Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I really have to stop being so negative!!! but....

According to all that we had been told by various health care organizations, we had 18 months of subsidized cobra. 
A god send, dont get me wrong.  We would not have been able to afford health care otherwise.  It goes through Jan 31st.  Then the price goes way up.  Ok  No problem.  Being responsible people, we started looking for affordable health care in October.   We couldn't apply for it until a month before ours was up, so we applied for it and saved the application for submittal. Personal health care is ok...Only about $100 more a month than we are paying now...oh does not include dental, vision or a drug card.  If we wanted that, the cost of our monthly premium would be more than our MORTGAGE! 

Oh wait.  Just KIDDING!  You owe us $2000.00 for the month of December or your health care will be canceled effective Nov 30th.   Guess when we found this out....Last NIGHT! 

Merry Fucking Christmas (yes I know, I just cussed the big cuss word and my mom just got really mad at me, but its very fitting right now)

Wait a minute...they cashed my Dec payment...they say they never got my dec payment, I have a copy from the bank showing they cashed my Dec payment which means I only owe them $1500 to keep my health care until January 7th when it goes away forever.  (what 13 month extension, no one knows a damn thing about that)

We tried to talk to them about it, but we dont know the password on the account so they cant talk to us about it! WTF!  Oh, they will mail it to us..Hopefully it will get here before they cancel our health care for lack of payment! 

How can we make so much money but not be able to afford decent health care?????  All three of my kids are on maintenance meds.  One of them alone costs almost $200 a month without insurance.  Which means, that under the new health care that is money out of my pocket..for one kid. 

Not to mention that we have to meet the deductible with the new health care plan.  So....I have to pay $3500 out of pocket before my insurance covers anything.  Which of course means I think long and hard before I take a kid to the doctor because it comes out of my pocket.  If its a tight week, I have to decide if K3's breathing is really as bad as I think or  do I go grocery shopping. 

Think back, to those of you that are my FB friends.  K3 had a cut on his finger, small, which got infected.  Under the new health care plan he would be dead right now.  I would have opted not to take him to the DR because of the cost out of my pocket.  Hindsight would have been everything since it turned out to be Burpa strep and he would have died as he is so little.  His body wouldn't have been able to fight it off.  This I know for a fact.  I would have NOT taken him to the Doctor as it was a tiny infection and the cost would have been on my mind.  I would have slapped some neosporin on it and a band aid and sent him to school.  And would have been burying him three days later. 

How is this happening.  (dont get me wrong...there are people out there in much worse shape than we are...but I am entitled to BITCH so leave me alone.)

We make good money...we try to be responsible, we dont have fancy cars, a house we cannot afford, take ANY vacations.  Now we cant afford to take care of the health of our family.  I could just cry. 

I have to find a Job.  HOW?  Yes, I know how, dont be stupid.  But how can I work 8-5 when the kids have so many days off, when kid 2 wakes up with a fever and misses two days of school, then K1 gets it and misses 3 days and then Kid3 get its and misses a week.  How do I pick up K1 from Band after school., or can he no longer do band because I cant afford health care?  What about Girl Scouts..  Sorry K2, no more cause I can't pick you up afterwards.  Why?  because you might need antibiotics next week.  YES, I KNOW OTHER PEOPLE DO IT!.  I am bitching...leave me alone. 

My husband makes enough money for me not to have to work...oh wait...He makes enough money for me to take care of my family and be there for them, but I have to get another job in order to take care of their health. 

Health care should not be a PROFIT organization.  People should not be profiting on the ills of others.  We do it all the time and dont think about it until it happens to us. 

I am just sicked by this...I am at a loss..I dont know what to do ..

Oh wait...yes I do...I will scrounge some of my spare change together and get a gift card for my neighbors.  Their house was destroyed by fire yesterday. 


We cannot afford health care right now...we cannot afford medicine, we work hard and save hard...we are in trouble, but my neighbors have lost everything they own...I will take some of my grocery money and give it to them...somehow we will get by...and we will help others, friends, family, neighbors, strangers.  This is how it is supposed to work.  (and it makes me feel better)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Being a woman is a joke!

I mentioned on my status update that God is a man.  Why?  and am I ticking off all of my God Fearing friends?  (probably) but why?  First....

As young girls....we wish and pray for boobies...We get them, ususally before our other GF's get them and then are teased about them by the guys...Then we wish they are bigger (we must, we must, we must increase our bust) and eventually wished they were smaller...We get pregnant and they become huge and our husbands become enthralled...which sucks cause they hurt and they cannot touch them.  We have the thrill and joy of feeding our children, wincing in pain each time they latch on...and then watch as they sag with each suckle.  Then...we get cancer in them.  WTF.  Whose brilliant idea was this?

Periods, Aunt Flo, Mother Nature, Monthly it what you want..We all have our own names for it, monthly hell is mine!.  We get bitchy, sad, sensitive, emotionally and physically, bloated, cramping, back pain, front pain, etc etc etc..All this, so we can have children.....ummmm...if God was a woman, we would have installed an on off switch.  When we are done with having kids, we would simply turn the switch off and all of the pain would go away.  We get to spend a fortune on pads, liners, tampons, pamprin, midol chocolate.  None of it actually makes us feel better.  When we tell our husbands our monthly gift is here, they act like we do it on purpose...They accuse of of making up PMS, they say if we are bitchy, we must be on the rag...OMG!  MEN MUST DIE!  We get to go to yearly visits to the Gynecologist...put our feet u in stirrups and carry on a conversation while *shudder*...I am so not going there...but dude...dont talk to me when you are in there and expect me to talk back!!!!

And what do we get for all of this pain and grossness(its just gross man) we get cervical cancer, endometreosis, cysts, uterian cancer, ovarian cancer, STRETCH MARKS! 

Man....if I make it to heaven...I am so having words with whoever was in charge of creating this process....they so screwed it up!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What, exactly, are our schools teaching????

So, yesterday, I get a notice from C3's school telling me that he is in the hole 20.75 for lunches, milk etc.  Ummmmm...what?  I make him lunch every day.  Turns out little dude liked the fried oily crap they serve there better, so he was buying lunch on credit.  WHAT!

While discussing this with him, C2 says she's been getting snacks and C1 says he bought a double lunch the other day.  WTF. 

C1 and C2 say they assumed that there was money on their account as they keep letting them buy things.  C3 just didn't get it. 

Just when exactly, did I authorize my children to have the use of credit cards??!!  oh wait, I DIDN'T! 

Thank you, Dist 26.  You have taken away the teaching of art, music and gym class.  You have shortened the day my children have to learn.  You are cutting corners, cutting expenses...and now you are teaching my children that if you dont have the money, its ok to buy it anyway.  Or better yet, maybe you do or maybe you dont have the money, who knows....CHARGE IT!

Ummm... Isn't this one of the reasons that Dist 26 is in so much trouble in the first place. They didn't look at the big picture.  They didn't take care of what they were spending, how much was coming in, how much was going out.  They simply keep taking out more loans/bonds etc.

So, now you are teaching my kids the same thing.  Its ok to not know if the money is there or not.  We dont buy things with cash, we charge it and worry about it later. 

If I go to the store and I have no money in my account the store will not let me leave with my purchase.  If my kids go to lunch and want to buy a cookie and they have no money in their account they are given the cookie. 
What the hell are we teaching our children??  Isn't this how our countries economic crisis started in the first place?  People buying things when they knew they couldn't pay for it?  So Dist 26 is continuing to teach the same thing here...dont worry bout it just buy it.  Worry about paying for it later. 

I teach my children that they are not allowed to buy on credit.  If we are out at the store, you cannot buy something and pay me back because your money is at home.  Its not allowed. 

When they go to school, however, they are taught the exact opposite.  Buy whatever there hell you want, dont worry if you can afford it or not, just charge it. 

You cannot tell me that kids paying for their lunch with cash takes up so much time that the lesson learned is not worth it. 

Math problem from C2'S homework.  Susie has $5.00.  She buys a hot lunch for 4.25 a milk for .75. 
Does she have enough money to buy a cookie for $.10.  If she goes to Dist 26, SURE SHE DOES.. 


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ranting and Raving.....

Dear Mr. Coleman and Dist 26 Board

You are going about this all wrong.  You are cutting the wrong things.  Like most politicians in Il, you dont know which way is up.

When my husband was laid off, we needed to make cutbacks.  We didn't cut back on the essentials like food, we cut back on things like the cell phones.

The dist is dying so you cut out the essential lifeblood rather than cutting out your cell phones. $3,000 a month on cell phones.  $36,000 a year on cell phones.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont you sit in an office, behind a desk, with a phone on it???  I mean really, even if you were to head out to a school, wouldn't it only take about 6 minutes to get there?  If you caught the light?  Why can't you use your own personal cell phone.  Incoming calls are free.  I'm pretty sure the world would not explode if you couldn't call someone for 6 or 7 minutes because you are heading out to another building.  Wouldn't that 36K hire a teachers aid?

Thrilled you took a pay freeze.  Congrats for you.  You do realize, that the school bus drivers took a pay CUT to help the dist and of course to save their jobs.  What if it was your job on the line.  Would you take pay cut then?  Do you even care?  You are not about helping the community.  Your actions, or should I say, your lack of action speaks volumes. 

Guess what Mr. Coleman.  I am NOT paying my school registration fees.   Want to know why.  Because you dont care about making an sacrifices yourself nor do most of the teachers.  You expect me to make the sacrifices.  You expect my children to sacrifice.    We are sacrificing enough.  I will not sacrifice my hard earned, hard saved, carefully budgeted and balanced cash to a group that spends it on their cell phones rather than their food.

Mr. and the dist and the teachers are the family in town that receive  on food stamps but drive a BMW.   

I have asked the dist what my money goes to.  Not my tax money, but the registration fees.  I was told towards things like;

  • Toner  (stop sending me so much damn stuff home, I dont read half of it anyway)
  • Classroom supplies ie., const paper ( then why did I just spend a fortune at Walmart today)
  • intramural sports/uniforms at the jr hi level (umm  then just what is an activity fee)
What is an activity fee?  Anything extra my kids do after school I have to pay for.
Technology fee?  Just what the heck is that.  Each school averages $25K for this.  What the hell are they buying.  Maybe they should buy some toner.
Alert fee.  Umm...I think we all have tv and most have internet, and most have radio.  I really really hate being woken up by you an hour before I have to get up to find out I dont have to get up.

one more thing.  The Illinois State Constitution  Article X Section 1...maybe you should read it some time.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Promises; past, current, future...these I make to my children

Growing up, we all make promises to ourselves.  When we are young we promise ourselves we will be a lawyer, a doctor or a teacher.  We tell ourselves we will make a difference in the world, we will not just exist...we will be some one, do something, change the world. 

We get older and realize that change is not as easy as it sounds.  We, in actuality can only change our small part of the world.  in a sense, ourselves.  and in reality, there is very little we have control over. 

Past:  When my children were babies, I promised to love them no matter what they do or become.  I held their hands when we walked, taught them how to live.  Now I realize that the day they walked without holding my hand, is the day that I lost them forever, they will never walk and hold my hand again.  That is until the day comes that they need to help me and hold me to keep me from falling.

Current:  I promise not to mortify them in front of their friends.  To allow them their freedom in the neighborhood, no matter how much I worry, and pray that they dont do something stupid!  I promise, or try to have the cool house.  the one that they all want to come over to.  (right now I wish I had more to eat in my kitchen as they are all scavenging with their friends for food)  I will allow sleepovers no matter how tired I am.  I will try not to say no to everything just cause I am tired.  I will keep my invisible leash really really loose unless I am forced to yank them back for stupidity.  Lets face it, they will do something stupid.  (jumping off the shed roof into the pool comes to mind)  I will not want to kill them when I ask why they did something stupid and they reply, I dont know.  (I'm really really sorry mom, I really dont know why!)

Future:  I promise not to tell their wives/husbands the right way to do something.  I will try really really hard not to tell them they are raising their kids wrong.   If they move across the country, I will be supportive while crying on the inside.  I will visit but not for to long.  I WILL NOT go to visit for a month and stay with them.  I will never rearrange their kitchen cabinets!  (no mom, this is not about you, you never did that)  I will not say, I wish you would call more often, or call you every single day.  I mean really!

When I am older, much older, and I have to give up my car, I will do it without question.  I will try to remember that I dont want to kill a family because I am pigheadded.  (is that even a word)

Should I need to leave my house forever, I will do it with dignity and pride.  I will not do it kicking and screaming!  I will welcome the help offered to me.  I will be grateful that someone cares!  I will be sad, and I will express that, but I will not be an ASS!

We all say, we will not be a burden on our kids, but I know that that is not possible.  At least I hope I will live old enough to be a burden!  When I do become a burden, I hope and pray that I have raised them with enough love and caring that they will not abandon me because they are to busy.  That they will remember when I was tired, but drove them to a friends house anyway.  When I skipped my knitting groups, because they had baseball or softball or basketball, or music concerts or anything at all.  When I left a friends house because they were upset about a girl or boy and needed to talk.  

I promise to grow old with dignity and pray I will maintain my common sense.  I will NEVER allow my house to smell like old lady house and if it does PLEASE, SOMEONE TELL ME!  (no mom, your house does not smell like old lady house, goodness you are awfully self conscious) 

Hubby and I always joke that we need to be nice to our kids because they are going to choose the home we are going to be stuck in when we are old.   Boy, if that isn't the truth! 

When I am old and gray, and cranky and whining, please if this blog still exists, someone reprint this and enlarge it so I can read it.  and make me read it!

Friday, July 9, 2010

This is what I wanted....I'm just trying to remember why

This is the life I wanted.  I wanted to be a stay at home mom.  I used to work, out in the real world.  Spent every waking hour trying to figure out how I could quit my job and stay at home with my kids.  Considered writing Oprah and asking her for money to pay off our student loans so I could stay home.  That was all that was holding us back.  I would see other moms with their kids out during the day and get tears in my eyes because that was what I wanted.  I wanted my face to be the face they saw in the morning, not the hurry, get dressed, pee, eat we have to get to daycare, I have a meeting, face. 

I wanted to be there when they were sick, to cut the crusts off, cut grilled cheese into little triangles, cut up apple wedges, sprinkle with cinnamon, and serve lovingly.

Well, I have been there now for 8+ years. I now know the truth.  The moms at the playgrounds were secretly insane or drinking heavily or sedated. By the grace of the economy, I was laid off over 8 years ago.  My god, has it been that long already?  My package was good enough that I did not have to go back to work.  Of course back then, I was in baby heaven. Going to the library, taking walks, reading stories...Now...i'm in pre-teen, hormonal, and left out hell!

C1 is 12 almost 13.  Please just shoot me now.  It would be easier.  I am the dumbest thing on the face of the earth.  I am annoying, I am inconsiderate, intolerant, and an idiot.  If I ask for help, he acts like I have just asked him to amputate his own arm with his teeth.  If I say we are going to the store, I have just asked him to  strip naked and walk through the store. 

C2  10 going on 18.  Cries at the drop of a hat.  Favorite mantra.  'I hate my life'  Loves to shop, loves to ask 'can I'  Love to help when asked.   hates everything else, especially C3. 

C3  6.  My baby.  Used to having no one around since the other kids were in school all day and he had me to himself.  Great shopper.  Fun to shop with, goes off and finds his own thing to do.  So quiet, I forget to feed him half the time.  Hates C2. 

My house is never clean.  My laundry is never dried, spun, folded, ironed, or put away.  Dishwasher is always half clean and half empty.  I have thrown things away just because I didn't want to go upstairs to put it away.  I have stuffed things under the bed because I didn't know what else to do with it.  (my mom just tsked me) 

Just told C2 that if the question started with 'can i' I was going to send her to bed. 

When did life go from cute adorable kids to god I need a drink and I dont have anything good in the house?

Tried to read a book the other day, revolved around a knitting store, and I couldn't read it because they were all 20 somethings complaining about their lives.  Got a book called Hot Flash Club...OH MY GOD!  is that what life is going to become? 

When did life go from loving my babies and counting the minutes till they woke up from nap, to just leave me alone.  Of course, I dont really want to be alone?  Hubby is never around.  He's dealing with SOM.  Not an easy thing I understand..but he's never around.  Kids are around to much, fighting to much, house is in a constant state of hell.  Things need fixing, replacing, removing, putting away, etc etc.  I mean, just what is that lump of something stuck on the floor of the family room. 

Where do I go from here?  C1 doesn't need me, C2 need every life being I have, C3 needs and loves me in the perfect balance.  Hubby never around, house a pit, my god, it should be spotless...but what is the point. I clean it,and garden gnomes wander in behind me messing it up. 

What do I need?

Someone fetch me a Mikes, QUICK!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A kudos to the Teachers of Dist 26.

There are many good teaches in our Dist.  This was written by K1 for a class project.

Teacher of a Lifetime.
My personal favorite teachers is Mrs. B.  She might be strict but her discipline helps teach you right from wrong.  She is a warm hearted person and she helped me with numurous conflicts, most concerning work and the others concerning social material.  Mrs. B. helped me slow(?) slow my personal problem and helped to stop bullying for me.  She taught me how to become organized and raised my grades from C's and D's back up to A's.  She has broken my barrier of doubt and freed the creative young man I currently am.  Mrs. B. constantly supported me through tough times and when I asked for help of any kind, she never failed to get me to succeed.  If I ever had to repeat fifth grade, I would want to be in Mrs. B's class more than anything. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

I did it

My first cable knit!

Monday, May 3, 2010

I think I might be develping an ulcer...

Well, if you follow this blog, you know that my oldest C1 stared playing baseball this year. He is 12 and has never played ball before in his life.

C2 plays biggie there. No one can hit and if they do hit it, the ball is not often caught and if it is caught, its often thrown to the wrong person or into outer space. NO OFFENSE TO ANYONE PLEASE. Watching c2's games is like watching paint dry!

C3 just started playing t-ball. Not sure how I feel about it yet. He has only been in one game and I could only stay for one 'inning' if you could call it that, because one of us had to go to C1's game. Overall....fluff. little kids all over the place, crying babies, grandparents, and kids who dont know that the mit goes on the hand, not the head. Cept my kid of couse, who is the next Babe Ruth!

C1. These kids know what they are doing...The know when to run, when not to run, where to throw to, how to bat, etc etc. My kid...nuthin. Yes he is leaning, he is very bright, but I am in pain the entire time he is playing.

He is the kid they put into right field. They did that his first game..Stuck him in right. I almost had a stroke that night, because every hit went to right field!!!

He has made mistakes, heck, some of his! huge mistakes. it makes me feel so much better. but., of course, I am more atune to my son. When he is out there, in right field, the air is much thicker, harder to breath. Even the birds stop chirping. The world moves in slow motion.

I just know, that the second he looks down, or looks up, the ball is going to come to him and clock him in the head. Then, when the ball is hit to him, I am afraid to watch, but cannot not watch. Its kind of like driving by a car wreck. We dont want to see it, but we slow down and look really close anyway!

Please dont let him screw up, please dont let the ball get hit to him. Dont strike out, dont get called out trying to steal....

But, he has to do this to learn, he has to make mistakes, get yelled at by the coach. Feel bad because he missed, or didn't miss, or stopped when he should have ran, ran when he should have stopped etc etc. sigh...
I dread when he's on the field, cringe when he's up to bat, and get annoyed when he is benched.

I wonder if they offer Valium to baseball moms?

Friday, April 23, 2010

My day so far...11:33amcst

Got kids up, fed breakfast, ate breakfast, cleaned my room,(yes, but I have to make my bed every morning)(mom just fell over in shock!)

Answered emails
updated fb
harvested my farm and produced ketchup and grapes(woohoo)
ran wash
loaded dishwasher and remembered to run
cleaned out fridge to make room for veggie trays
Dropped off twilight registration
Dollar store(c3 had saved his allowance)
Dry Cleaners
Came home(thought about but skipped McDonalds)
Fed c3
cleaned kitchen
folded and put away towels
scrubbed tub
cleaned mirror(how do they get it way up there)
cleaned front windows(damn doggie noses)
folded C2's clothes I started yesterday
remade my bed after c3 snugged in it when he woke up
boiled eggs for my egg salad
cleaned up after c3 lunch
talked to hubby(growl)

now typing blog.. It is now 11:38am cst.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A little guideance would be nice right about now

Ok...I need a parenting handbook here.

Normally, if you have question about parenting, you would simply ask your own parents. they went through it, and if you are a parent now, they must have done a good enough job to keep you out of jail and become a somewhat productive member of society.

However, this no longer applies. Why? Because we did not beg and plead for facebook or email accounts when we were kids.

When we were kids, mom would say, dont go in or around the grey house on the corner cause he's a bad guy or a dentist or something scary to a kid.

Now, with the advent of computers and facebook and email, we have to say, dont talk to strangers in your bedroom???

C1 wants a facebook. That is simple. Their rules state that you have to be 13 years of age. Now I know that most parents dont abide by that. How do I know, because most of C1's friends are on and they are not 13. But, I am standing by my guns and lordy do I hear about it.

Now, he wants an email account. Hmmmmm.....His cousin who is younger has one. Damn! I really dont have any good reason for him not having one. I just want to be able to see it, to view the incoming and outgoing messages. To protect him from outsiders and to make damn sure he does not do anything or send anything stupid.

Overall, I totally trust C1. He is a good kid. he is smart. but he is just that, a KID!

So, I need a parenting handbook. Do I let him, do I not, do I want to continue to hear about it. It would be useful. when I find cool things he would like it would be nice to email it to him. I love IM. I have im'd him from downstairs to remind him to take the garbage out and stuff like that!

Ok..I just realized that this is getting ridiculous! No more just knowing who your kid hangs out with and checking his backpack and pockets for stuff. Now I have to check his youtube account, and now his email?

What happens when the other kids are old enough for this?

I spend enough time on the computer just for my own stuff! (shoot, I have to go harvest my crops now)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Strange Things afoot....

Things my c1 has learned at Boy Scout Camp.

How to be in a police lineup. wait What??!?!

So my c1 calls me on his way home, they pass a cell phone around the car to give us an update on when to pick them up. So, he calls when they are supposed to be arriving, and says that they will be home in two hours. I say, my, you must have gotten a late start. He says, no, it was because of the police lineup.

Imagine my response!

But, mom in background tells him to pass the phone so another child can make the call and that we will be updated when they get home.

So, I had had to take c2 to a girl scout event and had to wait for an update from my hubby.

Apparently, one of the boys in his troop woke up in the middle of the night and thought it a go0d idea to break a window on the troop store, break in, and steal candy and pocket knives and stuff like that.


This is one of those 'WHAT IN GODS NAME WAS HE THINKING'! moments.

Like someone was not going to notice that when he brought his stuff to be loaded in a car, that he had extra bags filled with candy and such?

I feel horrible for the boys parents. Can you just imagine what they must be feeling. Lets just say that I was THRILLED that it wasn't my son! It could have been. not that my son has EVER done anything like that, but in reality, couldn't that be any of our kids. We know that their brains are not fully developed until they are in their mid 20's. They just dont think about the consequences of their actions. If they did, they would have a better response than 'I dont Know' when we ask why they did something stupid.

So, now I am torn between wanting that boy as far away from my son as humanly possible and wanting to give him another chance.

(why is my daughter humming taps behind me at the kitchen table)

I want to be, as I assume we all do, protective of my kids. Keep them in a bubble until they are married! Keep the bad people away from them, keep them from being bad people. But if and when, because we know they will, they do something, what do we do with them. What should their friends do with them? Toss them away? Run from them? hide from them?

I do my best to teach my kids right from wrong, teach them how to be good people, but they will make mistakes. I just hope its not a huge one, (using my mom ruler to measure big mistakes from small ones).

I'm sure most of us did something stupid as a kid. Stole a candy bar, or something else, (not going to say much more for fear of giving my mom a heart attack. The less she knows the better. Lets just say I am lucky to be alive/not in jail) but that is my point. We all survived and most of us were lucky not to get busted or killed. But some kids to get busted. What do we do with them? How do we help guide yet protect at the same time.

Why doesn't life come with a manual???

and for the son was terrified when the police were questioning the boys because he, along with most of them boys, had eaten some of the candy. They didn't know it was stolen!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey Teachers.....Grow up and welcome to the real world.

Please dont get me wrong and send me hate mail or threaten my dog. I think teachers are wonderful people who do a great job(most of them) and dont get recognized enough and some dont get paid enough. Its not easy to deal with children all day everyday lord knows this is why we parents send them out of our house at the tender age of 5.

This is not a personal attack against any or all teachers. This is reality!

Our dist is in trouble. Just like many across the country. The current board did not cause this problem. The board of about 10 years ago did. This board is trying to fix the mess during a time when the economy has tanked. Period!

Now teachers are being asked to make sacrifices to save the jobs of their fellow teachers and they are saying no. Wait? What? Teachers are being offered several options to save the jobs of their fellow teachers and keep a higher level of learning in the classrooms and they are saying no! WTF Are you kidding me?

Why does it feel like they are stamping their feet whining NO! Hey guys, welcome to the real world. You negotiate pay raises over time. My husband didnt get a raise for almost two years while working for a huge insurance company. TWO Years people. He never had the option to go to his boss or his bosses boss and threaten to strike if he didn't get a raise. he would have been FIRED people!

Welcome to the real world teachers. I dont know why teachers feel that they are above the crappy economy. They can't be touched. The world if falling down around them, schools are falling apart, money is no where to be seen, but 'DONT TOUCH THE TEACHERS, THEY ARE SPECIAL'.

My hubby left crappy job, got another job, left there quickly after threats of layoffs, went to huge credit card company, got laid off. He was never given an option. Was never offered anything. He was handed a box with his personal items form his desk in it and escorted off the property. With about 500 other employees that day!

Welcome to the real world. I dont wish a layoff on anyone. Its scary, very very scary, (see earlier blogs). But in today's world, its part of life. How dare you sit there and throw a hissy fit in the middle of a meeting at the board, or get all teary eyed because you are on the list.

Did anyone hand you your box of stuff and escort you out the door? Are you still getting paid? Do you currently still have a job? Are you heading to unemployment feeling like a low life scum, standing in line with scary looking people and heads of former companies? NO?? Then shut the hell up and grow up. There are three options on the table. Pick one!

If you truely wont vote for a pay freeze or a rollback on your last raise to save you fellow teacher, but will in turn cry and sob when they leave, shame on you!

Life is about making sacrifices, not standing up on your pretty little pedestal looking down at those suffering while singing 'you cant touch me, i'm a teacher, i'm special'.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,

I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children,I love my children, I love my children, I love my children.

This is my mantra of late. I have discovered that now that they are growing up and dont need me, I have become their 'help'. Or should I say, 'The Help'. Of course, if they are throwing up, I am mom, but other than that, I am 'The Help'.

They come home from school, 'The Help', has a snack ready for them, in an effort to reduce the climbing like monkeys through each and every cabinet and then complaining that 'The Help' never buys anything good to eat.

'The Help' forgets to sign paperwork and is duly informed of this when they tumble in the door arguing over who got out of the van first, or who should open the door first, or last.

'The Help' is blamed for forgetting that it was ice cream day and didn't provide the appropriate quarters.

'The Help' was blamed yesterday for not including snow pants in a backpack.

'The Help' was blamed for a missing DSI Pen. Honestly, I did not play it today. I did not lose the pen!

'The Help' was blamed for c1 not liking pillowcases. Apparently, 'The Help' buys the scratchy kind????

'The Help' was yelled at this morning for waking c1 up late? have 1.5 hours till school? Really??

'The Help' was scolded by C2 for signing her up for Piano even though she begged and begged for it and screamed with delight when I found her a FREE Beautiful Piano!

'The Help' was admonished for purchasing C1 drums that have crappy symbols. *sigh*

'The Help' was chastised by c3, C3! even, for not allowing him to sleep naked! UMMM NO!

'The Help' was ordered to sign something while driving kids to school this morning, because C2 was finishing work in the car? Um...if I cannot talk on my cell phone, in a school zone, I'm pretty sure I cannot sign paperwork!

'The Help' doesn't care if other kids parents let them play hooky, You will not!

'The Help' just bought herself a new ITouch and loaded all of her Harry Potter books on it. 'The Help' also purchased noise canceling earphones.

Guess what guys! 'The Help' is so done!

'The Help' was just blamed for her cell phone ringing long? I have no idea what that means!

Hey Honey, 'The Help' wants you to buy dinner tonight..and if you complain I swear , as God as my witness, I will....Heck, I dont know what I will do...I think I will run away from home? Can 'The Help' do that?

Monday, January 25, 2010

To whom it may concern.....

Ok...Maybe its not to whom it may concern...its more of Dear Children.....

I would think that if you were children of normal brain stature, you would like and want a nice mom to have around. A mom who gave hugs and kisses, who read stories, baked cookies, gladly shuffled you around places, cleaned up after you, bathed you when you were broken or stapled back together, cooked your favorite dinner, washed your favorite shirt, knit you awesome socks, and generally and unconditionally loved the stuffings out of you.

I wonder if you know how easy it is to have this kind of mom. This is, afterall, the favorite type of mom.

Here is what to do to have this mom.

Get up when I tell you to. Dont fake being asleep. I know you are not.
Get dressed, and that does not mean wear the same shirt you wore yesterday, slept in and then put back on after you showered.
Come downstairs with SOCKS ON. I have no idea why I like this. The outfit feels complete with socks for some just freaking do it man!!!
Do not talk to your siblings when you come down for breakfast.
Grab a simple breakfast, do not ask if you can turn on the tv, because you already know the answer and whining wont change anything.
clean up after yourself, that does not mean putting a bowl crusted with oatmeal in the dishwasher. it becomes concrete man! I wonder if that is what the Egyptians used when they built the pyramids.
put your shoes on
dont decide you need 3 dollars for school that day
dont shove papers in front of me demanding I sign them
dont get lost on the way to brush your teeth
dont play with legos on the way to brushing your teeth.
dont play your computer on the way to brushing your teeth
brush your teeth
please do not paint with toothpaste, see the oatmeal concrete comments, I think toothpaste was used as caulk
come downstairs with your shoes
put your coat on and get out.

oh..kiss me goodbye.
Dont forget your lunch, after I said three times to grab your lunch
dont yell at me that you dont have time to zip your jacket after you got lost upstairs for 27 min while heading to brush your teeth
dont start looking for your homework

Keep in mind, this is just getting out the door. I wont even start getting in the door thing...dont come in the door fighting!
Dont throw your stuff on the counter and or floor and start rooting for a snack
Dont argue.


I want to be the nice mom, the loving mom, but you wont let me. Why not? What is wrong with your brains that have caused you to need the mean mom? Do you think I like to be this way. That I like dreading getting you up in the morning or dreading when you come home after school? Guess what guys..I dont... sigh

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Laundry Fairy no longer works here.

Dear Hubby, C1, C2 and partially C3

For whatever reason, you guys seem to think that there is a laundry fairy that gathers up all of the laundry and washes and puts it all away for you. Guess what, Its ME! and there are a few rules that need to be set.

Hubby, and all C's

I will not empty pockets. Hubby, you are an adult, empty your own pockets. C's minus c3, if you dont want it washed dont leave it there.

I will not turn things righside out. If you take it off inside out and I wash it inside out, you had better double check before you leave for school C3, this does not necessarilay apply. I will warn you before you leave for school cause you are little. Heck, on more than one occasion, I have warn a shirt inside out to the gym. Ask KF. I still check every day when we go into the childcare! Can you belive that people dont ever tell me! I wonder if they just laugh or are they grateful that they checked before they left the house and I didn't?

I will not remove underwear from pants. That is my most hated thing about laundry. I dont know why, but underwear that is still trapped on a pant leg gives me the heebie jeebies, so just cut it out!

Socks, oh my socks, sigh socks, god how I hate socks. Most people who know me know that twice I year I do a sock swap. I take very single sock in the house and throw it away and buy all new socks. And then for that day, every sock in the house matches up! Its such a wonderful feeling! Try it!

Laundry baskets...they are meant for clothes not toys. I hate when I dump it in and I hear a clunk. No one wants to have to dig down through the dirty laundry to the bottom to find the matchbox car or lego or what ever else you thought should go in there. Its for Laundry!

C1, please, oh please, change you underwear once in a while. I dont care if you are having a contest with you BF, its gross. At least dont tell me about it and put clean ones in the laundry so it makes me feel better.

C2, I knit all kinds of cool socks for you. It would be nice, just once in a while to actually have two matching socks in the laundry. I am not sure what you do with them, but because they are personally knit and of many different syles and colors, you cannot match them up with a different pair. Well, I guess you could. You did wear knee hi florescent stripped socks to BB on Saturday. I thought they looked great BTW.

C3. Drapery rods are not for hanging underwear on. I dont even want to know how you get them up there. They belong in the laundry. They do not belong on each and every blade of the ceiling fan. It may look cool, but you can explain to dad why the fan makes such a horrible noise and he has to keep re balancing it. Oh, and if you brothers underwear winds up in your drawer, please do not wear them. he finds that gross.

Hubby, please do not step over the clean, folded, full laundry basket at the bottom of the stairs. It will not walk up there all by itself. If there is a full basket on our bed, please empty it. You do on occasion, but did you know that my dresser drawers actually open. Nothing in there will bite, feel free to put my clothes in the drawer rather than on top of my dresser. I am at a loss for this one!

Now, if we could please just follow these simple rules, It will make my life much happier.

