Tuesday, April 12, 2011

why do I knit?

Why do I knit?  Good question.  I am fully aware that I can buy socks in a 10 pack at Walmart for 6.99 rather than getting two pair for $20 at my local yarn store(I have expensive feet!)    I can buy a shawl with no holes in it from mistakes at Khols.  I can buy a Cardigan sweater that will actually fit my husband right.  Hats, I wouldn't care how many hats and mittens the kids lose if I bought them at the dollar store. 

But I thank my sister each and every day for teaching me the art of knitting!

Let me preference with this, I have no patience!  (my mom just fainted upon reading that)  I have never had patience.  Three kids and I still didn't have patience.  Life was hurry hurry hurry.  Hurry do laundry, Hurry do dishes, Hurry read a story, Hurry do homework, Hurry take a bath, hurry have sex, (hahaha, mom just fainted again), hurry go to school.  I never felt as though I had any time to relax.  Heck, who can relax with three kids!  Baseball, Softball, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Band, life!  I am always in  a hurry to try something new, to master something, to do something!  I cannot sit still!(hush mom!) 

So, during Christmas vacation a couple of years ago, (4 already?) my sisters family came to visit and she brought her knitting needles.  Hallelujah!*bowing down to my sister*  And a knitting fanatic was born! 

I go NOWHERE without my needles.  Dr's offices, of course!  who doesn't!  Baseball games  Yup!  Boring meetings!  GOD YES.  Er visits(three kids remember) YES, Family get togethers!  anyplace I am the passenger!  Oh yeah! At the roller rink while the kids skate, at the park! KIP! Heck, one time, while waiting for an ambulance for my daughter after she broke her leg at school, my GF grabbed my knitting bag for me! 

Anytime I have a spare moment, I Knit!  I learned to knit to learn patience.  Knitting a project is not an overnight event.  It takes weeks, or even months, and for some of us, years to finish a project.  Yes, I do find myself sometimes racing through a pair of socks, but only because I can, I still have to take my time a little bit or I wind up with holes.  Ok, yes, I did find a way to knit two at a time to save time...but on the upside...when I am kitting and a child comes up to me with a question, all I have to do is start counting out loud and they walk away!  SWEET!

My husband once asked me how much the yarn cost and how much I actually needed to have at one time.  I glanced up from my knitting (pretending to count doesn't work on him, he still wont go away) and patiently informed him that it was safer than drinking and cheaper than a therapist!  

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