I know what you are thinking...really...haven't we been through enough already??
Tell me about it. A couple of weeks ago, LJ and I and the kids were at, yes, Walmart, getting replacement prices on items. You can only spend so much time in front of the damn computer looking things up at amazon before you start to lose your mind.
So we were out together looking at prices, having fun, when i got this sudden and rather painful twinge in my side. I wasn't sure what it was, but It sure wasn't fun. I tried to just ignore it, but it was to uncomfortable. It was more like pressure than actual pain. I announced that my brain was full and we cut the night short. I was planning on going to DQ afterwards...but oh well. Came home, took some advil and went to bed.
This past Sunday, Hubby took kids to church and Sunday school. Came home with oldest, as he's to old for Sunday school anymore. I was in the garage(shutup) when suddenly the pain hit like a...hmmm...the best way to describe it is if I could imagine an ice pick jabbed through my side from the front to the back. Granted, I have no idea what it feels like to have an ice pick jammed through my side but if I could imagine it, that was it. It took a few minutes before I could call to hubby. I couldn't even breath. He helps me back into the house where I proceed to catch my breath and pace. The pain starts to subside, but I realize that its not going to go away. I tel hubby to go get kids from Sunday school and call C1 upstairs to stay with me in case I pass out. That is how bad it was.
I explained to C1 that it was only a kidney stone and that it looked scarier than it was. It just hurt a lot but we would go get it taken care of. Then we proceeded to discuss the differences between browsers and search engines. I know, odd right. but it helped with the pain. till it would hit again massively and then I was doubled over again trying to breath. Hubby gets home and off we go to the ER.
Now this had happened once before about 8 years ago. It was painful. I used to say that I knew what a 10 on the pain scale meant. This was worse. We get to the counter and get checked in. They tell me to go sit down and they will call me. Umm....I can hardly move...well, I did move, down the counter about 5 steps and then leaned on the counter trying to breath. Very shortly someone calls my name. I dont move. I honestly could not figure out how to move my feet. It hurt so much I didn't think I could walk. The person who called my name just stood there and waited. Did not come over and offer to help me at all. Finally, I was able to move. I ambled over and she offered me a seat. Took me a minute to figure out if I could actually sit down...I could. The pain was unbearable. At least I thought it was...it got worse later. She stars IV line on me and all I could think of is please just let me curl up on the floor....someone comes with a wheel chair to get me and away we go. She, who ever she was, I never even saw her face was very kind. Went very slowly so not to bump me to much. Wheeled me into a dark room and helped me up onto the bed. touched my arm and said not to worry, they were all there to help me and if I needed anything to ask for her, but I dont remember her name.
Nurse comes in, I get in stupid gown...wow that hurt then curled up in bed clutching my husbands arm so tight that he lost circulation. all the while moaning and rocking, wishing it would all just go away. The nurse very very nice. It just took forever for pain meds. I did, however, have to explain the red head rule to her.
***Red head rule. they have finally published studies on this. We bleed more, it takes more pain meds to knock the pain out, we can tolerate more pain than most people, meds work differently on us, etc etc. She did not know this rule. by the end of my stay with her, she was a believer.
Now some admin dude comes in asking for our insurance cards. We had just gotten new ones in the mail and had not put them in
our wallets yet. Hubby tells him this, I tell him this. He goes away
only to come back again asking. I tell him again...he goes away. Doc
still hasn't been in. No drugs on board yet. Bastard! Comes back a third time, this time with financial aid paperwork. I, very politely tell the dude to get out!. Honest, I was polite! Smartly he leaves and does not come back.
Finally get one dose of drugs in me. Which of course makes me sick, so they give me meds to compensate. First dose does nothing. Gives me another dose. Now by this time, I actually thought something inside of me had ruptured. The pain was so intense, so massive, I didn't think any human being could stand it. Hubby calls KF (LOVE YOU) who stops at my house and gets insurance cards and brings them in. Hubby goes home for something, I dont know what, and they swap places. Hubby slams insurance cards down on counter infront of dumb ass on his way out. I'm not sure what was said, nor do I want to know. Now, KF is at my bedside. Now third dose of pain meds are on board. Now, I am throwing up every 15 minutes. and still moaning in pain. Nurse says all they can do now is put me completely out. Somewhere during this I went for the cat scan. they were wonderful there! Helped me move my drugged out body, a gentle touch on my arm. very nice.
So KF is at my bedside, I'm passing out but coming to every 15 minutes to sit up , rock and throw up. I was rocking to keep myself from passing out and falling. Nurse says to KF, wow, you must be a really good friend. KF says, nah, I just met her, I had nothing better to do! YOU ROCK.
I'm admitted. I first get into my room and its not private and the hillbillies from hickwater usa are next to me. It was scary!! Thank god they leave. I'm sure hubby came back but by now, they pharmacist had mixed up special concoction to stop me from throwing up. It worked!
The nurse on duty that night sure did earn her keep! The pain would go from 0 to 110 in a nano second. Next thing I knew, I would be rocking, moaning, crying and pushing the button. Again, three doses of drugs, more throwing up blah blah blah..This happened all night long!
Next day, I had no idea it was Monday, KLP shows up. I was in and out of it. She looks and me and says, God, you look horrible...can I take your picture! ROFLMAO! Nurse comes in with the super drug to stop the throwing up. Thank God. yes, I was rolfing in front of my two best friends! and Alcohol was not involved! Doh! I love the fact that KLP was txting my hubby a minute by minute description. She's up, She's puking, She's out...she's fading. See Hubby had 2 job interviews downtown on Monday. He HAD to go!
Later that day, G's show up and hubby. I wonder where the kids were??? and they do surgery to push the giant pea sized stone back up and put a stint in. I wont go into details. ICK!
I'm released on Tuesday. Wednesday I go and have a sonic thingy where they put me under and blast the shit out of my back with some sonic waves to beak up the not one, but two stones, in hopes that they will just go away on their own.
Today is the first day that I am not in horrible pain. My head is clearing from the drugs, but still uncomfortable. I go back Monday to see if the stones are still there, or if I need to be beat up by this machine again.
Is it over yet? Can we move on yet? I am really really tired of all of this. Can we just move on now...have nothing else thrown at us. Oh wait..one more thing
My son, C3 was sat out by his coach for half of his game today because he had his second unexcused missed practice of the season on Monday. I explained that i was UNCONSCIOUS on Monday. How as I supposed to call him to tell him that he was not going to be at practice on Monday when I was UNCONSCIOUS. He apparently has no heart or lives in a bubble where nothing bad has ever happened to him or his family. Thank you coach, for punishing my son because I was UNCONSCIOUS and he's to young to drive. Hell, I didn't even know it was Monday until it was Tuesday! And, I did email him on Tuesday, he never replied to me.
I know this will probably come back to bite me in the ass, but, I am still really angry about this. Can you tell?
WORLD, JUST BACK THE FUCK OFF OF US. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH...STOP POKING US AND LAUGHING..I AM READY TO START FIGHTING BACK! I AM MAD AS HELL AND I WILL LET YOU KNOW IT!!!. Well, probably not, I am just a big wuss after all. I'll probably just blog about you and not use any names :)
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