Ok..First night great. My big dog kept me company part of last night. He climbed up in bed with me and I found him breathing on my neck. Had to kick him off. Was to annoying
I kinda got to sleep in this morning. Phone rang right after I woke up. C2 was missing me. Was kinda cute. A little annoying that I had to get up and find the phone. But I get it.
So...Today, I made myself eggs for breakfast..OhOh. I discovered that if you leave the kitchen clean at night, its still clean in the morning!!!! That is, if there is no husband to spill coffee on the counter and has no time to clean it up and the kids are still asleep.
I left a glass on the counter...it was mine! and it was still there..and I had no one to blame but myself! It was AWESOME
So, I ate breakfast...oh...Wait.. I showered. Alone! No the kids dont come in the shower with me but they ask me questions, or let the dogs in so I have doggie noses peeking around the shower curtain. Once, C3 brought me a jar of pickles. I guess he was hungry. (my Sister just im'd me that I have a typo in my title and she is demanding I fix it) The funniest part, was that I forgot to take them back downstairs. Next morning, my husband comes in the bedroom holding a jar of pickes he had retrieved from the shower. The look was priceless!
So..I showered, got dressed, made my bed(I have to make my bed every morning. I'm sure my mom just fainted) made breakfast, got the paper and ate my breakfast hot! I actually burned my tounge. I didn't realize that eggs were hot when you took them off of stove.
So...now I am working and updating my Blog. I have to go to the Library, KP's house and then out with MP to run some errands.
I have realized something though. Even though there are no kids here...I feel stressed out. Hurried to enjoy my quiet time. Quick, run those errands so I can sit quiet before the kids show up. I think I need to slow down. I took up knitting to teach me patience...which it has..but now I have to learn to slow down. I wonder if this weekend will help me.
I seem to always be in a hurry..hurry make breakfast so I can eat it hot. quick get downstairs before the kids start fighting..quick get laundry done before I start work, quick finish work cause C3 has to get to school. Quick finish laundry and get it put away. Quick, what is for dinner, Quick knit before I have to pick up C2, C3, NC2, NC3. Quick start homework, quick finish dinner, Quick put dinner on the table ( how close is it till bedtime and my own time?) Quick get kids gets bathed, Quick argue with kids about bedtime...like it will work, Quick clean up kitchen pack lunches, quick, shove children into bed, quick stall husbands advances....afterall I have been running and needed all day..I dont want to be needed right now! Quick! sit down relax before bed, but do it quickly its almost bed time.
I have to many quicks in my house, to many hurry ups. So..I have three free days, but I feel as though I have to hurry through them...quick they will be home on Sunday.
I wonder how one learns to slow down. how can you? Life might not be there tomorrow. Why am I so selfish and jealous about my own time? Why am I always running? Why, as I type this do I feel rushed to get it done so I can go do other things?
You can learn a foreign language in an hour, make millions in just one month, cook a comlete dinner for a family of 5 in under 5 minutes, but cannot seem to slow down enough to enjoy any of it?