Thursday, July 3, 2014


WTF People!

Since when to the rules of society only apply if you feel like it?  Or let me rephrase that.  The rules of society apply to everyone, unless you are really passionate about it...then SCREW THE RULES DO WHAT YOU WANT!

If you read my last blog post about the village meeting, you know what I'm talking about.  Basic rules are set for village meetings.  Sign in or raise your hand, wait your turn and you will be called on to be heard.  UNLESS YOUR REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT IT, THEN FEEL FREE TO YELL AND SCREAM AND STOP YOUR FEET!

People around you having a private conversation...wait you dont like that....then START SCREAMING AT COMPLETE STRANGERS, CALLING THEM NAMES, MAKING ACCUSATIONS!

Ask someone a question and they dont know the answer....PUBLICLY RIDICULE THEM, LAUGH OUT LOUD, LAUGH IN THEIR FACE!

I belong to a yard sale FB page.  Basic rules apply and the admin stays on top of things that shouldn't be posted there.  Hows it work?  You have to much stuff, You simply post a picture, where you located and price.  UNLESS YOUR REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT SOMETHING, THEN FEEL FREE TO SAY SCREW THE RULES AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS!

And you can probably get away with it if you simply say,but this is important information that needs to get out.  Oh....I'm sorry, I didn't realize that this was important information that had to get out...please by all means tell us all.   UMMMMMM....

There are a lot of topics out there that are important.  A lot of issues that people are passionate about.  Global Warming, Teen pregnancy, Sales at Target, child prostitution.  Just because you feel your issue is important doesn't mean that the rules no longer apply to you and you can do whatever the hell you want!

Grow the fuck (sorry mom, I'm really passionate about this) up!  We all learned the basic rules of communication, if not in the home, in grade school.  We all sat in a circle on the alphabet carpet and were taught how to wait our turns to speak.  How its not polite to shout over someone.  If Susie is talking and you found out its pudding day at snack, and your really really passionate about it, it doesn't give you the right to start shouting over her.  Course back in those day, you would be sent to sit in the corner!

We were all taught the same basic rules of communication...what to do and what not to do.  And for the most part, we probably applied them and still do apply them.  I mean, if you're out to eat in a restaurant and  a waiter trips and drops a tray of food, do you heckle and start laughing at them?

The rules apply all day and every day...They apply to you, and to me, and to the stranger sitting behind you, two seats over. 

There is a time and a place to speak passionately.  Find it, choose it and use it. 
Its not nice to shout over people, or at people, and its never polite to laugh at people. 

Look at it this way,  your at the bank, apply for a loan, bank dude asks you a question, you respond, I'm not sure, I have to check.  ( you dont want to give the bank dude the wrong information!) and he laughs in your face!  Would you be appalled????  Embarrassed?  Outraged????  I would...but guess what....people did this at a public forum!!!

In hindsight....I would have loved to jump up to my feet, careful not to drop a stitch, turn to those people and chastise them!  Be the teacher back in grade school,  remind them the rules, have them write 100 times, I will not laugh at people! 

Stand up to the bully who laughs at people, who yells at others from the back of the room, hiding...who threatens people.  Remind people of the basic rules, the rules we were all taught while sitting on the alphabet carpet many many many years ago.....


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