Thursday, February 18, 2016

I just cant take it anymore!!

Belonging to a FB group that is just a chat group of things around town seemed like a good idea at the so much.

I think I'm going to have to get off of this train wreck.

Rubberneckers.  For those who don't know, that is the term used for cars that drive by an accident really slowly to get a look at the carnage.  I don't do that.  Never have, never will.  Yes, I do slow down for heavens sake, but I don't gawk at what has become someones terrible day.

Friends have told me that they can't help but read the chat drive slowly by the car wreck hoping to see a body.  I actually dread seeing it in my news feed now.

Why you ask?

--  who keeps shooting off fireworks after/before the 4th. poor dogs...they are waking up my precious children....WONT SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN.  Give me a break.  You live in a small town...that is, not on a farm miles away from a neighbor.  People shoot fireworks...all the time...get over it and quit bitching about it.

--  Laziness.  What times does this open, what time does this close, where is this at, do they allow this?  PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE AND CALL THE PLACE.    Oh, don't get me wrong.  I have posted many times on my own FB wall asking what time half day gets out, etc etc.  But that's my own wall and I am fully willing to admit I'm lazy as hell!  (hell is not a swear mom, I'm not apologizing)

--  Is the cable out? the cable company?  Call your friend?  Why are you asking on chat?  We've had the power out on our side of the street, but not across the street.  You are asking an entire town if their cable is out???

--  The post office did or did not do something..  I have seen this one several times.   CALL THE POST OFFICE AND BITCH TO THEM!  (ok, sorry mom)  If you have lived in this town for more than a week, you know our post office is horrible. Get over it!  Don't like it, CALL THEM!

--   Who should I call because I was wronged...No...see here you are not asking who to call because you know the (oh man, almost really cussed there) answer!!!!!   YOU JUST WANT TO BITCH AND HAVE PEOPLE FEEL SORRY FOR YOU!

--  Mcdonalds ....worms in drinks, food dropped on floor, slow service, long drive through lines...OMFG.  ITS FAST FOOD!!  What do you expect!!!!  Do you really think that every single restaurant you have ever gone to hasn't ever dropped something on the floor and still served it.  You've never had slow service before?  Never seen someone argue before?  You are so offended by this behavior that you have to post it to all of chat!  GET A LIFE

--  Problem at the high school.  If you have  a student at the HS, you already know about it, its already been dealt with.  If you don't then its none of your business is it?  Why is it being posted on Chat...Oh wait...I know...some some *^#^* can post a horrible comment about faggots....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!.  I'm leaving this one alone.

NO!  I'm not.  This is the one that has pushed me over the edge.  NO CRIMINAL CHARGES HAVE BEEN FILED.  It is being investigated.  Photos were not shared, no photos were pornographic.
Some stupid kids, dump as posts because all teenagers are dumb as posts, took pictures.  PERIOD.  Nothing more than that.  Yet, people are going insane.  Making assumptions, accusations, lynching these poor stupid kids.  Wait, I am making assumptions here.  Shame on me.  I am assuming that these kids did not do it with malicious intent.  Maybe they didn't...I have no idea....but here is the kicker....ITS NOT MY PLACE TO JUDGE.  I am also assuming that most of the comments on that post are for adults who have children.  Of course, your child would never be stupid and do something like that.  YEAH RIGHT.   Please note my earlier statement....KIDS ARE STUPID.   They do things without thoughts of consequences.  Have you ever asked you child, 'why did you do that' and they shrug and say 'i don't know'

I feel so bad for these kids and their families and friends.  They did something stupid.  oh...and by the way...if you have teenagers, especially they even go 5 seconds without taking a picture??? Hell, some of my adult friends can't go five seconds without taking a know who you are!! They do it so often so many hundreds, yes hundreds of times a day, that I'm hoping they didn't even think about taking pictures in the locker room.

Wait.....wait just a minute....didn't someone just recently post pictures of a local pool center...I will not stoop so low as to say way...and posted these pictures on a PUBLIC WEBSITE with thousands of members.  Oh...never couldn't identify their of their swim suits!!!  Isn't this the same concept...Yes, locker room vrs actual public place, but same concept. (yes illegal in locker room, not in public places)  Pictures were taken, without the subjects knowledge...subjects could not be identified, subjects were dressed.  Wait...I know the difference.  Someone posted those pictures on a public website.  No, not the locker room pictures, those were never shared, BUT THE POOL PICTURES.  You can block out a face but I can tell you that I would still be able to tell that it was my child and boy would I be mad!

 I think the biggest irony here, and those that know me, is how much I like to bitch and complain.  After all, my profile pic does say "BiteMe".   But there's a difference.  If I want to bitch about something, someone who has wronged me, some unfortunate circumstance, etc etc...I call a GF...I don't go on a public forum and whine!  And yes, I am bitching about bitching...I get it!

For the record...feel free to agree or disagree with me..I don't care...Tell me I'm wrong, Tell me I'm right.  Say nothing.  You wont hurt my feelings.  I am an adult, a big girl.  I can handle a discussion, I can handle someone not agreeing with my opinions.  But, I only request that you keep it adult.  Don't call me names.  Don't make it personal.  I haven't.

One more thing...Yes, I am an adult...and yes, I did apologize to my mother for swearing.  Um...she's my MOM!   You may get away with swearing in front of your mom, but I still don't!

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