mom keeps pointing out that everything I says is negative. Yes, I talk and listen (sometimes) to my mom almost every day. It has gotten impossible not to with IM and Email and Facebook. I'M KIDDING MOM!!! We call eacother when we are early for an apt and are sitting in the parking lot waiting for an apt or some place to open :)
Anyway...yes, I have been very very negative lately. I hate negativity. Kinda. Negativity can be fun if you put the right spin on it.
So...I decided to try to figure out why I am being so negative lately.
Ok...Lets wander back a bit shall we.. My negativity goes back years, not sure about yours...
Iraq war..
I hate being lied to...I hate that our families are being torn apart...I hate that in our incredible ignorance, we believe that we can take a culture that has lived and died one way, for centuries, and expect them to embrace and accept our way of thinking, democracy, in a couple of years...I hate that our own government has lied to us over and over and over again.
The New Work Place
I hate that there is no loyalty in the workplace anymore....I hate that you can trust no one and must fear everyone...I hate that you can work for a company for 30+ years and be let go...I hate the constant living in fear...will we be employed tomorrow?...I hate that you can be treated like shit and you have no recourse because there are 1000 people unemployed and ready to take your job for half the pay.
The New Administration
I hate that I do not have a the warm and fuzzy feeling I had expected after Obama took office....I hate that I feel uneasy.
The Economy
I hate the fear that I have every single day over the complete and total collapse of the world economy...I hate that I fear that if this does happen, it will happen overnight and how will I feed my children. I hate that I fear it will happen in the winter and then, how will I keep them warm. I hate that I am glad that I am a gun owner...I hate and cry for those who are losing their jobs..I hate that I am glad it is them and not me...I hate seeing the lines at the food pantry..I hate that I have not stopped by and dropped off more food.
Swine Flu
I hate that while walking though a parking lot today, I feared and stared at someone coughing...I hate that I am terrified this could be the new Black Death...I hate that I am afraid I am overreacting...I hate that I am afraid that I am not reacting enough...I hate that the news media cant get it right....
In General
I hate being afraid...I hate wanting to pretend it doesn't exist...I hate knowing it does...I hate the hate, the fear, the uncertaintety, the pain, the saddness, the FEAR!
Am I being negative in my posts, my comments, my own internal thoughts...I am. But I have a few dozen damn good reason to feel this way...
and I hate it!
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