Thursday, September 13, 2012

Part 5 --- Walmart

Thank God we did not have to stand there alone in the dark for very long...I'm not sure what we would have done.  Cried, screamed, run naked down the street?

A board up crew came.  According to insurance rules, we have to make every effort to secure our property.  Hence the board up crew.  We could not have left until we made sure our property was secure or if someone broke in and stole stuff, it would be our fault and insurance would not have paid for it.  Begs the question, what if we were injured and removed from the property?  I suppose the police would have stayed?  Who knows.

Now in case you are wondering, hubby did call SF sometime while the house was still on fire to report it.  dont forget he worked in the insurance biz for a dozen years.  Woman on the phone was fantastic!  Asked if we were all ok first off!  Why is this a surprise...I'll tell you about that part later....
Then asked if we needed a place to stay, which was a silly question but in retrospect, she could not see our house and did not know it was un inhabitable.  She asked hubby for the name of a couple of hotels in the area and she called and arranged it, calling him back to tell him that we had rooms at the Country Inn and Suites.  WONDERFUL PEOPLE THERE!

So, board up crew comes.  Nice couple of guys.  Tough living them have. I actually dont know who called them?  Hubby?  SF?  FD?  No clue.  Now that is not an easy job.  Sound asleep then they have to get up and drive an hour to board up a house.  And it was more than just boarding up.  They had to put in studs to actually shore up garage.  Most of the studs in the back and side had burned through.  The garage door was only half since the FD had broken the top half off in order to gain access.  So they had to put studs there to so they had something to nail the plywood to.  Then, of course they had to tarp in case it ?rained?.

I remember tugging hubbies arm and saying 'honey..we HAVE to go to walmart'  He knows what that means.  Believe it or not, the man that fishes and hunts and guts his own kill, cant handle the world period!  He hasn't every bought me tampons or pads while out.  It freaks him out.  What a dork!

So, off we go.  I wonder what we would have done if I hadn't had my period.  Would we just have sat there in the dark?  It was a good distraction.

I dont remember if we talked on the way to Walmart.  I'm sure we did.  Just no clue what.  We pull into the parking lot around 4am ish?  Of course, its empty. Hubby is dressed, I'm in my jammies.  We both smell of smoke and look a wreck.  I wonder if I had bed head?  Hubby obviously didn't!

We go to get out of the car when suddenly I realize that there is still a cat in the car under my seat!  DOH! Hubby and I just sat there for a minute looking at each other.  What were to do with with a crazy cat stuck under the seat of the car at 4am in the parking lot of Walmart?  There was nothing we could do.  If it was the dogs, we could have talked to mgmt and asked permission to bring them in.  I'm sure in light of the circumstances, they would have said yes.  But you really cant put a cat on a leash and this one was nuts due to being trapped in the fire for 2 hours.  I should say house, not fire...its not like he was on fire for two hours :)

So, we decided it was still dark out, slightly not to hot, we just leave him.

So, off we go.  As we are walking in, I turn to hubby and tell him that if I see anyone trying to take a picture of me in my jammies, no bra, I will personally beat them to death with their phone!  The last thing I needed was to wind up on! 

I remember heading over the the toothbrush section.  It was kind of interesting.  You ever see those movies or tv shows where the people just sweep an entire row of items into their cart.  It was kind of like that.  Picture it now...Picture your bathroom.  Everything in it has to be replaced in one shot.

Partial list includes, tampons, tylenol,advil,toothbrushes,toothpaste,soap,shampoo,bandaids,floss..then clothing x5 included underware, socks, shorts, tshirts,.  I dont think I have every actually filled a cart at Walmart before.  We were overflowing!  I needed a bra desperately, the girls were just was uncomfortable in more ways than one.  I felt like one of the little old ladies whose girls are heading south!  So I bought a sport one because I could not for the life of me remember what size.  Well, it didn't matter, I bought the wrong size for myself anyway.  Two girls became one and became very uncomfortable.  My GF LJ said they were cuddling...yeah..thats the ticket.

Management at Walmart was very nice. We spent 450 bucks and they gave us a 50 dollar gift card.  Actually, I thought that was kind of cheesy.  We are standing there, smelly, dirty not fully clothed, and they give us 50 bucks!  woohoo!  Ok, fine, i'm being bitchy..Sorry.

As I'm standing there in the underwear section trying to buy underwear from C2, it hits me..I start crying in the middle of Walmart.  OMG!  I just realized they probably have me on security tape.  I wonder if they played it later and were laughing at me.  They probably were...morons :)

Hubby comes over asks whats wrong...I cant remember what size underwear C2 wears.  How can I not know?  What size does C3 wear? what type does he prefer, briefs, boxers, boxer briefs?  I can't remember.

I bought C3 the wrong size socks.  Way to small.  I have no idea if C2 had the right size underwear.  I know my bra didn't fit.  We were doing great.

How long did we spend in there, wandering around, me crying half the time looking at things that I no longer had.  I have no idea.  It seems like only 2 seconds that took 2 years. 

Where did we go from there?  I have no idea.  At some point we wound up back at the house but I dont know what time.  did we stop at the hotel first?  I dont know.  Where did I get dressed at?  I have no clue, dont remember.  I just hope it wasn't in the parking lot at Walmart!

Part 6 - The Crazy Cat!

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