Friday, May 27, 2011

Kinda fed up

The word, I Forgot, has been way overused in my house.  Along with the words, I'm Sorry!  I am a little fed up by it. 

I dont get to get away with saying I forgot, or i'm sorry.  God forbid if I forget to go to volunteer day at C3's school.  He comes home bawling making me feel horrible.  (He did save and bring me the two oreos that the moms' were given, then asked if he could eat them)
C2 guilts me into volunteering for her schools field days.  Lord knows that if I hadn't shown up for that, I would have listened to sobbing for hours. 

Last night, Hubby and I were both heading in opposite directions.  I asked C1 to remember to take the trash out to the curb before it got dark, and asked both C1 and C2 to make lunches for the next day.  I figured that at least one of them would remember to do it. 

I get home around 10:30 and am informed by hubby that he just had C1 take out the trash, (he forgot, sorry) and in the morning asked how come no one  made lunches like I asked (we forgot, sorry) 

I also had asked hubby to drive through walgreens for me.  (i forgot, sorry) and after C3's bb game, he forgot to remove the bat bag from the trunk which I need tonight before he gets home from work(i forgot, sorry) 

Now, annoyed at the kids yes, really ticked at hubby yes.  But, if I get mad at him and yell at him, ok not quite yell but you know what I mean, he will get annoyed at me.  Like its my fault he forgot! 

I am so annoyed right now!  BTW. My garbage cans are still out at the curb..C1 has not taken them in yet.  20 bucks says that when I remind him, he will I forgot, sorry

Oh..I think I wont cook dinner tonight...I'm just going to say, I forgot, sorry.

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