Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ranting and Raving.....

Dear Mr. Coleman and Dist 26 Board

You are going about this all wrong.  You are cutting the wrong things.  Like most politicians in Il, you dont know which way is up.

When my husband was laid off, we needed to make cutbacks.  We didn't cut back on the essentials like food, we cut back on things like the cell phones.

The dist is dying so you cut out the essential lifeblood rather than cutting out your cell phones. $3,000 a month on cell phones.  $36,000 a year on cell phones.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but dont you sit in an office, behind a desk, with a phone on it???  I mean really, even if you were to head out to a school, wouldn't it only take about 6 minutes to get there?  If you caught the light?  Why can't you use your own personal cell phone.  Incoming calls are free.  I'm pretty sure the world would not explode if you couldn't call someone for 6 or 7 minutes because you are heading out to another building.  Wouldn't that 36K hire a teachers aid?

Thrilled you took a pay freeze.  Congrats for you.  You do realize, that the school bus drivers took a pay CUT to help the dist and of course to save their jobs.  What if it was your job on the line.  Would you take pay cut then?  Do you even care?  You are not about helping the community.  Your actions, or should I say, your lack of action speaks volumes. 

Guess what Mr. Coleman.  I am NOT paying my school registration fees.   Want to know why.  Because you dont care about making an sacrifices yourself nor do most of the teachers.  You expect me to make the sacrifices.  You expect my children to sacrifice.    We are sacrificing enough.  I will not sacrifice my hard earned, hard saved, carefully budgeted and balanced cash to a group that spends it on their cell phones rather than their food.

Mr. and the dist and the teachers are the family in town that receive  on food stamps but drive a BMW.   

I have asked the dist what my money goes to.  Not my tax money, but the registration fees.  I was told towards things like;

  • Toner  (stop sending me so much damn stuff home, I dont read half of it anyway)
  • Classroom supplies ie., const paper ( then why did I just spend a fortune at Walmart today)
  • intramural sports/uniforms at the jr hi level (umm  then just what is an activity fee)
What is an activity fee?  Anything extra my kids do after school I have to pay for.
Technology fee?  Just what the heck is that.  Each school averages $25K for this.  What the hell are they buying.  Maybe they should buy some toner.
Alert fee.  Umm...I think we all have tv and most have internet, and most have radio.  I really really hate being woken up by you an hour before I have to get up to find out I dont have to get up.

one more thing.  The Illinois State Constitution  Article X Section 1...maybe you should read it some time.