So, we have this cat. He's a 15 pound tom cat. Got him at animal shelter a little over a year ago.
See, I decided that we needed a cat. We 'found' a kitten but he had issues, so he was given away for free. But, I missed having a cat. So, even though hubby didn't want a cat, like that has ever stopped me before, I went to the shelter to look at cats. the first one I looked at was hissing at the other cats, so I didn't think that would be a good fit. The second one, I opened the cage and he climbed up my arm and put his head on my shoulder. I figured I had been picked.
He fits in fine in this crazy house of Mayhem. Mainly because, he's crazy. He will run to up the dogs, jump up on his hind legs, smack the dog in the face and then run away. Its amazing he's not dead yet.
So, now, the fire happens. C2 is sitting on the sidewalk in the middle of the early morning, holding on to one of the dogs, crying because she does not know where the cat is. Hubby finds one of the firemen, BGjr who I went to college with, and asks him to go inside and find the cat. and if the cat has not survived, to please let us know but not to bring the cat outside in front of us.
BGjr, takes two guys in and eventually comes out with a live cat. I didn't realize it for a while. Hubby told me later that the cat was in his car. They bring the cat out and ask hubby where do we want him? Really? its a cat? Hubby had no idea, so they stuck him in the car!
This is how he wound up going to walmart with us. So, we are back at the house now. Sun is starting to come up, cat is still in the car, hiding under the front seat. to say he is freaking out is an understatement. They found him up in our bedroom hiding behind our bed. I think I mentioned that already?
Now, the sun is coming up, and its starting to get HOT out. I cannot leave him in the car. So, I call KLP at 7am. Actually, I didn't know it was 7am at the time. I just knew it was morning. So, I wake her up. Apparently, I asked her if she was home. She replied, in a rather smart ass tone of voice, that of course she was home, she was sleeping. :) I told her that we had had a little house fire, and that I needed her help. She says of course, what can she do. I ask if she can take my cat. she says sure. so I drive over. Now, I'm in the driveway, trying to pry my cat from under the driver seat of the car. He is having none of it. He's armed at all four you know. He's dug in big time, and freaking out!
I decided at that point it was probably not such a good idea. KLP has a cat, but its this little tiny thing that is declawed. I could just picture my cat killing hers! So, I stop in for a minute, chit chat about, I have no clue, and head off to the vets office, hoping that they could board him.
***the cat is currently chasing nothing up and down the stairs as I type this
The vet looks him over and says he's ok. Agrees to board crazy cat. So, off he goes. Now after about 3 days?? C2 really wants the cat back and so does c1. So, hubby and kids go off and pick up the cat and take him to the hotel. They were thrilled. Cat, not so much. That night he spent the entire night walking around the hotel crying very very LOUDLY!. Its a good thing that the only thing I could reach at one point was a pillow as I chucked it across the room at him.
We understood how he was feeling. He didn't have any of his stuff. He didn't have any of his hiding places, or a place to sleep at. He as just freaking out like the rest of us. Difference was, he was crying out about it and we were not.
After the second night of this, hubby calls the vet and says, you have got to give us something to calm this cat down. We were afraid we were going to get kicked out of the hotel! Lord knows we would have had no place go to after that.
See, according to miller rules, if the worst could happen it will. At that same time, the international world series of baseball was in CL.
Every single hotel room in CL was booked! This is why we couldn't have all of the kids staying with us. they didn't even have any roll aways!
So, vet says to hubby, well we would have to see him first. Hubby says, but you just boarded him for 3 days. Vet says, whats his name, Hubby says, Mr. Bill. Vets says hang on. Looks up our records rather than the cats records. Vets comes back and says to my is the problem, when you wife checked him in she called said his name was DA. Hubby says DA? what is says, while laughing. Your wife called him Dumb Ass.
Apparently, hubby almost drove off the road at that time! Needless to say we got drugs for the cat.
Every try to give a cat a pill? I have the scars to prove it can be done, just not very easily. And..a cat on drugs is VERY fun! It was the most entertainment we had had since the fire! He actually fell into the bathtub and laid there upside down, just meowing! We were in hysterics!
Oh, and his name is no longer Mr. Bill. Its Dumb Ass. the kids call him DA for short!
Part 7...not sure yet...either what happens the day of the fire, or adjusters and our week of hell has just begun ( sounds like a rocky and Bullwinkle episode)
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