it is just getting worse and worse. How am I, how is anyone, supposed to put on a happy face and continue to function day to day? The world is falling apart around our ears and we are supposed to ignore it and continue on our merry way.
I cannot do this. I try, I try to not read the news...I try not not listen to the news, to not look up the news, but it keeps finding me.
Obama's healthcare. Ok...A good thing? I'm not sure. Being in the boat of possibly not having health care soon and needing it, maybe a good thing. But, reports out of Britian show a 6 month waiting list to see a dr for arthritis. Or the incredible day long waiting in hosptial ers in Canada. Is this what we are to expect? I have no idea and it scares the hell out of me. So, my daughter breaks her leg but there are 12 guys having heartattacks in front of us, so we wait two days in the waiting room?
Our economy is falling apart, but, the University of Illinois/Chicago has won a $3Million dollar grant to study the drinking habits of Lesbians. WHO THE HELL CARES! Three million dollars. It makes me want to call the woman who is the head of this study and say, REALLY????
The news people are upset that some study was not released six years ago stating the dangers of driving while talking. OMG! If only they had released that study, there would be more people alive today! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!
Woman in GB, looses a lawsuit against her cleaning company. Claims they did an inadequate job clearing out spiders of her garage, and one startled her causing her to fall and break her wrist.
46 yr old woman sentenced to prison for having sex with 13yr old. Sigh
Cops show up to deal with domestic dispute, man throws 18month old into the bushes to hide him. Sigh..
Its July and the high this weekend will not even make it out of the 70's.
I am cancelling my newspaper and deleting my news tab from firefox. I am swearing off news. I just dont think I can take it anymore. Even Ben & Jerry are not helping.
Is this hiding my head in the sand....why yes, yes it is, but for my own mental sanity....OMG OMG
Fox is on the in the background....commercial for news program...lady says to man, so you came face to face with your sons killer, what was his demenior like!
Why? Why? Is this so we can feel better about ourselves, that we are not in their shoes. That our lives are not as horrible as theirs? Is this why we watch the jerry springers? To make ourselves feel better? Oh...that poor child got shot while washinger her glad its not my kid. So glad we dont live in that neighborhood.
Why is this on the evening news? Is it news? or is it simply to say, oh how horrible. or, so glad its not me, we dont live there...or is it simply to depress the hell out of us.
They dont report the one does anymore...they report what they want us to feel.
Well...thanks guys..I feel like shit....and I done!
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