Its the beginning of what, the third week of school and you have already driving my house insane.
Perhaps you have never raised a 13 yr old daughter in you house. Let me explain to you what
First, last week, the world came to an end because we did not have any
loose leaf paper. Apparently, you do not accept spiral note book paper
for homework. I can understand not wanting all of those little bits of
paper that fall of from spiral pages. But for whatever reason, you
also don't accept the spiral pages that have the perforation so you can
tear them out neatly! AND YOU CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE! Perhaps you
have way to much time on your hands? I will be sending you the receipt
for $3.48 from CVS for a stupid package of loose leaf paper. Personal
checks will not be accepted, cash only.
Now, this evening, we had a crying fit because the printer was confused
and didn't want to print the page double sided. Once again, the world
will come to and end and C2 will be sent to the school firing squad if
she prints up two pages instead of double sided. I suggested that if we
can figure it out..lets print one right side up and the other upside
down because its STUPID! Guess how well that went over!!!
This is my dime there. Its my paper, my ink and my staple. GET OVER IT!
I have heard from LJ that her daughter went through the same hell with
the same teacher....Hey Teacher....I used to tell my kids that sometimes
you have to deal with assholes and you have to learn to live with it
and get over it and move on. I'm not a very confrontational person you
know...but lately....I will kick your ass and smile while I'm doing it!
So, Teacher...back off, cut it out! I am not enjoying the chaos you
have brought to my house because you are an anal retentive moron! Life
is short... Teach my child about your subject, but please stop imposing
stupid rules that ruin my evenings! This, once, mild mannered red head
used to be quiet one that sits backs and keeps her mouth shut...but
with recent events, I have learned you only have one life to live and I
am much quicker at brushing my bitch off and throwing it in your face!
If you have any questions, please ask C2 for my cell number. I would be
more than thrilled to meet with you to discuss these issues