Self entitlement just plain ole pisses me off.
C3 is playing baseball again. He is not the best player on the team, not the worst. He is just a player. He has fun, is supportive of his team and a general goof ball on the bench.
Now our team has players that are awesome, and ones that I am not sure that they have ever seen a baseball before. Such is life.
One player in general....Call him Bob, can't hit, cant catch, cant throw. My son has him one one level, he can throw.
Now there are three positions that must be good players...First, Catcher and Pitcher. They must be good players. That leaves 6 positions open...for 10 kids. Its kinda hard to get everyone equal playing time. Kids coming late, not able to attend, leaving early, etc etc.
Now Bob's parents had an ever loving fit tonight, during the game, that Bob had sat three innings. OH THE HUMANITY. The proceeded to storm to the dugout and yell at the coach, in front of the kids, bitching about how unfair it was that Bob was sitting again.
Seriously!! WTF people. With that, them bitching, C3 comes over to me, near tears because he is sitting for his third inning. He had a good day in the infield but lousy at bat. I proceeded to read him the riot act. Started with the whole, 'who do you think you are' line. I explained to him that the Coach is the boss and he makes the rules. If you disagree, you address it at a later time, not during the game! and in front of other people!
These parents are doing their child a great disservice. Life is not always fair...sometimes if just plain sucks. I told the boy on the way home that he is not a good player. He tries hard, he works hard, but he is not consistent. I was not criticizing and I told him that. It was a fact. If you are a good/great player, you get played. If you are inconsistent or suck, you get played the minimum. Yes everyone deserves the right to play, but for gods sake, us parents dont want to sit there forever! Its painful to watch balls missed, overthrow, kicked etc.
I informed the boy that sometimes life is not fair. Sometimes, life will kick you in the teeth and when you down, kick you again.
You have two choices when this happens. You can stand up, stand tall and carry on, work through the personal pain, put a smile on your face and keep being the cheerleader or you can curl up in a corner and sob about how life is so unfair. How far do you think you will get in life if you curl up in a corner and pout.
Oh, I guess there is a third can whine about how unfair life is and have mommy and daddy start yelling at people for you. Hey Mom and bout playing catch with your boy?
Sometimes you strike out and are benched, sometimes you hit the ball. How you deal with both situations shows the kind of spirit you have, the kind of person you are.
As a kid who is benched three innings and doesn't say anything to the coach but the parents do...loudly...what are you telling your kid. Being benched for 3 innings shows the kid that they suck...the kid knows it, the parents know it...but if you suck and yell loudly about it you will get results...
So don't practice with the boy, dont play catch, chase grounders, throw hundreds of pop ups...just bitch and have a temper tantrum cause your son sucks and its easier to blame someone else than yourself.