we never have enough of it, some days have to much of it, are always looking for more of it, find ourselves trying to kill it.
Time in my life is difficult to manage. Not that I dont get everything done. If I want to get it done, i will. Most often, I just dont want to fold that last load of laundry, so it will sit in the dryer.
My problem with time is not having enough or to much, its what to do with what I have. I have free time, *gasp*.
Dont give me that, we all have free time, we just feel guilty for admitting it. Why? I have no idea?
Yes, our husbands go to the 'office', the sit in rush hour traffic, endure annoying, long, boring, pointless meetings. Return hundreds of emails/phone calls etc etc. They work hard. They come home tired. They are entitled to sit on the couch and relax....ummm....ummmm......
I will not even go though my day, made a touch harder by c3's broken leg. Am up by 7, c2 takes care of herself in the morning, and am not done with my day until 9:30pm. Well, that is not done with kids until 9:30pm. Then, I have to clean up, make lunches if they forget, etc etc etc....
So..hubbies day goes from 5:30am till 4:00pm. When he gets up to when he leaves work, ok fine, we'll say 5pm, when he gets home.
My day: 7pm until 11pm. I WIN..
Crap..off topic yet again.. Ok..so during my long long day, when all three kids are in school, I do get time to myself. Time I get to choose with what to do. There are so many things I want to do during my down time, I do none of them and watch tv, cause I dont know what to do.
Is that odd. I hate tv. There is nothing good on. Do I knit, work, write a letter (yes I still do that) read a book, go to the library, play the wii(I love playing the wii), run errands etc etc...UGH!.
Ok..dont be mad cause I have free time! I put in my years of chasing toddlers etc around. I am now entitled.
but...what do I do with it? When I'm knitting, I'm thinking it would be fun to play the wii. when I'm playing the wii...knitting comes to mind. Isn't this stupid.
I guess I have spent so many years, not having free time, now that I do, what do I do.
and MOM and all of the rest of you smart alecs...dont even ask me to come over and clean or do your crap...i'm typing this right now while ignoring my own crap while I wonder what to do next.....knit, wii, read, work, errands..
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