Friday, April 23, 2010

My day so far...11:33amcst

Got kids up, fed breakfast, ate breakfast, cleaned my room,(yes, but I have to make my bed every morning)(mom just fell over in shock!)

Answered emails
updated fb
harvested my farm and produced ketchup and grapes(woohoo)
ran wash
loaded dishwasher and remembered to run
cleaned out fridge to make room for veggie trays
Dropped off twilight registration
Dollar store(c3 had saved his allowance)
Dry Cleaners
Came home(thought about but skipped McDonalds)
Fed c3
cleaned kitchen
folded and put away towels
scrubbed tub
cleaned mirror(how do they get it way up there)
cleaned front windows(damn doggie noses)
folded C2's clothes I started yesterday
remade my bed after c3 snugged in it when he woke up
boiled eggs for my egg salad
cleaned up after c3 lunch
talked to hubby(growl)

now typing blog.. It is now 11:38am cst.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A little guideance would be nice right about now

Ok...I need a parenting handbook here.

Normally, if you have question about parenting, you would simply ask your own parents. they went through it, and if you are a parent now, they must have done a good enough job to keep you out of jail and become a somewhat productive member of society.

However, this no longer applies. Why? Because we did not beg and plead for facebook or email accounts when we were kids.

When we were kids, mom would say, dont go in or around the grey house on the corner cause he's a bad guy or a dentist or something scary to a kid.

Now, with the advent of computers and facebook and email, we have to say, dont talk to strangers in your bedroom???

C1 wants a facebook. That is simple. Their rules state that you have to be 13 years of age. Now I know that most parents dont abide by that. How do I know, because most of C1's friends are on and they are not 13. But, I am standing by my guns and lordy do I hear about it.

Now, he wants an email account. Hmmmmm.....His cousin who is younger has one. Damn! I really dont have any good reason for him not having one. I just want to be able to see it, to view the incoming and outgoing messages. To protect him from outsiders and to make damn sure he does not do anything or send anything stupid.

Overall, I totally trust C1. He is a good kid. he is smart. but he is just that, a KID!

So, I need a parenting handbook. Do I let him, do I not, do I want to continue to hear about it. It would be useful. when I find cool things he would like it would be nice to email it to him. I love IM. I have im'd him from downstairs to remind him to take the garbage out and stuff like that!

Ok..I just realized that this is getting ridiculous! No more just knowing who your kid hangs out with and checking his backpack and pockets for stuff. Now I have to check his youtube account, and now his email?

What happens when the other kids are old enough for this?

I spend enough time on the computer just for my own stuff! (shoot, I have to go harvest my crops now)