet. Which means that they are zoned out to the television. Guilty mom feeling yes, gonna do anything about it? NOOOOOO!!!!!! is my list of things to do to make me happy
DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME THE SECOND YOU WALK IN THE DOOR. (at least take your jacket off first)
NO MEANS NO. Stomping up and down, flailing your arms, does that do anything?, and whining will not make me say yes.
If you are sitting in the chair because I am ready to strangle you, do not repeat, mom can I get up now 100 times.
Yes..the above three just happened about 5 minutes ago, in that order!
If I am on the phone, do not come and ask me stupid questions. I hate doing the damnit i'm on the phone dance. Dont pretend you dont know what I'm talking about. Its where we throw our one free arm up and down while stamping our feet to get them to shut up and go away.
I dont think that needs any explaniation.
He's actually asking me yet again if he can get up and then sighing loudly. WHATEVER DUDE.
if you have had a bad day at school, please do not get in the car and start by saying, I dont want to talk about it, but then yell at everyone in the car. That privilage, of punishing the innocent cause you are in a bad mood, is reserved for parents only!
LAUNDRY BASKETS ARE FOR DIRTY LAUNDRY! my husband is even guilty of this opening the freaking closet door to put the socks in would be so much trouble. You are right, its extra work, leave them outside of the closed door!
Lift to pee, put it down when you are done and THE BATHTUB IS NOT FOR PEEING!
Dont ask, 'why are you not listening to me' I can hear you..I am choosing to ignore you and no you cannot get up yet.
DONT CALL 911. especially if the house is a mess and I have not showered yet!
Ok...its somewhat quiet again. Which means I dont know where any, well I do know where one of child is, sighing heavily behind me still sitting, but the rest of the kids are blissfully quiet. Which means that they are zoned out to the television. Guilty mom feeling yes, gonna do anything about it? NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Day Two: Mom alone 10:16am
Ok..First night great. My big dog kept me company part of last night. He climbed up in bed with me and I found him breathing on my neck. Had to kick him off. Was to annoying
I kinda got to sleep in this morning. Phone rang right after I woke up. C2 was missing me. Was kinda cute. A little annoying that I had to get up and find the phone. But I get it.
So...Today, I made myself eggs for breakfast..OhOh. I discovered that if you leave the kitchen clean at night, its still clean in the morning!!!! That is, if there is no husband to spill coffee on the counter and has no time to clean it up and the kids are still asleep.
I left a glass on the was mine! and it was still there..and I had no one to blame but myself! It was AWESOME
So, I ate breakfast...oh...Wait.. I showered. Alone! No the kids dont come in the shower with me but they ask me questions, or let the dogs in so I have doggie noses peeking around the shower curtain. Once, C3 brought me a jar of pickles. I guess he was hungry. (my Sister just im'd me that I have a typo in my title and she is demanding I fix it) The funniest part, was that I forgot to take them back downstairs. Next morning, my husband comes in the bedroom holding a jar of pickes he had retrieved from the shower. The look was priceless!
So..I showered, got dressed, made my bed(I have to make my bed every morning. I'm sure my mom just fainted) made breakfast, got the paper and ate my breakfast hot! I actually burned my tounge. I didn't realize that eggs were hot when you took them off of stove. I am working and updating my Blog. I have to go to the Library, KP's house and then out with MP to run some errands.
I have realized something though. Even though there are no kids here...I feel stressed out. Hurried to enjoy my quiet time. Quick, run those errands so I can sit quiet before the kids show up. I think I need to slow down. I took up knitting to teach me patience...which it has..but now I have to learn to slow down. I wonder if this weekend will help me.
I seem to always be in a hurry..hurry make breakfast so I can eat it hot. quick get downstairs before the kids start fighting..quick get laundry done before I start work, quick finish work cause C3 has to get to school. Quick finish laundry and get it put away. Quick, what is for dinner, Quick knit before I have to pick up C2, C3, NC2, NC3. Quick start homework, quick finish dinner, Quick put dinner on the table ( how close is it till bedtime and my own time?) Quick get kids gets bathed, Quick argue with kids about it will work, Quick clean up kitchen pack lunches, quick, shove children into bed, quick stall husbands advances....afterall I have been running and needed all day..I dont want to be needed right now! Quick! sit down relax before bed, but do it quickly its almost bed time.
I have to many quicks in my house, to many hurry ups. So..I have three free days, but I feel as though I have to hurry through them...quick they will be home on Sunday.
I wonder how one learns to slow down. how can you? Life might not be there tomorrow. Why am I so selfish and jealous about my own time? Why am I always running? Why, as I type this do I feel rushed to get it done so I can go do other things?
You can learn a foreign language in an hour, make millions in just one month, cook a comlete dinner for a family of 5 in under 5 minutes, but cannot seem to slow down enough to enjoy any of it?
I kinda got to sleep in this morning. Phone rang right after I woke up. C2 was missing me. Was kinda cute. A little annoying that I had to get up and find the phone. But I get it.
So...Today, I made myself eggs for breakfast..OhOh. I discovered that if you leave the kitchen clean at night, its still clean in the morning!!!! That is, if there is no husband to spill coffee on the counter and has no time to clean it up and the kids are still asleep.
I left a glass on the was mine! and it was still there..and I had no one to blame but myself! It was AWESOME
So, I ate breakfast...oh...Wait.. I showered. Alone! No the kids dont come in the shower with me but they ask me questions, or let the dogs in so I have doggie noses peeking around the shower curtain. Once, C3 brought me a jar of pickles. I guess he was hungry. (my Sister just im'd me that I have a typo in my title and she is demanding I fix it) The funniest part, was that I forgot to take them back downstairs. Next morning, my husband comes in the bedroom holding a jar of pickes he had retrieved from the shower. The look was priceless!
So..I showered, got dressed, made my bed(I have to make my bed every morning. I'm sure my mom just fainted) made breakfast, got the paper and ate my breakfast hot! I actually burned my tounge. I didn't realize that eggs were hot when you took them off of stove. I am working and updating my Blog. I have to go to the Library, KP's house and then out with MP to run some errands.
I have realized something though. Even though there are no kids here...I feel stressed out. Hurried to enjoy my quiet time. Quick, run those errands so I can sit quiet before the kids show up. I think I need to slow down. I took up knitting to teach me patience...which it has..but now I have to learn to slow down. I wonder if this weekend will help me.
I seem to always be in a hurry..hurry make breakfast so I can eat it hot. quick get downstairs before the kids start fighting..quick get laundry done before I start work, quick finish work cause C3 has to get to school. Quick finish laundry and get it put away. Quick, what is for dinner, Quick knit before I have to pick up C2, C3, NC2, NC3. Quick start homework, quick finish dinner, Quick put dinner on the table ( how close is it till bedtime and my own time?) Quick get kids gets bathed, Quick argue with kids about it will work, Quick clean up kitchen pack lunches, quick, shove children into bed, quick stall husbands advances....afterall I have been running and needed all day..I dont want to be needed right now! Quick! sit down relax before bed, but do it quickly its almost bed time.
I have to many quicks in my house, to many hurry ups. So..I have three free days, but I feel as though I have to hurry through them...quick they will be home on Sunday.
I wonder how one learns to slow down. how can you? Life might not be there tomorrow. Why am I so selfish and jealous about my own time? Why am I always running? Why, as I type this do I feel rushed to get it done so I can go do other things?
You can learn a foreign language in an hour, make millions in just one month, cook a comlete dinner for a family of 5 in under 5 minutes, but cannot seem to slow down enough to enjoy any of it?
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Friday Night 9:30pm cst
Well...Its 9:30. I have knitted the night away. I find it very odd. Around 9, I looked at the clock and thought, damn I have to make lunches etc...then quickly realized, I don't.
Its rather odd. Its nice....but odd. I think I have come to expect to be needed all the time. Does that make sense? Is that why when the kids go away to college there is the empty nest syndrome? Because after 18+ years of service, we are no longer needed on a daily basis? Think about it, we are, servants its not the right term, mom's (damn close) for 18+years of our lives. We do everything for them. From the day they are born till (my mom says never) they move out give or take, we are there for them.
Phone rings from school, forgotten lunch, we jump in the car. Stuck on a math problem, we put down our knitting :) and help. Need a snack for tomorrow, told at 930 at night, we run to Jewel.
We are at their beckon call ( within reason) 24x7 365 days a year, (give or take -3 for me) for 18 years, at least. Wait, I need a calculator....
6570 days
157680 hours of our lives devoted to the care and needs of those little monsters(said with love of course)
Oh and that is per kid mind you. If you have more than one, each day takes a lot longer to get through than the standard 24 hours. Ask any mom!
We get used to this feeling. We dont always like it, we get annoyed at it, we want quiet time, we want to change our names....but we miss it when its gone? What the hell is wrong with me! ROFL.
So, here I sit. I dont have to plan my day tomorrow. I will eventually have to get out of bed to let the dogs out or wind up having to run the steam cleaner over the carpet. I can do what I want for myself. No making breakfast, shouting about shoes(dont cringe or be shocked, we all shout about shoes and socks before school, no matter how perfect you thinkyou are, you have done it), brushing teeth, hanging up the damn towel in the bathroom, what am I, your maid???.
I get to live for myself and no one else tomorrow....I wonder what the kids are doing right now?
Its rather odd. Its nice....but odd. I think I have come to expect to be needed all the time. Does that make sense? Is that why when the kids go away to college there is the empty nest syndrome? Because after 18+ years of service, we are no longer needed on a daily basis? Think about it, we are, servants its not the right term, mom's (damn close) for 18+years of our lives. We do everything for them. From the day they are born till (my mom says never) they move out give or take, we are there for them.
Phone rings from school, forgotten lunch, we jump in the car. Stuck on a math problem, we put down our knitting :) and help. Need a snack for tomorrow, told at 930 at night, we run to Jewel.
We are at their beckon call ( within reason) 24x7 365 days a year, (give or take -3 for me) for 18 years, at least. Wait, I need a calculator....
6570 days
157680 hours of our lives devoted to the care and needs of those little monsters(said with love of course)
Oh and that is per kid mind you. If you have more than one, each day takes a lot longer to get through than the standard 24 hours. Ask any mom!
We get used to this feeling. We dont always like it, we get annoyed at it, we want quiet time, we want to change our names....but we miss it when its gone? What the hell is wrong with me! ROFL.
So, here I sit. I dont have to plan my day tomorrow. I will eventually have to get out of bed to let the dogs out or wind up having to run the steam cleaner over the carpet. I can do what I want for myself. No making breakfast, shouting about shoes(dont cringe or be shocked, we all shout about shoes and socks before school, no matter how perfect you thinkyou are, you have done it), brushing teeth, hanging up the damn towel in the bathroom, what am I, your maid???.
I get to live for myself and no one else tomorrow....I wonder what the kids are doing right now?
My weekend alone First Night 2/12/2009 6:30pm
It has begun. at aprox 5:38cst my husband and my three children loaded up in the SUV with the trailer attached and left the driveway. They will not return until sometime Sunday mid morning/afternoon.
If they drove my husband nuts, mid morning...if they had a great time..mid afternoon.
So..What am I to do with myself. I thought I would keep a record of what I have done this weekend.
So far, I straightened up the house, I should vacuum but ...see vacuum post... I dont want to.
I fed the dogs, made myself egg salad AND cleaned up after myself..See...It can be done. It is possible to make dinner and wash the dishes and put them away. And my husband thought it couldn't be done.
Oh...I ran a quick load of wash..C3 fell asleep on the chair downstairs last night at 6pm and had an accident. Not like I didn't ask my husband 4 times to take him upstairs and put him to bed, hence taking him potty. So..I am washing the blanket he was wrapped up in, courtesy of C2..see she can be nice when she wants to.
I have knitted. I am knitting a sweater for who ever it fits. It might be for C3 but I am making it for C2. I always knit smaller than it is supposed to be. Although I checked the gauge and its perfect. For those who have no clue, dont worry about it.
Its now 6:50pm cst. I plan on putting my dishes in the dishwasher..checking facebook and twitter again...maybe working but Sister1 needs to fix something for me *poke* before I can work.
I do NOT plan on turning on the tv until the simpsons comes on at 10:35. Why the hell they moved it form 10pm to 10:35. Do we really need 95 minutes of news. The news starts at 9pm. Goes till 10pm. then from 10 to 10:35, they freaking recap. GOOD GOD..
So...That is my plan.
Stay tuned for more updates. I'm gonna go potty, and resume knitting while listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Crap...washing machine is dancing again
If they drove my husband nuts, mid morning...if they had a great time..mid afternoon.
So..What am I to do with myself. I thought I would keep a record of what I have done this weekend.
So far, I straightened up the house, I should vacuum but ...see vacuum post... I dont want to.
I fed the dogs, made myself egg salad AND cleaned up after myself..See...It can be done. It is possible to make dinner and wash the dishes and put them away. And my husband thought it couldn't be done.
Oh...I ran a quick load of wash..C3 fell asleep on the chair downstairs last night at 6pm and had an accident. Not like I didn't ask my husband 4 times to take him upstairs and put him to bed, hence taking him potty. So..I am washing the blanket he was wrapped up in, courtesy of C2..see she can be nice when she wants to.
I have knitted. I am knitting a sweater for who ever it fits. It might be for C3 but I am making it for C2. I always knit smaller than it is supposed to be. Although I checked the gauge and its perfect. For those who have no clue, dont worry about it.
Its now 6:50pm cst. I plan on putting my dishes in the dishwasher..checking facebook and twitter again...maybe working but Sister1 needs to fix something for me *poke* before I can work.
I do NOT plan on turning on the tv until the simpsons comes on at 10:35. Why the hell they moved it form 10pm to 10:35. Do we really need 95 minutes of news. The news starts at 9pm. Goes till 10pm. then from 10 to 10:35, they freaking recap. GOOD GOD..
So...That is my plan.
Stay tuned for more updates. I'm gonna go potty, and resume knitting while listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Crap...washing machine is dancing again
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Big Kudos for Husband!!!
My husband is giving me the most incredible most awesomest valentines present in the 11 years we have been married.
He is taking all three children away for three days. Three whole days all alone cept for the dogs, but all they ever need is some loving and to be let out once in a while. They occassionally bark but they never whine, oh wait, yes they do, but they dont argue about bed time or fight with, oh they do that too...they dont ARGUE With me.
So..Kids, Hubby gone. Three days! Me, Ben & Jerry, Spoon, jammies.
Out of all of the gifts I have gotten, by far the best. Men do not have an easy time of giving gifts. We provide hints, we get flannel jammies and a robe with pictures of scottish terriers on them. We provide no hints, we get waffel maker! I hate waffels! We send them out with the kids so they can purchase for us, we get 2 gallon bottle of perfume you can smell through the glass and leaves stains on your clothes, neck and wrist, and the dogs wont come near you.
So...He so has it right this time. Oh...he's taking them ice fishing. yes, for those who are concerned, he has an ice shanty with heaters and none of the kids can fit in the wholes. C1 and C3 have tried, they only go up to their one knee. And of all of the trips, we have had only one broken bone. (so another story). The kids get to drink pop, eat crap, and stay up late. They think its the greatest thing in the world. For that one is God.
I think they should have one weekend. I will so take the rest of the year! Which I why I deserve this free weekend.
Friday night. Movie Night. BYO..NO KIDS!
He is taking all three children away for three days. Three whole days all alone cept for the dogs, but all they ever need is some loving and to be let out once in a while. They occassionally bark but they never whine, oh wait, yes they do, but they dont argue about bed time or fight with, oh they do that too...they dont ARGUE With me.
So..Kids, Hubby gone. Three days! Me, Ben & Jerry, Spoon, jammies.
Out of all of the gifts I have gotten, by far the best. Men do not have an easy time of giving gifts. We provide hints, we get flannel jammies and a robe with pictures of scottish terriers on them. We provide no hints, we get waffel maker! I hate waffels! We send them out with the kids so they can purchase for us, we get 2 gallon bottle of perfume you can smell through the glass and leaves stains on your clothes, neck and wrist, and the dogs wont come near you.
So...He so has it right this time. Oh...he's taking them ice fishing. yes, for those who are concerned, he has an ice shanty with heaters and none of the kids can fit in the wholes. C1 and C3 have tried, they only go up to their one knee. And of all of the trips, we have had only one broken bone. (so another story). The kids get to drink pop, eat crap, and stay up late. They think its the greatest thing in the world. For that one is God.
I think they should have one weekend. I will so take the rest of the year! Which I why I deserve this free weekend.
Friday night. Movie Night. BYO..NO KIDS!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Why do we let them go shopping??
So, C2 is snack girl for her Brownie troop meeting tomorrow. I inform hubby that I have to take her to the store this evening to purchase said snacks. He says, oh let me do it, I have to shop for the upcoming ice trip.
So.. I say fine..go, take C2 with you. Since he has been gone, all of 37 minutes, he has called me five, yes FIVE times. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Stop freaking calling me. I don't care if you buy apple juice. Buy it, dont buy it, Why are you asking me????
Damn...I dont even remember what else he called about! I have told him twice now, not to call me again, but he keeps calling me and asking stupid questions. If you want to buy it then buy it. Dont call me and then ask me and then disagree with my answer. THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF ASKING ME.
I swear, if the phone rings again, I am sooooo not answering it!!!
So.. I say fine..go, take C2 with you. Since he has been gone, all of 37 minutes, he has called me five, yes FIVE times. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Stop freaking calling me. I don't care if you buy apple juice. Buy it, dont buy it, Why are you asking me????
Damn...I dont even remember what else he called about! I have told him twice now, not to call me again, but he keeps calling me and asking stupid questions. If you want to buy it then buy it. Dont call me and then ask me and then disagree with my answer. THEN WHAT IS THE POINT OF ASKING ME.
I swear, if the phone rings again, I am sooooo not answering it!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Does my Vacuum hate me?
First...I think its a personal plot against me. My vacuum hates me. Well...I think all vacuums hate me but It starts with the name of it. I keep trying to spell it vaccum which makes sense to me,but the stupid spell check keeps putting the little red line under it to tell me I am stupid and I don't know how to spell the name of my nemesis. Hey...I spelled that right!
So...Vacuums *mutter*....A love hate relationship. I hate to pull it out because that means my carpet looks like hell...but I love to vacuum because I love carpet lines! That means that for 5 minutes, my carpet looks AWESOME!
Oh...did I mention three children and two big HAIRY dogs! Sigh. So...I have to vacuum every day. If I miss a looks like my carpet is growing hair! Its rather gross... My mom comes over and every single time, is wearing all black.
Did I mention my two big HAIRY dogs are WHITE! and SHED ALOT! Poor woman. WEAR JEANS ALREADY MOM!
wait...I wander...back to my stupid vacuum. I hate spending money on a vacuum. I hate to vacuum. But...since I have to vacuum, I might as well own one that actually works. No..not a dyson. I can think of 100 other things I would like to spend $800 on, other than a stupid vacuum.
I think its a hoover? I don't know. Supposed to be good for pets. was for the first day! After that, it gave up. I didn't blame it. But I am SO not going out and buying another vacuum. Think of the amount of yarn $100 can buy versus a stupid vacuum.
So...I drag out the stupid vacuum and start vacuuming up after my HAIRY WHITE DOGS and messy children....and what does the little bits of crud on the floor do...they jump and laugh at me...Its like they are wish you could remove me from the floor! HA We wont go that easily. Push stupid vacuum forward over little bits of crud.. pull stupid vacuum back over little bits of crud and watch little bits of crud jump forward out of the way of the stupid vacuum.
So...repeat. Its kinda like shampoo. Wet, lather and repeat. Go forward, backward and repeat, then start cussing, and pushing faster forward and backward...then sigh heavily and push forward very very very slowly and while pulling backward, pray little pieces of crud are now dead and get sucked up. Oh dear....that sounds a little...oh never mind. My mother reads this.
So, now I look at little pieces of crud and sigh. I could get on my hands and knees and pick up all of the crud...but ummmm no! That is why i have a stupid vacuum.
On the upside...I think I now know how to spell vaccum.
So...Vacuums *mutter*....A love hate relationship. I hate to pull it out because that means my carpet looks like hell...but I love to vacuum because I love carpet lines! That means that for 5 minutes, my carpet looks AWESOME!
Oh...did I mention three children and two big HAIRY dogs! Sigh. So...I have to vacuum every day. If I miss a looks like my carpet is growing hair! Its rather gross... My mom comes over and every single time, is wearing all black.
Did I mention my two big HAIRY dogs are WHITE! and SHED ALOT! Poor woman. WEAR JEANS ALREADY MOM!
wait...I wander...back to my stupid vacuum. I hate spending money on a vacuum. I hate to vacuum. But...since I have to vacuum, I might as well own one that actually works. No..not a dyson. I can think of 100 other things I would like to spend $800 on, other than a stupid vacuum.
I think its a hoover? I don't know. Supposed to be good for pets. was for the first day! After that, it gave up. I didn't blame it. But I am SO not going out and buying another vacuum. Think of the amount of yarn $100 can buy versus a stupid vacuum.
So...I drag out the stupid vacuum and start vacuuming up after my HAIRY WHITE DOGS and messy children....and what does the little bits of crud on the floor do...they jump and laugh at me...Its like they are wish you could remove me from the floor! HA We wont go that easily. Push stupid vacuum forward over little bits of crud.. pull stupid vacuum back over little bits of crud and watch little bits of crud jump forward out of the way of the stupid vacuum.
So...repeat. Its kinda like shampoo. Wet, lather and repeat. Go forward, backward and repeat, then start cussing, and pushing faster forward and backward...then sigh heavily and push forward very very very slowly and while pulling backward, pray little pieces of crud are now dead and get sucked up. Oh dear....that sounds a little...oh never mind. My mother reads this.
So, now I look at little pieces of crud and sigh. I could get on my hands and knees and pick up all of the crud...but ummmm no! That is why i have a stupid vacuum.
On the upside...I think I now know how to spell vaccum.
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