Friday, April 5, 2013

Squirrels, a shelf, and a nail gun

Today started out like any other day.  Running errands, I bought green plant finally!, and went and bought more wood for making box shelves.  It's my favorite things to build.  I buy 12' by 8" sheets of common wood.  Today it was three planks I got for 85% off cause they were slightly warped.  So I figured six shelves built for less than five bucks.  Great deal.  I already had the paint, so it was a no brainer.

So I get home, set up the sawhorses, and start out painting the wood white on one side.  Then I changed the laundry, watched a episode of bones and knitted while the white side dried.  Flipped them over, painted the other sides the different colors and waited again.  These are very simple shelves and the look pretty good too!

Now it's time for assembly.  Well first cutting them via circular saw and table saw.  Eye protection in place, ear protection in place.  Soon all wood cut and no fingers lost.

Now to put them together.  Easy peasy.  And they were looking great.  Now I am on my very last board to last box shelf...woohoo...I am ready to affix the last piece of wood....picture it...I'm kneeling in the garage, ready to put the last two pieces together....when two baby squirrels, very excited about spring having finally sprung, come tearing into the garage, running across the backs of my legs,  (I don't care who you are, that makes you jump), as I pull the trigger on the nail gun.  Yes, that's right, nail gun.  Needless to say, I nailed myself.  Right into my left hand...hitting the bone...blood everywhere.

Did you know that when you walk into the er and tell them you shot yourself with a nail gun, they move pretty quick? My sister laughed her head off at me and begged to be the one to tell my mom.  And I believe that I am officially and forever grounded from the garage.  But I at least put all of his tools back where I found them and cleaned the blood off of the new garage floor before I left!

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