Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I try to be a good mom, but.....

Lordy! What a night..

I figure myself to be a good mother. Not perfect, but good. I dont coddle, ok fine, maybe I coddle K3 a little, but he is my youngest, and I have backed off of that cause he is ticking me off lately. But, I dont coddle to much, I give my kids their freedom, to a degree. I dont entertain them, I force them to play and do things for themselves. (I just stared a new pair of socks afterall) I dont buy them everything they want no matter how much the beg and plead.

When they get hurt, I take care of them, but still force them to take care of themselves to a degree. Yes, when K2 had a broken leg, I made her get her own drink when she was able. But I see that along the lines of good parenting. When they get sick, I show the appropriate amount of concern and sympathy depending on the illness. High fevers, get hugs and tylenol, blankets, cool washcloths on their foreheads. (my mom used to do that...the washcloth...still remember how good it felt)

But, oh but, I cannot handle the wailing. K2 was sick all afternoon and all evening last night. Both end kind of sick. Serious stomach cramps kinda sick. Dry heaving kinda sick. So, I put my good mom hat on, got her a small garbage can, a heating pad for the stomach cramps, put a book on cd on her computer and tucked her into bed, cooing the words of caring and sympathy. And then...annoyed mom walked into the picture.

Ok, I get you are sick. I get it! We all get it. but really, every time you go into the bathroom, please stop whining my name, getting louder and louder. I go in there, you say your stomach hurts, I say I'm sorry..and then two minutes later you are yelling my name. This went on starting at about 3:30pm until well past 3am. and I do mean every 5 minutes. I was ready to strangle you, not literally please. I mean come on! I get it! I know you feel like crap. I KNOW. But please, please stop screaming my name every five minutes to tell me you dont feel good. Its not what you want. You dont want annoyed mom standing there, you want good mom, but you decided that you need annoyed mom to stand there and say, I know you are sick, what do you want me to do, I cannot be sick for you(althought I could do it alot quieter)I cannot do anything for you, go back to bed.

So...sigh...K2 was able to take good caring mom and turn me into annoyed please shut up and dont say my name again mom. I actually told K2, after I got her a warm blanket and set her up on the couch with the tv on her favorite show and a garbage can in front of her this morning , to please not say my name for a while.

How quick they are able to turn us from loving and caring and feeling oh so bad for them, to dear god just shut up moms.

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