WTF People!
Since when to the rules of society only apply if you feel like it? Or let me rephrase that. The rules of society apply to everyone, unless you are really passionate about it...then SCREW THE RULES DO WHAT YOU WANT!
If you read my last blog post about the village meeting, you know what I'm talking about. Basic rules are set for village meetings. Sign in or raise your hand, wait your turn and you will be called on to be heard. UNLESS YOUR REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT IT, THEN FEEL FREE TO YELL AND SCREAM AND STOP YOUR FEET!
People around you having a private conversation...wait you dont like that....then START SCREAMING AT COMPLETE STRANGERS, CALLING THEM NAMES, MAKING ACCUSATIONS!
Ask someone a question and they dont know the answer....PUBLICLY RIDICULE THEM, LAUGH OUT LOUD, LAUGH IN THEIR FACE!
I belong to a yard sale FB page. Basic rules apply and the admin stays on top of things that shouldn't be posted there. Hows it work? You have to much stuff, You simply post a picture, where you located and price. UNLESS YOUR REALLY PASSIONATE ABOUT SOMETHING, THEN FEEL FREE TO SAY SCREW THE RULES AND POST YOUR THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS!
And you can probably get away with it if you simply say,but this is important information that needs to get out. Oh....I'm sorry, I didn't realize that this was important information that had to get out...please by all means tell us all. UMMMMMM....
There are a lot of topics out there that are important. A lot of issues that people are passionate about. Global Warming, Teen pregnancy, Sales at Target, child prostitution. Just because you feel your issue is important doesn't mean that the rules no longer apply to you and you can do whatever the hell you want!
Grow the fuck (sorry mom, I'm really passionate about this) up! We all learned the basic rules of communication, if not in the home, in grade school. We all sat in a circle on the alphabet carpet and were taught how to wait our turns to speak. How its not polite to shout over someone. If Susie is talking and you found out its pudding day at snack, and your really really passionate about it, it doesn't give you the right to start shouting over her. Course back in those day, you would be sent to sit in the corner!
We were all taught the same basic rules of communication...what to do and what not to do. And for the most part, we probably applied them and still do apply them. I mean, if you're out to eat in a restaurant and a waiter trips and drops a tray of food, do you heckle and start laughing at them?
The rules apply all day and every day...They apply to you, and to me, and to the stranger sitting behind you, two seats over.
There is a time and a place to speak passionately. Find it, choose it and use it.
Its not nice to shout over people, or at people, and its never polite to laugh at people.
Look at it this way, your at the bank, apply for a loan, bank dude asks you a question, you respond, I'm not sure, I have to check. ( you dont want to give the bank dude the wrong information!) and he laughs in your face! Would you be appalled???? Embarrassed? Outraged???? I would...but guess what....people did this at a public forum!!!
In hindsight....I would have loved to jump up to my feet, careful not to drop a stitch, turn to those people and chastise them! Be the teacher back in grade school, remind them the rules, have them write 100 times, I will not laugh at people!
Stand up to the bully who laughs at people, who yells at others from the back of the room, hiding...who threatens people. Remind people of the basic rules, the rules we were all taught while sitting on the alphabet carpet many many many years ago.....
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Tonights Village Meeting was....
an eye opener...and slightly scary.
The meeting was of course packed to the gills...and kudos to the people who behaved themselves.
It opened with the Mayor and his opening comments and went quickly downhill as people, two men in the back, one who runs the carymatters FB page and website, started shouting at the Mayor.
This continued throughout the meeting. The Mayor would answer a question someone at the podium would ask and people from the audience would then shout at him. If he didn't know the answer to a question, people would actually laugh at him! Really????? I bet these are the same people that in grade school, when someone got a mistake would shout out 'HA HA' I was quite embarrassed!
These meetings are a public forum. A chance to for the public to speak in an appropriate manner. Not to stand on the playground and shout at others. I understand that this is an emotional topic for some more than others...but please...lets maintain a bit dignity here! You are upset, I get it...then wait your turn and stand at the podium and say your peace. Don't hide in the back of a crowd and shout out. What do you think you will accomplish by doing this? If you want your word to be heard and to be taken seriously, then put on your big boy/girl pants and act like a grownup!
People who hide in the back of a crowd don't really want their opinions heard and taken seriously, they just want to make trouble. To coin a phrase, 'Shame on You'
Now some good points and questions were brought up during the meeting and officially I am still on the fence, although leaning towards the no side...Not because of some of the comments I heard tonight. Such as, I find beer bottles in my front yard, it must be from the apts. Or the police are always at the apts. Apts are the end of the world. But, because I do not think Cary would be getting enough yearly tax money from them and what happens when they flip ownership.
Really people!!! To the people who complain about beer bottles in their front yard and people who park on the sidewalks. People dont usually walk around with beer and drop it in your yard...its thrown from passing cars full of teenagers...and we try really hard not to park on the sidewalk, sorry.
So, the Mayor calls a 5 minute break. The very nice older woman next to me turns and starts asking me about what I was knitting. I begin to respond...only to be yelled at to be quiet as the man who runs CaryMatters decides to call everyone together to speak. Wait what??? I am explaining my knitting to a nice older woman and I'm yelled at to be quiet because some dude who was shouting at the Mayor at the start of the meeting and didn't have the cojones (I don't think mom knows the meaning to that word so I"m safe. LB, don't you dare tell her) to speak during the meeting decides he's important enough to make everyone in the room shut up and listen to him during a recess.
I politely inform the woman who yelled at me, that it is a recess and that I am talking knitting with the woman next to me. It goes down hill from there. She informs me that This Important Man was speaking and I needed to shut up. I informed her again that this was a recess and I could chit chat if I wanted to. It then started to travel a little faster downhill. As KLP came my defense or me to hers, I dont remember, It got a little confusing at this point, this woman yelled at KLP saying that we dont live in Cary, but she quickly amends the statement, pointing at me saying she knows I live in Cary but KLP doesn't. How stereo typical is that. I bet she thought KLP lived in harvest glen cause she's always put together, makeup on, matching....I'm wearing a ball cap, wish it was my bite me one, a shirt, no makeup and knitting. Then, this other woman starts to yell at me. To be honest, I am not quite sure what she was saying. She was large and had crooked teeth and scared the hell out of me! I just kept asking her why she was yelling at me, that I didn't even know her, why is she yelling at me. Big surprise, she never answered me.
I finished explaining the knitting pattern to the older woman, said goodnight to the Mayor and KLP and I escorted each other to our cars out of plain fear!
In a nutshell,
I think it was agreed upon by the trustees that even though its a 'done deal' its not a done deal. They can recall the vote and re vote. It has to pass or fail by a majority. If its a tie, then it reverts back to the previous vote...which is a pass.
My overall opinion of the meeting..I feel bad for the Mayor. He attempted to make an educated decision. Did his research, yes i believe him, why would I not...just because he's a politician? Hey folks, guess what...this is a part time job making peanuts. He's not in it to become President of the United States. What has he to gain by lying??? And I only call someone a liar if they have lied to me.....not just because of the field they are in...If I catch you lying to me, I will never trust you again, if you haven't lied to me, I believe you. Life is much more fun that way...less depressing.
He has done his best, he was laughed at, scorned, called names. Shame on all of you. I really wanted to stand up and ask the many people in this room voted in the last Mayoral election. Whether or not I agree or disagree with someones position on a topic, that does not give me the right to question their character, their morals and their beliefs. We disagree...he does not have ultimate say in this matter. He is the figure head. There were 3 other members of the board who voted yes...none of them were laughed at or called a liar.
To certain members of the Village of Cary
The meeting was of course packed to the gills...and kudos to the people who behaved themselves.
It opened with the Mayor and his opening comments and went quickly downhill as people, two men in the back, one who runs the carymatters FB page and website, started shouting at the Mayor.
This continued throughout the meeting. The Mayor would answer a question someone at the podium would ask and people from the audience would then shout at him. If he didn't know the answer to a question, people would actually laugh at him! Really????? I bet these are the same people that in grade school, when someone got a mistake would shout out 'HA HA' I was quite embarrassed!
These meetings are a public forum. A chance to for the public to speak in an appropriate manner. Not to stand on the playground and shout at others. I understand that this is an emotional topic for some more than others...but please...lets maintain a bit dignity here! You are upset, I get it...then wait your turn and stand at the podium and say your peace. Don't hide in the back of a crowd and shout out. What do you think you will accomplish by doing this? If you want your word to be heard and to be taken seriously, then put on your big boy/girl pants and act like a grownup!
People who hide in the back of a crowd don't really want their opinions heard and taken seriously, they just want to make trouble. To coin a phrase, 'Shame on You'
Now some good points and questions were brought up during the meeting and officially I am still on the fence, although leaning towards the no side...Not because of some of the comments I heard tonight. Such as, I find beer bottles in my front yard, it must be from the apts. Or the police are always at the apts. Apts are the end of the world. But, because I do not think Cary would be getting enough yearly tax money from them and what happens when they flip ownership.
Really people!!! To the people who complain about beer bottles in their front yard and people who park on the sidewalks. People dont usually walk around with beer and drop it in your yard...its thrown from passing cars full of teenagers...and we try really hard not to park on the sidewalk, sorry.
So, the Mayor calls a 5 minute break. The very nice older woman next to me turns and starts asking me about what I was knitting. I begin to respond...only to be yelled at to be quiet as the man who runs CaryMatters decides to call everyone together to speak. Wait what??? I am explaining my knitting to a nice older woman and I'm yelled at to be quiet because some dude who was shouting at the Mayor at the start of the meeting and didn't have the cojones (I don't think mom knows the meaning to that word so I"m safe. LB, don't you dare tell her) to speak during the meeting decides he's important enough to make everyone in the room shut up and listen to him during a recess.
I politely inform the woman who yelled at me, that it is a recess and that I am talking knitting with the woman next to me. It goes down hill from there. She informs me that This Important Man was speaking and I needed to shut up. I informed her again that this was a recess and I could chit chat if I wanted to. It then started to travel a little faster downhill. As KLP came my defense or me to hers, I dont remember, It got a little confusing at this point, this woman yelled at KLP saying that we dont live in Cary, but she quickly amends the statement, pointing at me saying she knows I live in Cary but KLP doesn't. How stereo typical is that. I bet she thought KLP lived in harvest glen cause she's always put together, makeup on, matching....I'm wearing a ball cap, wish it was my bite me one, a shirt, no makeup and knitting. Then, this other woman starts to yell at me. To be honest, I am not quite sure what she was saying. She was large and had crooked teeth and scared the hell out of me! I just kept asking her why she was yelling at me, that I didn't even know her, why is she yelling at me. Big surprise, she never answered me.
I finished explaining the knitting pattern to the older woman, said goodnight to the Mayor and KLP and I escorted each other to our cars out of plain fear!
In a nutshell,
I think it was agreed upon by the trustees that even though its a 'done deal' its not a done deal. They can recall the vote and re vote. It has to pass or fail by a majority. If its a tie, then it reverts back to the previous vote...which is a pass.
My overall opinion of the meeting..I feel bad for the Mayor. He attempted to make an educated decision. Did his research, yes i believe him, why would I not...just because he's a politician? Hey folks, guess what...this is a part time job making peanuts. He's not in it to become President of the United States. What has he to gain by lying??? And I only call someone a liar if they have lied to me.....not just because of the field they are in...If I catch you lying to me, I will never trust you again, if you haven't lied to me, I believe you. Life is much more fun that way...less depressing.
He has done his best, he was laughed at, scorned, called names. Shame on all of you. I really wanted to stand up and ask the many people in this room voted in the last Mayoral election. Whether or not I agree or disagree with someones position on a topic, that does not give me the right to question their character, their morals and their beliefs. We disagree...he does not have ultimate say in this matter. He is the figure head. There were 3 other members of the board who voted yes...none of them were laughed at or called a liar.
To certain members of the Village of Cary
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Your Period and You....
Sorry Dad...and Mom..and all of my male friends and relatives...Please feel free to ignore reading this one.
And to any I may offend by this first sentence....fell free to condemn me...its ok.
God is a MAN! No woman in the world would make us bleed once a month for 7, yes SEVEN, days and make it painful!
To the Men who say PMS is fake...GO TO HELL! Hmmm....I seem to be a little sensitive today.
I figure there are several stages to getting and having your period. At least there are for me.
This stage actually comes before the period. Remember the commercials she starred in, surrounded by starving children asking for our pledges to help feed them. She was like 300 lbs! I know...shame on me for judging...but didn't we all sit there and think to ourselves, 'Good Lord woman...share the food you are eating' Sally Struthers Stage, in two parts....Part 1; we consume everything in sight...we are not hungry...we just want food. Its usually food we don't normally eat too. Last month I ate 4, yes FOUR, cinnamon rolls! I dont even like cinnamon rolls! This was in one sitting! Not even over the course of an entire was maybe in like 15 minutes! Part 2; Sobbing over the children. Of course, it might not actually be starving children we sob over. It could be that snuggle fabric softener commercial with the cute little bear snuggling a blankey. WHAT??? There is no rhyme or reason...God forbid a video comes up of soldiers being reunited with their children after being deployed, or with their DOG!!!! That's sobbing while eating 4 cinnamon rolls!
Stage two: Incredible Hulk
This is one of my favorite and my kids/hubbies least favorite! Very mild mannered, very calm. Like eerie calm! Helping children with homework, settling squabbles....and then, with no warning whatsoever....THE INCREDIBLE HULK ERUPTS IN THE KITCHEN(thankfully not ripping off clothes, but by this time, you feel like he looks, everything bulging out of them). Eyes raise up towards the ceiling, arms flail and a howl that makes animals seek shelter, bursts from your lungs! Children freeze, hubbies cower, animals(cause they are the smartest) run and hide. The Incredible Hulk tends to slam things down, throw shoes up the stairs, throw books/backpacks anywhere. Although this stage only lasts a second or two, you are left standing alone in the kitchen...all living creatures have are panting, trying to slow down your breathing, trying to calm the anger within...Trying to find mild mannered mom again...But its to late, and you stumble away, alone...defeated
Stage three: Alice(Brady Bunch)
This is definitely my favorite stage. Its the clean every single nook and cranny of the house stage. Not the normal places of the house, not the areas we do every day anyway. Its the, time to clean the baseboards stage. or scrub the grout with a toothbrush stage. As kids, this was a scary stage for us..(SORRY MOM). We came home from school, and every item from under our bed was not on top of our bed. Our beds now stood 6 feet high. I can still remember walking to my bedroom and emitting a huge sigh....but recognizing the Alice stage and knowing how quickly it could turn into the Incredible Hulk stage, I shut up and cleaned! (ok, mom never actually turned into the Incredible Hulk. Honest!)
Stage four: The Odd Couple with me playing the role of Oscar
Remember this show? Felix was the one that demanded everything be neat and Oscar was the slob.
Stage 4 does not happen very often. Alice seems to show up more often than Oscar. But everyone once in a while, Oscar shows up and says screw it! Nothing gets done, nothing gets cleaned, picked up, washed, put away....dinner doesn't get made....Nothing happens...NOTHING! I do feel slightly guilty when Stage four does hit. Usually that means that when children get home from school, they are met by Stage Two the second they walk in the door. Hell, its not my mess. I am Felix! Oscar just shows up and says, I am no not cleaning up the dried cereal in the sink, or bringing kids laundry downstairs, or wiping toothpaste off the counters...Oscar waits for the unsuspecting children to come home and unleashes the Hulk.
Stage five: The super insecure, wife
He doesn't call during the day, does he still love me? He's 5 minutes late getting home, did he find someone else? He's one the phone laughing it up, He doesn't find me funny anymore? He gobbles dinner down and doesn't comment, He doesn't like my cooking? He doesn't ask about my day, He doesn't care anymore? I showered that day, He doesn't comment that I look pretty? Or whats even worse...Hi Honey, how was your day *muttering response* Like you care... Dinner was great *muttering response* It was fricking take out, you moron! Did you get a chance to pick up the dry cleaning? *muttering response* what am I, your fricking servant! Have you seen my (insert item name here) *muttering response* what am I, your fricking Mother! Worse yet!!! I Love you *muttering response* BITE...ME! This is the stage men fear the most. Nothing they say or do is right. They are in trouble just for existing. If they help, we think, what, you think I can't do it myself...and if they dont help, we think, you lazy fricking can do your own laundry from now on. If they dont tell us we are pretty, we think we are ugly...if they dont tell us they love us, they are tired of us, am I getting flabby? This is the most dangerous stage for any man.
After stage five, things start to calm down...All creatures come out from hiding, animals, children and husbands. A little meekly at first, timid, still slightly afraid...but they slowly emerge. And we, having shed our Sybil persona, act like nothing at all has happened. Life slowly returns back to normal...the birds begin to sing again, the sun shines, the air is is good....for about 21 days....then....SALLY STRUTHERS SHOWS UP AGAIN!!! WHO ATE ALL THE FRICKING CINNAMON ROLLLS!???!!!
And to any I may offend by this first sentence....fell free to condemn me...its ok.
God is a MAN! No woman in the world would make us bleed once a month for 7, yes SEVEN, days and make it painful!
To the Men who say PMS is fake...GO TO HELL! Hmmm....I seem to be a little sensitive today.
I figure there are several stages to getting and having your period. At least there are for me.
This stage actually comes before the period. Remember the commercials she starred in, surrounded by starving children asking for our pledges to help feed them. She was like 300 lbs! I know...shame on me for judging...but didn't we all sit there and think to ourselves, 'Good Lord woman...share the food you are eating' Sally Struthers Stage, in two parts....Part 1; we consume everything in sight...we are not hungry...we just want food. Its usually food we don't normally eat too. Last month I ate 4, yes FOUR, cinnamon rolls! I dont even like cinnamon rolls! This was in one sitting! Not even over the course of an entire was maybe in like 15 minutes! Part 2; Sobbing over the children. Of course, it might not actually be starving children we sob over. It could be that snuggle fabric softener commercial with the cute little bear snuggling a blankey. WHAT??? There is no rhyme or reason...God forbid a video comes up of soldiers being reunited with their children after being deployed, or with their DOG!!!! That's sobbing while eating 4 cinnamon rolls!
Stage two: Incredible Hulk
This is one of my favorite and my kids/hubbies least favorite! Very mild mannered, very calm. Like eerie calm! Helping children with homework, settling squabbles....and then, with no warning whatsoever....THE INCREDIBLE HULK ERUPTS IN THE KITCHEN(thankfully not ripping off clothes, but by this time, you feel like he looks, everything bulging out of them). Eyes raise up towards the ceiling, arms flail and a howl that makes animals seek shelter, bursts from your lungs! Children freeze, hubbies cower, animals(cause they are the smartest) run and hide. The Incredible Hulk tends to slam things down, throw shoes up the stairs, throw books/backpacks anywhere. Although this stage only lasts a second or two, you are left standing alone in the kitchen...all living creatures have are panting, trying to slow down your breathing, trying to calm the anger within...Trying to find mild mannered mom again...But its to late, and you stumble away, alone...defeated
Stage three: Alice(Brady Bunch)
This is definitely my favorite stage. Its the clean every single nook and cranny of the house stage. Not the normal places of the house, not the areas we do every day anyway. Its the, time to clean the baseboards stage. or scrub the grout with a toothbrush stage. As kids, this was a scary stage for us..(SORRY MOM). We came home from school, and every item from under our bed was not on top of our bed. Our beds now stood 6 feet high. I can still remember walking to my bedroom and emitting a huge sigh....but recognizing the Alice stage and knowing how quickly it could turn into the Incredible Hulk stage, I shut up and cleaned! (ok, mom never actually turned into the Incredible Hulk. Honest!)
Stage four: The Odd Couple with me playing the role of Oscar
Remember this show? Felix was the one that demanded everything be neat and Oscar was the slob.
Stage 4 does not happen very often. Alice seems to show up more often than Oscar. But everyone once in a while, Oscar shows up and says screw it! Nothing gets done, nothing gets cleaned, picked up, washed, put away....dinner doesn't get made....Nothing happens...NOTHING! I do feel slightly guilty when Stage four does hit. Usually that means that when children get home from school, they are met by Stage Two the second they walk in the door. Hell, its not my mess. I am Felix! Oscar just shows up and says, I am no not cleaning up the dried cereal in the sink, or bringing kids laundry downstairs, or wiping toothpaste off the counters...Oscar waits for the unsuspecting children to come home and unleashes the Hulk.
Stage five: The super insecure, wife
He doesn't call during the day, does he still love me? He's 5 minutes late getting home, did he find someone else? He's one the phone laughing it up, He doesn't find me funny anymore? He gobbles dinner down and doesn't comment, He doesn't like my cooking? He doesn't ask about my day, He doesn't care anymore? I showered that day, He doesn't comment that I look pretty? Or whats even worse...Hi Honey, how was your day *muttering response* Like you care... Dinner was great *muttering response* It was fricking take out, you moron! Did you get a chance to pick up the dry cleaning? *muttering response* what am I, your fricking servant! Have you seen my (insert item name here) *muttering response* what am I, your fricking Mother! Worse yet!!! I Love you *muttering response* BITE...ME! This is the stage men fear the most. Nothing they say or do is right. They are in trouble just for existing. If they help, we think, what, you think I can't do it myself...and if they dont help, we think, you lazy fricking can do your own laundry from now on. If they dont tell us we are pretty, we think we are ugly...if they dont tell us they love us, they are tired of us, am I getting flabby? This is the most dangerous stage for any man.
After stage five, things start to calm down...All creatures come out from hiding, animals, children and husbands. A little meekly at first, timid, still slightly afraid...but they slowly emerge. And we, having shed our Sybil persona, act like nothing at all has happened. Life slowly returns back to normal...the birds begin to sing again, the sun shines, the air is is good....for about 21 days....then....SALLY STRUTHERS SHOWS UP AGAIN!!! WHO ATE ALL THE FRICKING CINNAMON ROLLLS!???!!!
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