According to all that we had been told by various health care organizations, we had 18 months of subsidized cobra.
A god send, dont get me wrong. We would not have been able to afford health care otherwise. It goes through Jan 31st. Then the price goes way up. Ok No problem. Being responsible people, we started looking for affordable health care in October. We couldn't apply for it until a month before ours was up, so we applied for it and saved the application for submittal. Personal health care is ok...Only about $100 more a month than we are paying now...oh does not include dental, vision or a drug card. If we wanted that, the cost of our monthly premium would be more than our MORTGAGE!
Oh wait. Just KIDDING! You owe us $2000.00 for the month of December or your health care will be canceled effective Nov 30th. Guess when we found this out....Last NIGHT!
Merry Fucking Christmas (yes I know, I just cussed the big cuss word and my mom just got really mad at me, but its very fitting right now)
Wait a minute...they cashed my Dec payment...they say they never got my dec payment, I have a copy from the bank showing they cashed my Dec payment which means I only owe them $1500 to keep my health care until January 7th when it goes away forever. (what 13 month extension, no one knows a damn thing about that)
We tried to talk to them about it, but we dont know the password on the account so they cant talk to us about it! WTF! Oh, they will mail it to us..Hopefully it will get here before they cancel our health care for lack of payment!
How can we make so much money but not be able to afford decent health care????? All three of my kids are on maintenance meds. One of them alone costs almost $200 a month without insurance. Which means, that under the new health care that is money out of my pocket..for one kid.
Not to mention that we have to meet the deductible with the new health care plan. So....I have to pay $3500 out of pocket before my insurance covers anything. Which of course means I think long and hard before I take a kid to the doctor because it comes out of my pocket. If its a tight week, I have to decide if K3's breathing is really as bad as I think or do I go grocery shopping.
Think back, to those of you that are my FB friends. K3 had a cut on his finger, small, which got infected. Under the new health care plan he would be dead right now. I would have opted not to take him to the DR because of the cost out of my pocket. Hindsight would have been everything since it turned out to be Burpa strep and he would have died as he is so little. His body wouldn't have been able to fight it off. This I know for a fact. I would have NOT taken him to the Doctor as it was a tiny infection and the cost would have been on my mind. I would have slapped some neosporin on it and a band aid and sent him to school. And would have been burying him three days later.
How is this happening. (dont get me wrong...there are people out there in much worse shape than we are...but I am entitled to BITCH so leave me alone.)
We make good money...we try to be responsible, we dont have fancy cars, a house we cannot afford, take ANY vacations. Now we cant afford to take care of the health of our family. I could just cry.
I have to find a Job. HOW? Yes, I know how, dont be stupid. But how can I work 8-5 when the kids have so many days off, when kid 2 wakes up with a fever and misses two days of school, then K1 gets it and misses 3 days and then Kid3 get its and misses a week. How do I pick up K1 from Band after school., or can he no longer do band because I cant afford health care? What about Girl Scouts.. Sorry K2, no more cause I can't pick you up afterwards. Why? because you might need antibiotics next week. YES, I KNOW OTHER PEOPLE DO IT!. I am bitching...leave me alone.
My husband makes enough money for me not to have to work...oh wait...He makes enough money for me to take care of my family and be there for them, but I have to get another job in order to take care of their health.
Health care should not be a PROFIT organization. People should not be profiting on the ills of others. We do it all the time and dont think about it until it happens to us.
I am just sicked by this...I am at a loss..I dont know what to do ..
Oh wait...yes I do...I will scrounge some of my spare change together and get a gift card for my neighbors. Their house was destroyed by fire yesterday.
We cannot afford health care right now...we cannot afford medicine, we work hard and save hard...we are in trouble, but my neighbors have lost everything they own...I will take some of my grocery money and give it to them...somehow we will get by...and we will help others, friends, family, neighbors, strangers. This is how it is supposed to work. (and it makes me feel better)